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Vision of Humanity 3×5 Challenging Authority Since 1978 I am a writer, traveler, and entrepreneur with the goal of visiting every country in the world while connecting with other world-changers. Continue reading about Chris Mission Accomplished! Books.Blog - Guests - Skip Graduate School, Save $32,000, Do This Instead Three years ago, I invested $32,000 and the better part of two years at the University of Washington for a master's degree in International Studies. The verdict? It wasn't a complete waste of time and money. Once I accepted that 80% of the course requirements were designed to keep people busy, I enjoyed the other 20% of the work. If you're strictly interested in learning, however, you may want to get a better return-on-investment than I did. The One-Year, Self-Directed, Alternative Graduate School Experience • Subscribe to The Economist and read every issue religiously. • Memorize the names of every country, world capital, and current president or prime minister in the world. • Buy a Round-the-World plane ticket or use Frequent Flyer Miles to travel to several major world regions, including somewhere in Africa and somewhere in Asia. • Read the basic texts of the major world religions: the Torah, the New Testament, the Koran, and the teachings of Buddha. TOTAL COST: $10,000 or less

» Open Source Blogging: Feel Free to Steal My Content I consider that the golden rule requires that if I like a program I must share it with other people who like it. – Richard Stallman By Leo Babauta I get a lot of emails asking me for permission to reprint Zen Habits articles on other blogs, in newsletters, in conferences and in classrooms. I get requests to translate certain posts, or my entire blog, into dozens of languages. I get requests to translate Zen To Done or republish it in another format. Until now, I granted limited permission, mostly for non-commercial use. Now, I’m granting full permission to use any of my content on Zen Habits or in my ebook, Zen To Done, in any way you like. I release my copyright on this content. From now on, there is no need to email me for permission. Credit and payment While you are under no obligation to do so, I would appreciate it if you give me credit for any work of mine that you use, and ideally, link back to the original. This isn’t a new concept, of course, and I’m freely ripping ideas off here.

« The Circle », le roman d’un monde totalitaire inspiré par Google | Rue89 Culture Quand Mae Holland est embauchée par The Circle (Le Cercle), l’entreprise vient tout juste de devenir la plus puissante du monde grâce à son système TruYou. TruYou a aboli l’anonymat et unifié tous les services sur le Net. « The Circle », le dernier roman de Dave Eggers (pas encore publié en France), raconte un univers dont la ressemblance avec Google n’échappera à personne. La transparence, la civilité et le partage sont les piliers de cet nouvel âge numérique dicté par une entreprise privée. « The Circle » par Dave Eggers Si on devait le comparer à la référence absolue en matière de dystopie (contre-utopie) qu’est « 1984 » d’Orwell : Eggers a décidé de se projeter dans un avenir très proche (quelques années tout au plus) quand Orwell opérait un bond de 44 ans ; Eggers a choisi de décrire le pouvoir totalitaire de l’intérieur et depuis ses hautes instances – le protagoniste principal devient peu à peu l’un des rouages. Des faiblesses, mais une vraie réflexion Alerte spoiler.

The Cabinet of Invisible Counselors Have you ever had a discussion with someone who posed this question: “If you could invite any five people, living or dead, to dinner, who would they be?” It’s an interesting question to consider, but one that doesn’t have to remain strictly a hypothetical. Now, of course you can’t drag the bones of history’s greatest corpses to your table (“Oh dear, Teddy’s hand just fell off into his soup. Awkward.”). I believe that every man should create his own personal “Cabinet of Invisible Counselors”–a sort of imaginary team of mentors whom he can consult for advice and inspiration throughout his life. Napoleon Hill’s Invisible Counselors As we discussed in our post about famous Master Mind groups, success guru Napoleon Hill believed that when two of more people met together and blended the energies of their minds in harmony, a sort of “third brain” was formed–a potent “Master Mind” the whole group had access to. Why Create Your Own Cabinet of Invisible Counselors 1. 2. 3. Sources:

: Screenplay Basics - Scripped A Scripped Compendium by Johnathan Carr Traditional storytelling recounts past events, whereas screenwriting is locked in the present - thus you may not deviate from PRESENT TENSE. You may also be tempted to describe every inch of the world you're creating - don't! Take comfort in the idea that a screenplay is not meant to have any literary value. At the beginning of a feature film script, often but not always, the first line will be: FADE IN. While you can write a longer ACTION paragraph, think about keeping it under five lines at a time. In the ACTION line, be sure to capitalize SOUND EFFECTS, CAMERA DIRECTION and the first appearance of a speaking CHARACTER. Use a PARENTHETICAL to note an action the speaker is performing while speaking or if you want to indicate whom the speaker is addressing such as addressing a new character in mid-DIALOGUE. Off camera (O.C.) and off screen (O.S.) are identical, which one you use is really a personal preference. Think subtext.

Effondrement: Comment les sociétés décident de leur disparition ou de leur ... - Jared Diamond Mastermind Groups: How They Can Take You to the Next Level When success guru Napoleon Hill interviewed Andrew Carnegie, inquiring as to the secret of his success, Carnegie replied that it could be traced to the “sum total of the minds” of his business associates–his managers, accountants, chemists and so on. He called this combined brain power a “master mind,” and attributed to it the power of his success. Hill came to believe that a “Master Mind” was not only the key to Carnegie’s success, but the secret to the success of all great men, the “very foundation stone of all outstanding personal achievements.” What Is a Master Mind? Napoleon Hill’s The Law of Success defines the Master Mind as “a mind that is developed through the harmonious co-operation of two or more people who ally themselves for the purpose of accomplishing any given task.” “Each person in the group becomes vested with the power to contact with and gather knowledge through the ‘subconscious’ minds of all the other members of the group. Wait, What? Mr. The Inklings The Junto

- Living Bueno - How to Live Anywhere in the World for Free Skeptical Face Travel for free? This dudes crazy right? Today is part two of what I am calling the "Knowledgeable Nomads" series, in which I will be teaching my readers how they can travel the world while ballooning their savings accounts rather than draining them dry. Possibly the most common excuse I hear when urging others to travel and see the world, is the financial barrier that is separating them from partaking in such a journey. How To Live Anywhere in The World For Free By- Rick A. Letter from Franco, my host from my upcoming voyage to Sicily: "Rick, sounds good, I do have a couple of people here, what I could do is give you the country cottage and that way you can have the freedom to do your writing. would you be interested in that?" Franco For the next few months I will be living in a country cottage in Sicily a few hundred meters from the village of Sciacca. I was naturally skeptical and figured I'd come across a salesman promoting his own website in a clever way. 1.

TEN SIMPLE KEYS TO PLOT STRUCTURE Structure is something that every agent and executive in Hollywood talks about, and that all of us teachers/authors/consultants/gurus/whatever go on and on about, to the point that it can seem complicated, intricate, mysterious and hard to master. So I want present plot structure in a way that simplifies it – that will at least give you a starting point for properly structuring your screenplay without overwhelming you with rules and details and jargon. Here are what I consider ten key elements of structure – ten ways of looking at structure that will immediately improve the emotional impact – and commercial potential – of your script. THE SINGLE RULE OF STRUCTURE I once got to work with long time television writer Doug Heyes, who used to say that there is only one rule for achieving proper plot structure: What’s happening now must be inherently more interesting than what just happened.

La planète en 2030 vue par les services de renseignement américains C’est un cadeau pour le président Obama fraîchement réélu : le rapport Global Trends 2030, concocté par le National Intelligence Council (NIC) et qui vient d’être rendu public. Le NIC, petit cousin de la CIA, est en quelque sorte le bras analytique et prospectif des services de renseignement américains. Son rapport imagine le monde de 2030. Les auteurs du rapport font un rapprochement entre le monde d’aujourd’hui et celui de grandes transitions dans l’Histoire : 1815 (fin de l’empire napoléonien), 1919 et 1945 (lendemains des deux guerres mondiales), et 1989 (chute du mur de Berlin et fin de l’affrontement Est-Ouest). Soixante pour cent de la population mondiale dans les villes, cela n’est pas sans conséquences, notamment pour l’environnement. Au défi démographique s’ajoutent les défis climatique et alimentaire. Les tensions sur les ressources en eau et en nourriture risquent par ailleurs d’être avivées par le changement climatique.
