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Inside Mobile Apps - Tracking the Convergence of Social Platforms, Virtual Goods, and Mobile Apps

Inside Mobile Apps - Tracking the Convergence of Social Platforms, Virtual Goods, and Mobile Apps

Inside Network - Providing news and market research to the Facebook platform and social gaming ecosystem Facebook Marketing Bible - Marketing Strategies for Advertisers, Brand Marketers, and Developers on Facebook What is the Facebook Marketing Bible? The Facebook Marketing Bible is the comprehensive guide to marketing your brand, company, product, or service on Facebook. In the Facebook Marketing Bible, you will find detailed summaries about the inner workings of Facebook, the best strategies to mobilize your business, specific how-tos, successful case studies, and insights from social media experts across the board. Our Mission Our goal with the Facebook Marketing Bible is to consistently bring you the best content and strategies that will help to elevate your business to the next level. Where do I start?

Facebook Sets July, 1, 2011 Deadline to Make Credits Sole Canvas Game Payment Option Starting at its developer conference last April, Facebook has been saying publicly for the past year that Credits would eventually be the only payment option in social games on the site (although it started saying so to developers months before). It had originally slated all developers to have completely made the switch by the end of 2010. While that has mostly happened, there are still many games not using Credits. So the company is announcing today that all developers who have games on canvas pages will need to move to only use Credits by July 1st of this year. New games will be required to use Credits as the virtual currency when they first set up their canvas pages; older games will also be required to switch to exclusively use Credits, too. For users, that means no more paying for currencies directly with credit cards or other methods that don’t somehow use Credits. For developers, it means more costs and benefits to plan for. New Credits Promotions, More Stats
