Race et Révolution française. Race et Révolution française Organisation : Karine Rance (université de Clermont Auvergne) Eric Saunier (université du Havre) Vendredi 26 novembre 2021 de 17h à 21h Inscription pour y assister en personne (6 rue Thomas Mann, Paris 13e) Inscription pour y assister via Zoom La question de la race a été remise au cœur de la réflexion scientifique depuis plusieurs années.
Winthrop-King Institute for Contemporary French and Francophone Studies. Friday, April 2, 2021 Abstracts Johnhenry Gonzalez: ‘Hearing the Voice of the Early Haitian Subaltern: The 1825 Petition of Cupidon Guillotte and Jean Alix René’s Critique of the ‘Maroon Nation’ Thesis.’
-In defiance of many predictions to the contrary, new important records germane to the Haitian Revolution continue coming out of collections in Port-au-Prince. Acerap - Publications. Esclavages dans les Amériques à la période moderne. « Pratiques sociales de la racialisation, de l'altérisation et de la domination dans l'esclavage et le post-esclavage » Call for papers: Retailing and Distribution History. CHORD invites submissions for its 2021 on-line seminars: papers focusing on any aspect of retailing and / or distribution history and on any geographical area or period are welcome.
We invite both experienced and new speakers, including speakers without an institutional affiliation. Potential speakers are very welcome to discuss their ideas with the organiser before submission (please see details below). At Home in Empire: Colonial Experiences of Intimacy and Mobility. A one-day interdisciplinary conference to be held on Saturday 13th March 2021 Keynote Speaker - Dr Kate Smith (University of Birmingham) Call for Papers While we hope to hold this conference as a face-to-face event , At Home in Empire may need to be held virtually due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
We will keep you updated as developments take place. What did "home" look like to men, women and children from London to Kingston to Calcutta? In his 1997 article ‘Not at Home in Empire’, Ranajit Guha explored the 'uncanny' experience of empire for white officers in India, proposing that colonial life was one marred by a sense of anxiety.
Our core themes of intimacy and mobility are intended to centre the role of relationships, from the familial to the romantic, asking how transnational and interracial connections are woven into practices of homemaking. Sartorial Series. The Sartorial Society Series is a new digital seminar programme, which aims to showcase the most exciting and innovative research in the historical study of dress, fashion, and bodily adornment.
Each season of the series will consist of 6 online seminars, conducted fortnightly over an online platform. Our inaugural season of papers will launch in the Autumn semester (late September – early December). Institute of Historical Research. Launched at the IHR in summer 2017, the Food History Seminar provides an inclusive setting in which food historians, academics and experts working in related fields can come together to discuss their research.
We wish to encourage the participation of all researchers in the seminar, including established academics, independent scholars, museum professionals and postgraduates. We welcome papers covering topics across all historical periods and geographical locations. To better serve the historical community and distribute research on food history as widely as possible, nationally and internationally, we now live stream the seminars, which run every other Thursday, 5:30-7:30pm.
The seminars can be watched on our YouTube channel via our website: foodhistoryseminar.wordpress.com. Past seminars can also be viewed in the “Archives” section of our webpage. Appel à communications - Circulations, transferts et trajectoires aux Amériques, XVIe-XXIe siècles. GUHP Mentorship Program - Global Urban History Project. • Saturday, September 26, 2020-- Time TBA Open House for all three workshop participants (applicants, mentors, and moderators) The first event of the workshop series will be a virtual open house where participants from all three themes will have the chance to meet, introduce themselves and their work, and familiarize themselves with the goals and format of the workshop. • Saturday, October 10, 2020-- Time TBA Reading Discussion Participants of each workshop will meet through a separate video conference to discuss a common foundation reading, relevant to their theme.
Materializing Race: Objects & Identity. An “Unconference” on Objects and Identity in #VastEarlyAmerica In a commitment to fostering nuanced interpretations of early American objects and meaningful dialogue on historical constructions of race and their legacies, we propose a virtual “unconference” to share and discuss scholarship on the intersections of identity and material culture in #VastEarlyAmerica.
This closed session seeks to promote a diverse cross-section of scholarship energized by Dr. Les inscriptions spatiales de la réglementation des métiers – appel à communication – Les carnets du LaMOP. Texte de l’appel à communication : français / anglais.
À la suite des trois rencontres de 2017, 2018 et 2019, l’enquête sur Les formes de réglementation des métiers dans l’Europe médiévale et moderne se poursuit pour un quatrième et dernier colloque international sur la dimension spatiale des normes professionnelles. Si l’Europe au sens large a été choisie comme point de départ, des contributions pourront envisager l’apport d’autres aires culturelles ou d’expériences coloniales… Pour rappel, la réglementation est envisagée ici comme processus, depuis l’élaboration de règles jusqu’à leur mise en application, sans se limiter aux formes écrites et stabilisées des statuts, ni aux organisations de type corporatif : les ordonnances princières ou municipales, la jurisprudence ou les coutumes non-écrites peuvent faire partie de cet encadrement normatif des professions, de même que des groupements non institués peuvent se régler à travers la fabrication ou l’écoulement de tel ou tel produit.
Datini - ESTER Advanced Seminar 2020 - N.W. Posthumus Institute. The Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F.