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7 Ways Students Use Diigo To Do Research and Collaborative Project Work

7 Ways Students Use Diigo To Do Research and Collaborative Project Work
January 14, 2015 Diigo is an excellent social bookmarking tool that enable you to save, annotate, and share bookmarks. The power of Diigo lies in the distinctive features that it offers to teachers and educators. There is a special account for K-12 and higher-ed educators that empower registered teachers with a variety of tools and features. Here are some of the ways they can use Diigo group to conduct research in and out of class: Here are some very good video tutorials and screencasts to help you better use Diigo: 1- How to Create a Diigo group for your class by Mark Barnes 2- How to use Diigo to annotate, organize and research 3- How to autopost Diigo bookmarks to your class blog by Cool Cat Teacher 4- Explore social bookmarking with Diigo by Lynda 5- Organize your research with Diigo by Cult of Pedagogy Here some other relevant resources to learn more about how to use Diigo with your students: Related:  Research Help

quick_start_guide [Zotero Documentation] Translations of this page: Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources. Read on for an overview of Zotero's features and capabilities. How do I install Zotero? How do I open Zotero? Zotero can be opened from your operating system's dock or file manager like any other program. What does Zotero do? Zotero is, at the most basic level, a reference manager. What kind of items are there? Every item contains different metadata, depending on what type it is. What can I do with items? Items appear in Zotero's center pane. Collections The left pane includes My Library, which contains all the items in your library. above the left pane to create a new collection, a folder into which items relating to a specific project or topic can be placed. Items can be assigned tags. Searches Quick searches show items whose metadata, tags, or fulltext content match the search terms and are performed from the Zotero toolbar. Saved Searches Attachments

5 Ways To Use Word Clouds In The Classroom Photo Courtesy of flickr and Sue Waters The popularity of word clouds remains pretty constant in education, and it’s not difficult to see why. They’re a great way for students to distil and summarize information. They help students get to the crux of an issue, sorting through important ideas and concepts quickly in order to see what’s important. And “see” is the operative word here, because word clouds are certainly nice to look at. They speak fantastically to humans’ affinity for the visual, and are particularly useful for visual learners. However, it’s important to remember that the process of creating word clouds is just as important as the resulting resources. How to Use Word Clouds with Students Far from just an assessment tool, creating word clouds can be useful in promoting critical thinking, relationship building, and even as a great kick-starter. 1. As educators, we’re well aware that words are the building blocks of comprehension and cognition. 2. 3. 4. 5. What’s Next?

You Can Now Create Educational Games for Students on Android December, 2014 The popular iPad game developer app TinyTap is now available on Android. TinyTap is a very good app for creating educational games based on pictures. You can either upload your pictures or grab new ones to use in your games. To create your own game. Lautapeli päihittää luentokurssit – Politiikan opiskelijat syventyivät diplomatian koukeroihin pelaamalla Valtio-opin luentosali Turun yliopiston vanhalla kasarmialueella täyttyy jo ennen kurssin alkamista. Puheensorina käy kiivaana, sillä kansainvälisen diplomatian kurssiin kuuluva Diplomacy-peli vaatii jatkuvaa neuvottelua ja yhteydenpitoa. Kolmannen vuoden opiskelija Jerkko Holmi on yksi äänekkäimmistä. – Kyllä tämä on ollut aivan huippua, olen nauttinut suuresti. Peli ei luentojen tapaan pääty ovesta ulos astuessa vaan jatkuu tuolla ulkopuolella jopa enemmän kuin täällä luokassa. Peli konkretisoi käsitteet Yliopistonlehtori Mikael Mattlin haaveili pitkään pelin käyttämisestä opetuksessa. – Uskoin, että tällainen peli tuo peruskäsitteitä konkreettisemmiksi ja havainnollistaa hyvin sen, mikä niissä on hankalaa. Kansainvälisen politiikan koukerot harvoin saadaan konkretisoitumaan yhtä tehokkaasti kuin tällä tavalla. – Ihmiset tulevat paikalle, ovat lukeneet materiaalit ja osallistuvat hyvin aktiivisesti keskusteluun, mikä on suomalaisessa yliopistossa ollut usein hankalaa.

Google Web - A Scholar's Guide to Google Advanced SearchingTips on conducting advanced web searches using Google, including using operators not readily available from the Advanced Search Page. Google users can conduct advanced searches in two ways: 1. By using the search engine's dedicated Advanced Search page 2. By integrating Advanced Search Operators into their search. Advanced Search Page Google's Advanced Search screen (shown below) allows researchers an easy way to refine a query by filling in special fields or using a series of pull-down menus. Google also allows users to automatically filter explicit sexual content from their results list by using SafeSearch Filtering. Alternate Query Types Some special queries NOT readily available through the Advanced Search Page are listed below. cache: The query [cache:] will show the version of the web page that Google has in its cache. For instance, the search above will show Google's cache of Harvard's main homepage. is the same as 1. 2. 3. Google searches are not case sensitive. 4.

16 Websites to Teach and Learn Vocabulary There are now several web tools that are really great in teaching vocabulary and that you can use with your students in the classroom. We have curated a list a list of some of the best web tools to teach vocabulary. Check them down below. 1- This is a website that will hep students master the vocabulary essential to their academic success. 2- BBC Learning English In this section, learns will have access to a plethora of vocabulary act ivies and tasks great for classroom inclusion. 3- Confusing Words Confusing Words is a collection of 3210 words that are troublesome to readers and writers. 4- Just The Word Just The Word is a cool website that helps students make informed decisions as to the right word selection to use in their writing 5-Lexipedia Lexipedia is an online visual semantic network with dictionary and thesaurus reference functionality 6- Wordnik Wordnik shows definitions from multiple sources, so you can see as many different takes on a word's meaning as possible.

The Student Side of Making Editor's Note: Lisa Yokana, an educator, artist, and curriculum designer, co-authored this post. What do a jacket, a set of paintings, a wood sculpture, and a series of photos have to do with a student's success in life? Maybe everything. That's because making these pieces requires skills for modern learners -- namely, critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, innovation, and persistence. How to get them? But well-made and well-designed jackets, wood sculptures, paintings, and photos don't just happen. Learning Through Making Photo Credit: Gayle Allen Robert, like many of his high school peers, participated in a six-week capstone project that he designed. Not long into his work, he grew frustrated and angry. Robert was about to find out why the process of making is so valuable. Getting Unstuck Because he couldn't default to one right or wrong answer for his project, Robert had to grapple with the uncertainty of making. Making for Life

Sosiaalisen median opetuskäytön suositukset Sosiaalinen media on lyhyessä ajassa tullut merkittäväksi osaksi yhteiskuntaa. Se tuo jokaiselle mahdollisuuden vaikuttaa ja oppia aktiivisesti osallistuen ja yhdessä työskennellen. Sosiaalisen median opetuskäytön linjausten tavoitteena on edistää sellaisten toimintatapojen muotoutumista, jotka luovat kaikille oppijoille tasavertaiset mahdollisuudet oppia hyödyntämään sosiaalista mediaa osana mediataitoja ja ymmärtämään sosiaalisen median roolia yhteiskunnassa. Sosiaalisen median opetuskäytön suositukset jakaantuvat kahteen osaan. Ensimmäisessä osassa tarkastellaan sosiaalisen median käyttölinjauksia osana tietostrategiaa. Sosiaalisen median opetuskäytön suositukset (pdf) Materiaalit ja julkaisut

10 Great Search Engines for History Teachers Use the LUNA Browser to check out David Rumsey’s Map Collection with more than 30,000 images, searchable by keyword. Find excellent sources for women’s history with the Genesis dataset and extensive list of web resources. Get access to historical military records through Fold3, the web’s premier collection of original military records and memorials. Use the Internet Modern History Sourcebook to find thousands of sources in modern history. Browse and search to find full texts, multimedia, and more. Use the history guide from the Library of Anglo-American Culture and History for a subject catalog of recommended websites for historians, with about 11,000 to choose from. History Buff offers an online newspaper archive, reference library, and even a historical panoramas section in their free primary source material collection. University of Houston’s Digital History database offers a wealth of links to textbook, primary sources, and educational materials in digital history.

20 Ways Teachers Can Use Edmodo In this post, I am sharing with you some interesting resources created by the folks in Edmodo to help teachers worldwide better leverage the educational potential of Edomodo in their classrooms. The first part includes some interactive free PDF guides available for free download. These guides include illustrations, tips. ideas, and several links. In the second part of this post, I am sharing with you a post first published in Edmodo blog featuring 20 ways Teachers can use Edmodo. Check out the PDF guides: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
