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A Colossal Dilemma Within Science & Religion

A Colossal Dilemma Within Science & Religion
Christina Sarich, In5D GuestWaking Times “The Destiny of Man is to unite, not to divide. If you keep on dividing you end up as a collection of monkeys throwing nuts at each other out of separate trees.” ~ T.H. White Let me assure you – I do believe in God. Religion is nothing more than a human construct to try to explain the unexplainable. Our religions institutions are now (and have been) used by the crumbling powers-that-be to divide us. Then – there’s science. “Questioning is the most important aspect of science, and that is a direct threat to authority, and ironically scientists and the science institutions have become authorities and churches. This ‘scientific’ paradigm is not meant to heal humanity, it is meant to keep it sick. “Every year, nearly $100 billion is invested in biomedical research in the US, all of it aimed at teasing apart the invisible bits of the body. Darwinian, Newtonian science has kept us locked in one room, and religious wars have kept us locked in another.

Shadow of the Shaman: 5 Reasons Being a Shaman Sucks (is Awesome) Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff WriterWaking Times “It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one’s steps to the upper air — there’s the rub, the task.” –Virgil Ghost talker? Vision poet? Although it’s a deeply powerful form of spirituality, it should not be taken lightly; or if it is taken lightly, it should be taken with a wholesome helping of “humble pie” along with a healthy side of “a humor of the most high.” 1.) “What is it we are questing for? Shamanism grabs your Destiny by the throat and does not let go. Their shunning is a double edged sword: you will be dubbed crazy, insane, and eccentric on the one side, and arrogant, conceited, and even selfish on the other side. 2.) “If you love and have desires, let these be your desires: To know the pain of too much tenderness; to be wounded by your own understanding of love; and to bleed willingly and joyfully.” Love itself is the seer’s tool, the shaman’s soulcraft.

Why Atheists Don't Really Exist Confirmation bias is the tendency to ascribe greater significance to information which supports our pre-existing theories and lesser significance to information which contradicts those theories. We often do this subconsciously. For example you get a new car, and suddenly you notice that type of car on the road with a much greater frequency than you had noticed before. But though confirmation bias generally refers to the inclusion or exclusion of data, there are other ways we can shoehorn the obvious to make it fit within our world view. Last month in The Atlantic, Matthew Hutson wrote a fascinating article titled: “The Science of Superstition: No One Is Immune to Magical Thinking.” Of course modern theories about the evolution of plants and animals posit that the capacity of plants to produce oxygen is merely an accident that just so happens to facilitate the breathing of animals. Skeptics call this patternicity, or projecting pattern where there is none. Fr. When C.S.

The Divine Template | Waking The Infinite Residing within you is a divine template. It exists all through you and will reach all the way down into each and every atom of your body. This template exists within everything and is the very thing that causes things to be, to become, to manifest. This is what is behind why people who awaken often (although not always) go through a stage where they can’t watch commercial television or radio. More later….it is now off to work. Like this: Like Loading...

Lo chiamano "Il Muscolo dell'Anima". Ecco perché allenarlo aumenterà la tua e... Tutti noi conosciamo le funzionalità dei muscoli principali del nostro corpo, ma in pochi conoscono l’importanza del muscolo Psoas (muscolo ileopsoas). Questo muscolo serve per la stabilizzazione del nostro corpo ed è fondamentale per il nostro equilibrio strutturale. Lo psoas è l’unico muscolo che collega le gambe alla colonna vertebrale, quindi dal suo buon funzionamento dipende la nostra andatura, una corretta postura della colonna vertebrale e non solo… Perché lo Psoas è uno dei muscoli più importanti del nostro corpo? Dei recenti studi sostengono che lo psoas è strettamente collegato alle nostre emozioni, poiché messaggero primario del sistema nervoso centrale. Che relazione c’è tra lo stress e il muscolo Psoas? Uno stile di vita frenetico e stressante libera elevate quantità di adrenalina nel nostro corpo mantenendo in tensione costante lo psoas (il corpo si prepara a correre). La nostra parte istintiva lavora allo stesso identico modo: Uno psoas libero dalle tensioni garantisce:

20 History Questions They Refuse To Answer In School Traditional educational systems basically teach us that the history of man only dates back to about 8,000 years ago while religious texts date mankind to approximately 6,000 years ago. It is more than obvious that there a massive push to occlude our true history and origins. While you may not agree with some of the questions, please try to view them with an open mind. As you’ll see, the history we have been taught has been manipulated and obscured from us. Ask yourself (or others) the following questions and feel free to comment at the end of the article! A map drawn on a gazelle skin of an unfrozen Antarctica was found in 1929. 1. The last time Antarctica was not frozen was at least 4,000 BC, so… 2. A tiny figurine made of baked-clay (right) was brought up in amongst the debris churned out by a huge drill bit during the drilling of a well in Nampa Idaho in 1889. 3. 4. According to Darwinism, man evolved from ape. 5. 6. In Ecuador, one large Jade cup and 12 smaller Jade cups were found. 7.

tic-nervosi Questo sito nasce dalla volontà di un gruppo di docenti di trovare, creare e condividere materiale didattico interattivo che possa essere utile a tutti gli alunni con Bisogni Educativi Speciali. L'idea di base è che gli strumenti multimediali rappresentano una modalità di apprendimento interattivo e motivante attraverso cui si possono potenziare i punti di forza e contrastare quelli di criticità degli alunni con BES, facilitando il raggiungimento degli obiettivi stabiliti. Le TIC, grazie alla loro varietà e grande fruibilità, possono avere ricadute didattico-educative positive su tutta la classe, non solo sugli alunni con BES. Lo scopo dei creatori del sito è dunque mettere a disposizione dei materiali utili, interessanti e motivanti; questo spazio potrà essere arricchito dalla partecipazione di altri docenti che potranno inviare i loro learning objects alle nostre caselle di posta elettronica, reperibili nella sezione CHI SIAMO.

Stanford Scientists Observe Man Travel Out of His Body and Into Space – What He Saw Was Remarkable NASA’s Pioneer 10 spacecraft was launched into space in 1972. It was the the very first spacecraft to fly directly through the asteroid belt and make observations of the biggest planet in our solar system, Jupiter. It was also able to obtain closeup images of the planet, something that scientists had never had access to before. (1) Prior to the flyby of Jupiter by Pioneer 10, the CIA and NSA, in conjunction with Stanford University, were involved in what was called “Remote Viewing.” A gentlemen by the name of Ingo Swann was able to successfully describe and view a ring around Jupiter, a ring that scientists had no idea existed. The successful viewing of the ring by Ingo came after scientists observed him identify physical objects in hidden envelopes that were placed a few hundred kilometers away. “Successful replication of this type of remote viewing in independent laboratories has yielded considerable scientific evidence for the reality of the [remote viewing] phenomenon. Sources:

Natural Workouts: Wild Workouts with the World’s Fittest Man Erwan Le Corre, a French-born free diver, ultra runner, rock climber, grappler, and all-around athlete is the creator of MovNat, a training system designed to reintroduce modern man to the natural movements and escape the overweight, overspecialized beings we are today. MovNat takes the athletes out of the gym or specific sports like cycling and puts them into the wilderness where he’ll sprint up hills, climb trees, crawl through brush, carry boulders, balance on logs—all the skills our distant ancestors had to have in order to survive back when survival depended more on physical fitness than on 401(k) returns. “We all have these instinctual movement patterns built into our primal memories,” Le Corre says. The problem is that in today’s world, we’ve moved beyond these instinctual patterns into specialized movements and skills. As a result, we have body builders who can bench press 400 pounds, but can’t run a mile. Marathon runners who couldn’t lift their own body weight.
