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Mind Tools - Management Training, Leadership Training and Career Training. The 21 Best Muscle Building Foods For Vegetarians Slideshow. 5 Leadership (and Life) Lessons You Learn From Your Kids. A few years back, we hosted a leadership conference that featured sports leaders - players and coaches, some of whom went on to top leadership positions in politics , business, and other fields.

5 Leadership (and Life) Lessons You Learn From Your Kids

I was surprised by how frequently they mentioned the role that their parents played in their development as top athletes and as leaders. But even more surprising were the lessons they learned from being parents - the lessons they learned from their kids! Here is a summary of behaviors that are used both by good parents, and the very best leaders. 1. You Are a Role Model (Watch what you say and do!). 2. 3. 4. 5. [Readers of this blog will note that much of the above is based on Transformational Leadership Theory .

Also, if you are interested in research on the early development of leadership, take a look at the recent special issue of the journal, The Leadership Quarterly . Simon Sinek en conférence TED donne un conseil qui transformera votre manière de communiquer. Voici une des meilleures vidéos sur la communication et le leadership issues des fameuses conférences TED . Simon Sinek auteur du livre « Start With Why » nous explique en quelques minutes le « Cercle d’or », un conseil simple à appliquer et extrêmement efficace qui bouscule les idées reçues sur notre manière de voir la communication et le leadership de ceux qui connaissent de grandes réussites. Sinek illustre sa présentation 4 exemples (Apple, Martin Luther King, les frères Wright et Tivo) qui au départ n’ont pas grand chose en commun avec brio et nous montre ce qui est essentiel pour avoir une communication inspirante .

Vous y apprendrez aussi la loi de diffusion de l’innovation avec l’exemple d’Apple. Vous avez trouvé cet article intéressant? Si vous avez apprécié cet article, c’est qu’il est peut être utile à vos amis et vos contacts sur les réseaux sociaux. Merci d’avance pour le partage et à la semaine prochaine pour un nouvel article. Named Suivre l’actualité du blog. Great Ideas! Peter Drucker's "The Five Most Important Questions Yo... Leader 101. Articles - Leadership. (Listed Alphabetically) The 10 Greatest CEOs of All Time What these extraordinary leaders can teach today's troubled executives.

Articles - Leadership

And the Walls Came Tumbling Down Leading Beyond the Walls, a book edited and produced by the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management and published by Jossey-Bass The most productive relationships are partnerships rooted in a freedom of choice vested in both parties to participate only in that which is mutually beneficial and uplifting. Building Companies to Last Inc. In a world of constant change, the fundamentals are more important than ever. Building Your Company's Vision (not available online) Harvard Business Review (with Jerry I. This HBR cover story explains how companies that enjoy enduring success have core values and a core purpose that remain fixed, while their business strategies and practices endlessly adapt to a changing world. Change Is Good—But First, Know What Should Never Change Directorship (with Jerry I.

Inc. This article is part of Inc.'