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The Ultimate Food Guide You’re Not Going To Use But You Feel Healthier Just B...

The Ultimate Food Guide You’re Not Going To Use But You Feel Healthier Just B...
TL ; DR – Bookmark and forget it 1 : This is how one serving of fruit really looks like 2 : 7 five-minute dinners nutritionists eat 3 : Hey , is this paleo ? 4 : This is how you check to see if your Avocado is ripe 5 : How to make the perfect smoothie 6 : Only three ingredients smoothie recipes – yummy 7 : The perfect salad ?? 8 : Learn how to make your tea just right 9 : Homedae soups for dummies – the easy fast way 10 : Wanna make a yummy salad dressing ? 11 : The ultimate healthy grocery list for one 12 : Learn to cook grains 13 : Learn how to portion like a chef 14 : add these 12 vegetarian proteins to your meals 15 : Did you know there are 56 different names for sugar ? 16 : What 200 calories of nuts look like 17 : Science says that romaine beats kale 18 : The definitive guide to homemade hummus 19 : Marinating times 20 : Healthy recipe substitutions for baking 21 : 30 mix and match salad combos 22 : Which Vitamin is good for what 23 : Know your super foods from A to Z Source: Imgur Related:  Food With Health Benefitsfood and drinkfood

27 Easy Ways To Eat Healthier | Crazy Food 27 Easy Ways To Eat Healthier Posted by admin on Apr 15, 2013 in Food & Health | 0 comments Don’t punish yourself with a cleanse or something equally awful. Just make real food better for you with these yummy substitutions. Here are the 27 most awesome ways to eat healthier.

How to Use Spices: Three Spice Guides Cook Smarts have produced a great series of infographics about how to use spices with a real mix of areas covered across three different infographics. The first is a simple breakdown of countries cuisine’s by the basic spices that make up their dishes, followed by a guide to flavouring foods with different spices. The final guide is very useful especially if you’re new to using fresh spices in the kitchen and want a simple reference point for how to use spices with certain ingredients. Enjoy and this video is perfect if you've ever wondered how hot spices actually make us feel heat on the tongue. 26 Foods You Should Learn To Cook In Your Twenties Dr Weil's Anti-Inflammatory Diet Food Pyramid HEALTHY SWEETS How much: Sparingly Healthy choices: Unsweetened dried fruit, dark chocolate, fruit sorbet Why: Dark chocolate provides polyphenols with antioxidant activity. Choose dark chocolate with at least 70 percent pure cocoa and have an ounce a few times a week. Fruit sorbet is a better option than other frozen desserts. RED WINE How much: Optional, no more than 1-2 glasses per day Healthy choices: Organic red wine Why: Red wine has beneficial antioxidant activity. Limit intake to no more than 1-2 servings per day. SUPPLEMENTS How much: Daily Healthy choices: High quality multivitamin/multimineral that includes key antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E, mixed carotenoids, and selenium); co-enzyme Q10; 2-3 grams of a molecularly distilled fish oil; 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 Why: Supplements help fill any gaps in your diet when you are unable to get your daily requirement of micronutrients. Additional Item:

27 Diagrams That Make Cooking So Much Easier Including easy ingredient substitutions, basic knife skills, meat marinating times, and more. Advertisement 1. For making your own vinaigrette. Which you should be doing, instead of buying the bottled stuff. 2. Pretty awesome. 4. Sure, you can just dump a bunch of spices into your stew and it’ll taste good. 5. It’s actually s(o)uper easy to make a healthy, warming winter meal. 6. 8. Why do math when this chart has all the answers? 9. © 2011 Yumi Sakugawa, as first published on Cast iron skillets are great for cooking because they’re good heat conductors, meaning they get super hot, stay super hot, and cook your food evenly. 10. Justine Zwiebel / BuzzFeed Good cooks know that sometimes it’s better to leave the hard work to a machine.Just make sure you’re using the right one. 12. It’s important to know the smoke point of the oil you’re cooking with so that you don’t set off your smoke alarm and ruin your food. . 13. 14. 15. A sharp knife is a cook’s most important tool.

xphobe 1. Cheesy Cauliflower Breadsticks Some genius did the obvious move and turned cauliflower pizza crust into cauliflower breadsticks. You know, like Papa John’s but… not. 2. I mean, the “everything” overpowers the “bagel” either way. 3. White potatoes, you’ve officially been replaced. 4. All I see here is so much cheese. 5. Faster than ordering Seamless. 6. Doesn’t have the same ring as “tater tots,” but I’m willing to overlook that. 7. Recipe here. 8. OMFG. 9. These are truly something else. 10. 11. Same deal as the cauliflower rice, but calling it cous cous makes it taste more Mediterranean. 12. Cauliflower also cooks faster than potatoes. 13. Utensils necessary, but that’s a small price to pay for a low-carb pizza option. 14. 15. 16. Who wants to come over for taco night? 17. These are a swap for what, exactly? 18. It’s really all about the cheese anyway. 19. This is either the best low-carb recipe ever written or, in the wise words of TSwift, “a nightmare dressed like a daydream.” 20.

IMMEDIATELY IMPROVE BRAIN FUNCTION BY TAKING 2.7 TABLESPOONS OF COCONUT OIL. HERE’S HOW Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), the primary type of fat found within coconut oil, have been found to boost cognitive performance in older adults suffering from memory disorders as serious as Alzheimer’s — and not after months or even days of treatment, but after a single 40 ml dose! A groundbreaking 2004 study published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging found that the administration of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), the primary fat type found in coconut oil, almost immediately improved cognitive function in older adults with memory disorders. The study involved 20 subjects with Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment who, on separate days, were given either emulsified MCTs or a placebo. The details of the study procedure was described as follows: The study was conducted with a double-blind placebo controlled design with two study visits. How Medium Chain Triglycerides Work MCTs are not like most fats we consume. What is the best way to take MCTs?

10 Things You Should Know About Cucumbers Well, we know who has replaced Panacea, Greek goddess of universal remedy: the cucumber. They’re delicious, yes, but cucumbers are so much more than just taste. Here are ten things that the supernatural cucumber does. 1. Is there more to cucumbers than just water? Cucumbers also contain Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, Folic Acid, Calcium, Vitamin C, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Zinc. 2. Cut up a cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water. 3. We’ve all been in your shoes. 4. Stay away from coffee and other caffeinated drinks and eat a cucumber instead. 5. All you need is a slice of a cucumber to get rid of any tarnish or built-up residue. 6. Have no fear, the cucumber is here. 7. Try snacking on some cucumbers. 8. Rub a cucumber slice along the mirror. 9. Ask your waiter (or come prepared) for (with) some sliced cucumbers. 10. The saying comes from the cucumber’s ability to cool the temperature of the blood. Never take a cucumber for granted again. Like this? Love cucumbers?

Cheesy Chicken Bacon Broccoli and Rice You guys may have seen me Instagram about this one a few weeks ago, and I am back now to share the recipe! And oh gosh, you guys. This is a good one. This hearty one-dish skillet dinner will warm you right up on a cold winter’s night. Here’s what you’ll need: Bacon — I chose to go with Turkey bacon this time. Get started by dicing the bacon. Add the bacon to a very large skillet or dutch oven and turn the heat to medium-high. Meanwhile, dice the chicken into bite-sized pieces. Don’t let this happen to you. NOTE: Now would be a good time to start the rice. When the bacon is crisp, use a slotted spoon to remove to a plate. Since I used turkey bacon, I didn’t have enough grease left in the pan to cook the chicken, so I added a little butter and olive oil, just enough to coat the bottom of the pan. Add the chicken in a single layer and cook on one side for two and a half minutes. Flip the chicken to the other side (as best you can) and cook for another two and half minutes. Easy. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Warnings and Precautions About Black Seeds Black Seed, also known as Nigella Sativa and black cumin, has been called the "Blessed Seed" for its miraculous curing ability. The black seed has been called the greatest healing herb of all times by many doctors as it heals all diseases including cancers, diabetes, immune problems, eliminating the flu and colds, acne, muscular dystrophy, back aches, skin and stomach disorders and it increases longevity. As with the flu remedy, the recommended dosage includes the use of garlic and olive leaf. The oils are concentrated and more and more people prefer the convenience of the oils, but they must be taken differently than the seeds. Side Effects of Black Seeds There are no known side effects of this miraculous herb, but it is better to take caution here. Warnings of Black Seeds Never take the oil on a full stomach. If taking the seeds, they must be heated. How to Heat the Seeds Place one fourth of the seeds in a skillet on low heat. How to Mix the Seeds with the Honey
