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Books Online - New, Rare & Used Books - Movies & Music - Alibris Marketplace. Thinking in Systems ppt free download. Free Screen Sharing and Remote Access Solutions. Tools I use or am trying. What I would like to see from Microsoft regarding OSS – I had an awesome conversation on Monday with Glenn Block about Microsoft in regards to OSS, as a result Glenn asked me to write a post about what I would like to see Microsoft do.

What I would like to see from Microsoft regarding OSS –

To be clear, everyone has their own opinions about what Microsoft is doing with Open Source Software, whats working, whats not, that isn't the point of this post. This is about what I would like to see, and why. Promote itself with the community, not against it One of the things I think Microsoft does is promote itself against the community, it has opened sourced MVC and WebAPI, but people outside the community don't know about the alternatives.

I'm not suggesting that Microsoft actively promotes frameworks like FubuMVC, NancyFX, ServiceStack etc as their own, or in such a way that it overshadows their own stuff. Ideas. How to Build a QA Process in Two Minutes - Web Software QA. There are a variety of software development processes, opinions on the best way to build software, and differing points of view on how to even define both the different kinds and the various layers of software (social-enabled, web-enabled, client-server).

How to Build a QA Process in Two Minutes - Web Software QA

QA Managers, Project Managers, and Product organizations are faced with establishing and enforcing Quality guidelines to ensure they deliver a solid product. How do you build a QA process in the middle of all of this mess? There are many varieties of QA processes that a QA engineer or analyst can implement. Most of them fall into three general categories: Simple (linear – A therefore B) QA processes,Complex (non-linear – A and B and C therefore D and E and F if G or H or J) QA processes, andComplicated (A therefore B… most of the time) QA processes. You might be tempted to think that the small companies implement the simple processes, and larger companies put in more well-stocked solutions. 2 Minute Solution 2 Week Solution 2 Year Solution.

Video About Linux: 24*7 Training & e-Learning & mobile Learning. Jatome. Embroidery. CWE - 2011 CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Errors. Summary Discussion Salt might not be good for your diet, but it can be good for your password security. Instead of storing passwords in plain text, a common practice is to apply a one-way hash, which effectively randomizes the output and can make it more difficult if (or when?) Attackers gain access to your password database. Software Testing Fundamentals. Acceptance Testing Definition, Analogy, Method, Tasks, Details: Acceptance Testing is a level of the software testing process where a system is tested for acceptability.

Software Testing Fundamentals

The purpose of this test is to evaluate the system’s compliance with the business requirements and assess whether it is acceptable for delivery. During the process of manufacturing a ballpoint pen, the cap, the body, the tail and clip, the ink cartridge and the ballpoint are produced separately and unit tested separately. When two or more units are ready, they are assembled and Integration Testing is performed.

What is User Acceptance Testing? What is User Acceptance Testing?

What is User Acceptance Testing?

Introduction: This article attempts to explain the process of User Acceptance Testing. Once the application is ready to be released the crucial step is User Acceptance Testing. In this step a group representing a cross section of end users tests the application. 8 guidelines for usability testing. In professional web design circles, the usability testing session has become an essential component of any major project.

8 guidelines for usability testing

Similar to focus groups in brand development and product launches, usability testing offers a rare opportunity to receive feedback from the very people the website is aimed at - before it's too late to do anything about it. But how can you get the most from these usability testing sessions? 1. Choosing your subjects As with any market research project, the results will only be as good as the people you test. 2. As with everything in life, first impressions are vital. Provide clear instructions on how to get to the usability testing location, and if necessary meet the participants at local stations. Effective API development: How to create a beautiful Java API. How do you create a beautiful API?

Effective API development: How to create a beautiful Java API

Knowing that effective API development is as much an art as it is a science, TheServerSide posed this very question to MikeAmundsen (@mamund), the Principal API Architect at Layer 7 Technologies in Vancouver, British Columbia. The short answer? "Treat the API as a product. " If you're thinking of your application programming interface (API) as simply a mechanism for exposing the external classes and components that make your product or service work, you're approaching the task of building your APIs from completely the wrong angle. “Android Full Application Tutorial” series.

Lab 1 - Android App Course. Ensure the device is properly connected.

Lab 1 - Android App Course

Run the application as you would normally. The "Hello World! " app should start on the phone. 5. Simple Activity Classes There are four major types of component classes in any Android application: Activities: Much like a Form for a web page, activities display a user interface for the purpose of performing a single task. COMP 475 - Mobile Computing - Harding University. Java Essentials for Android by David Janzen.