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Seagull Steals Chips From Store! 20 (More) Strange and Exotic Endangered Species. The bladder-chewing guppy not enough for you? Can’t stop thinking about exploding ants, boyfriend-devouring she-monsters of the sea and blood-spurting lizards? Don’t worry – terrifying oneself is a common ailment of the intertubes. Unfortunately, there is no cure…but there is more to learn! Reader, prepare thyself. Your eyeballs are about to be flooded with some of the strangest, creepiest, crawliest endangered creatures on the planet. Mexican Walking Fish (Image via dillheady) The Mexican walking fish is on the verge of extinction. Goliath Bird Eating Spider (Image via cirrusimage) Only the biggest spider on earth, this plate-sized bird-gnawing beast actually prefers to feast on smaller fare, like bats, bugs, and annoying children.

Whistling Spider (Image via arachnoboards) Here, human human human human. Chinese Giant Salamander (Images via xinhuanet and ZSL) Something tells us these giant salamanders were never called for in any witch’s recipe. Lord Howe Island Stick Insect Weta Quacking Frog. Fox was living at top of tallest London skyscraper. A fox with a head for heights has been discovered living at the top of a 288m tall skyscraper at London Bridge. The animal, named Romeo by staff, was found 72 storeys off the ground in the UK's tallest skyscraper, the Shard. It's thought he got there by climbing 71 sets of stairs and a ladder and survived for two weeks by eating food left by builders. While the building is still under construction, the fantastic fox will have enjoyed sensational panoramic views of London before he was caught in a special cage. The fearless intruder has now been brought down to earth after being released back on to the streets of Bermondsey.

Romeo was given a check-up and feed at Riverside Animal Centre in Wallington before his release. A spokesperson for the centre said: "We explained to him that if foxes were meant to be 72 storeys off the ground, they would have evolved wings. " LINKSRiverside Animal Centre. Splashing dolphins lead owner to doberman stuck in canal | (NBC) -- A group of persistent dolphins are being credited with saving a dog that had run away on Florida's Marco Island. Cindy Burnett says her 11-year-old Doberman named Turbo disappeared late Sunday night after his gate was left open. That's when Burnett and her sons went looking for him. "I searched and searched and called his name. I drove through this street at least five or six times," she said.

Late Monday morning, Turbo was finally found. "He was shivering and a lot of distress," Burnett said. She says Turbo could have been in the canal water for 15 hours and it would have been longer if it weren't for a persistent splashing coming from the water. "The lady here who had gotten him out of the canal said, 'No, the dolphins were with him,'" Burnett explained. The dolphins got a neighbor's attention, alerting them to a stranded pooch in shallow water. "If he had to tread water all night long, I know he wouldn't have been able to," Burnett said. World's Smallest Aquarium With Fish.

Siberian craftsman Anatoly Konenko is responsible for the smallest aquarium in the world. A glass cube measuring 30 x 24 x 14 mm, filled with multicolor stones and sand, contains 10 ml of water for a tiny fish. It also have a little water purification filter to keep the water healthy for fish. Only baby fish can fit inside the tiny glass cube that is the world’s smallest aquarium.

Anatoly Konenko has been fiddling around with micro-miniatures for 30 years – he was the first such craftsman in Siberia. The world’s smallest aquarium isn’t Anatoly Konenko’s first record. Nevertheless, Anatoly Konenko has plenty more micro-masterpieces up his sleeve, including a violin for a grasshopper, a camel caravan that fits inside a needle ear, an alphabet inscribed on a hair, a zoo that balances on a dragonfly’s wing and the most stunning display of all: a model Eiffel tower that teeters on a mosquito’s antenna. Sokoblovsky Farms - Russia's Finest Purveyors of Miniature Lap Giraffes. Cloudscapes. かご猫 Blog. - Photos and Videos of Ligers and Tigons. The International Hedgehog Association. Glasswing butterfly. Best trees. "A tree is a wonderful living organism which gives shelter, food, warmth and protection to all living things. It even gives shade to those who wield an axe to cut it down" - Buddha.

There are probably hundreds of majestic and magnificent trees in the world - of these, some are particularly special: 10. Lone Cypress in Monterey (Image credit: bdinphoenix [flickr]) (Image credit: mikemac29 [flickr]) Buffeted by the cold Pacific Ocean wind, the scraggly Lone Cypress [wiki] (Cupressus macrocarpa) in Pebble Beach, Monterey Peninsula, California, isn't a particularly large tree. 9. As a hobby, bean farmer Axel Erlandson [wiki] shaped trees - he pruned, bent, and grafted trees into fantastic shapes and called them "Circus Trees. " Basket Tree (Image credit: jpeepz [flickr]) The two-legged tree (Image credit: Vladi22, Wikipedia) Ladder tree (Image credit: Arborsmith) Axel Erlandson underneath one of his arborsculpture (Image credit: Wilma Erlandson, Cabinet Magazine) 8. 7. Chandelier Tree. 6. 5. 4. 3.