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Ez3kiel - Site officiel du groupe Nam June Paik Studios This catalogue offers a set of exploratory observations. By clustering Paik's seminal artworks around key concepts and issues that define Paik's career and achievements, I hope to suggest the depth and complexity of his aesthetic project as he has sustained it.4 In addition, I have placed selections of Paik's writings throughout the catalogue to help illustrate these observations. The design of the catalogue, by J. On the rotunda floor, the artist has arranged one hundred television sets and monitors to distribute a pulsing display of his video imagery on multiple channels. Garden (1974), Moon Is the Oldest TV (1965), and Video Fish (1975), which have been reconfigured by Paik to suit the unique exhibition spaces they occupy.

BD Gest' - Le portail BD de référence >| Dekalko studio |< Jarring Effects - label indépendant Dictionnaire critique des arts numériques. AADN. Acconci. Acevedo. Annunziato. Arte Generativo. AADN, une structure associative et coopérative mettant les arts numériques entre les mains de tous les volontaires. Ici à Lyon en 2012. The development of this page in French has stopped on 6/1/2012. AADN. Aaron. Abad Donald. L'art numérique dans la rue : Le tripoteur d'AADN à Lyon Abel Robert. Abendroth Manuel . AB Prod . Abrahams Annie. Annie Abrahams : " She constructs forms of collective writings on the net and reconstructs them into offline perceptions, which leads to creations of net-operas and other web based interventions." > Je suis seul (1998), utilise un jeu de fenêtres pop-up qui s’ouvrent et se ferment pour donner, sur le mode de la conversation, les différentes répliques qui constituent le poème. [ Bootz]. Abreu Ivan "Son travail combine art, design et technologies. Acconci travaille sur l'espace, les espaces - Essentiellement un passionné de techniques, avec souvent une bonne dose d'humour. Abrigeon Julien d' > Le bruit (2000). Accen. - Le site est construit avec puissance.

Savoirs en multimédia French Digital Artist -
