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Uber Bar Tools

Uber Bar Tools innovative, high quality bar tools help mixologists create liquid experiences that are always memorable, consistent and profitably made

All you need to know about Liquor Pourers & Speed Pourers – Uber Bar Tools. 7 Bartender Tools & Kits to be Kept in Every Home & Commercial Bar – Uber Bar Tools. Essential Elements for the Home Bar - Überbartools™ Picture this, you’re in a fabulous new restaurant eagerly awaiting your twice-cooked lamb – it arrives and you immediately take your phone out and start snapping away.

Essential Elements for the Home Bar - Überbartools™

Your dinner’s going cold, and… dammit, you just realised you don’t have enough service post to Instagram. Noooo! First world problems, eh? Yep, everyone and his cat is a ‘foodie’ these days. Significance of the Liquor Pourers and Mixing Glass – Uber Bar Tools. Liquor Pourers and Mixing Glasses form a perfect bartending kit.

Significance of the Liquor Pourers and Mixing Glass – Uber Bar Tools

The cocktails or mocktails get a homogeneous mix in the mixing glass before being poured in the serving glass. An important maths lesson from behind the bar - Überbartools™ There are many things that equate to a profitably run bar – keeping stock audited; having an impactful bar design; efficient management, and pouring good drinks with speed and accuracy to name a few.

An important maths lesson from behind the bar - Überbartools™

The last of those is a key asset – and it ties in with the organisation of your bar space, your staff and your stock. If you can be speedy and accurate you have a happy customer, with a well-made drink, and a smile-inducing profit line. “We know, in a busy bar, on average, a bartender can generate $600 per hour in sales. If you break that down: $10 per minute or 17 cents per second!

So, every second is worth $0.17 in opportunity cost;” says Barmetrix. That’s some maths right there. Not convinced? For every one 30ml or 1oz shot you pour, you’re probably wasting 10-15% extra booze. Some Interesting Tips on Using the Mixing Glass for Bartending – Uber Bar Tools. A secret pervades in assigning the exquisite taste to the cocktails.

Some Interesting Tips on Using the Mixing Glass for Bartending – Uber Bar Tools

Can you guess the secret? The secret is nothing other than the aid of mixing glass. Get your bar out of a muddling mess - Überbartools™ If you've ever owned a wooden spoon (and let's face it, who hasn't?!)

Get your bar out of a muddling mess - Überbartools™

Then you'll know that wooden utensils aren't made to last a lifetime. All wooden items used either in a kitchen or bar are breeding grounds for bacteria retaining odours and residue from the last drink made. What's more, as wood is porous, it can be subject to cracking and structural weakness due to moisture, which isn't good news for bar tools, especially the muddler.

How the StrainRay got it's name - Überbartools™ If we asked you to tell us what marine life has in common with bar tools, you would probably think we had finally lost the plot!

How the StrainRay got it's name - Überbartools™

Yet it’s not as inconceivable as you might think. Did you know, manta rays strain the minuscule pieces of food from sea water, using a filter system in their mouth? "Manta rays appear to utilize a novel mechanism for filtering particles out of fluids. Their filtering apparatus has a special structure that causes plankton particles to ricochet off the filter and become concentrated in the mouth cavity", as Jim Strother, assistant professor of integrative biology in the OSU College of Science, told Science Daily. OK, so you're still wondering what this has to do with bar tools.

Inherent design flaws. SHAKE THAT THING : THE ART OF COCKTAIL SHAKING - Überbartools™ "Dear boss, I can’t make it in today.


I injured my shoulder in the bar last night … no, not from too much booze, from too much shaking! " You think we’re kidding, but for bartenders the risk of injury through repetitive shaking is as real as their sore back and aching feet. Detailed Principles Guiding On the Online Purchase of the Bartender Tools – Uber Bar Tools. Be it bourbon or a super mojito, a bramble or a vodka martini, or any enticing cocktails or refreshing liquors for the party tonight, preparation would never be fulfilled unless the bar consists of the right bartending equipment.

Detailed Principles Guiding On the Online Purchase of the Bartender Tools – Uber Bar Tools

The Eminent Four Tips and Tricks of Using a Speed Pourer – Uber Bar Tools. By definition, a speed pourer is noted as spout made out of stainless steel or plastic in order to enable a smooth and fast flow of the drink in an appropriate amount.

The Eminent Four Tips and Tricks of Using a Speed Pourer – Uber Bar Tools

The exact reason to use the speed pourer is to avoid the liquor spilling. Furthermore, the spouted device effectuates in regulating the speed for ensuring accurate measurements. Uber Bar Tools Brings Up a Remarkable Bartender Kit. Importance of keeping the bartender tools organized & arranged correct ways – Uber Bar Tools. Whether you are a professional expert in bartending or own a prestigious bar at home, the bartending equipment brings success to your activity of making wines and cocktails to serve to the guests.

Importance of keeping the bartender tools organized & arranged correct ways – Uber Bar Tools

Only a series of rich wine and syrup bottles along with a cupboard of fruits are insufficient if the “bierkeller” does not withhold the proper bartending equipment. Several bar equipment enables the bartender to make various experiments, create videos to upload in the social media channels and of course to serve the guests efficiently. Have yourself a happy little Christmas: A Bartender’s Guide to Survivi - Überbartools™ The countdown to Christmas is well and truly on. But, while everyone else seems to be in a mad dash of planning and partying, the race to New Year can feel more like a marathon than a sprint if you're a bartender.

It's tempting to get through the hard slog on a wave of booze, caffeine and sugar highs, which can leave you feeling like you ran an ironman, not just a marathon. But don't stress, we've gathered some top tips for surviving the silly season... 1. Snack right Shift work makes it so easy to slip into bad habits when it comes to fast food and sugary snacks. Removing the stress behind the bar: how to prevent injuries - Überbartools™ Think bartending isn't dangerous ? – think again! It isn’t all charm and chat behind the bar, in fact it’s actually a pretty hazardous place to work. When you think about it, being surrounded by glass, sharp implements and slippery liquids is an accident waiting to happen. And, if you ask a bartender, it very often does. For the not too squeamish amongst us, there are some real horror stories out there of bottles hitting heads and knocking bartenders out, entire shelves of booze collapsing and smashing to the floor, and even stirrer spoons puncturing all the way through a bartender’s hand, according to Difford's Guide.

But, putting the dramatic accidents aside, there are also some less exciting injuries that affect the health and safety of those working behind the bar. The Perils of Shaking We’ve talked before about the perils of shaking before, but it can reek havoc on a bartender's body. "For me, it's the shake. The key to big bar business? Thinking small - Überbartools™ How often do we hear the phrase ‘it’s the little things that matter’? Should a business owner, or a bar manager pay heed to this thought? Or should you be looking at the bigger picture? Perhaps, as the great writer and businessman Alvin Toffler put it: “You've got to think about big things while you're doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.” For hospitality giant, Rockpool Dining Group, this is definitely the case.

According to their CEO, Thomas Pash, it’s all about thinking small: “We remind ourselves each day to think small. We know as a small business ourselves, that with sustained growth, each day gets busier. How then do you focus your attention? It's practically a given that focussing on the customer and their experience is key in the hospitality industry. With hundreds of thousands of customers making their way through Rockpool's venues each year, it’s the guest and their individual experience which counts.

Some Crucial Guidelines on the Mixing Glass Usage – Uber Bar Tools. Effective Role of Liquor Pouring Techniques through Liquor Pourers. Importance of Bartender Tools & vitality of muddlers, citrus press & copper – Uber Bar Tools. Innovation in Your hands.