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Malthusian Theory of Population

Malthusian Theory of Population
Thomas Robert Malthus was the first economist to propose a systematic theory of population. He articulated his views regarding population in his famous book, Essay on the Principle of Population (1798), for which he collected empirical data to support his thesis. Malthus had the second edition of his book published in 1803, in which he modified some of his views from the first edition, but essentially his original thesis did not change. In Essay on the Principle of Population,Malthus proposes the principle that human populations grow exponentially (i.e., doubling with each cycle) while food production grows at an arithmetic rate (i.e. by the repeated addition of a uniform increment in each uniform interval of time). He saw positive checks to population growth as being any causes that contributed to the shortening of human lifespans. Back to main menu return to top | previous page | next page Related:  Antropologia, etnologia, sociologia

Pourquoi la non-violence est la force la plus puissante dont dispose l'humanité? - Zango Media Articles Publié le 11 janvier 2015 | par Thibault G. Depuis quelque temps déjà, on peut entendre ici et là que « l’action non-violente ne fonctionne plus », qu’elle « ne suffit plus » face à la violence subtile des gouvernants, verbale de certain médias ou physique de la part des forces de l’ordre ou de certains ignorants. De telles remarques me forcent à croire que se développe une méconnaissance ou une connaissance erronée de ce qu’est la non-violence. Je me suis donc penché sur les bouquins pour essayer d’en extraire l’essence et de formuler une définition qui, sinon exhaustive, rappellera à chacun la grandeur, la force et la portée de ce concept. La non-violence n’est pas une forme de révolte « à la mode » qui permet de manifester son mécontentement « sans trop se mouiller » ou une forme de contestation que l’on utilise « jusqu’à ce que ça ne suffise plus ». “La Liberté acquise par l’effusion de sang ou la fraude n’est pas la Liberté.” « Nous devons détester le péché, pas le pécheur »

The macabre truth of gun control in the US is that toddlers kill more people than terrorists do | Lindy West | Opinion This week, in my country, considered by some of its more embarrassing denizens to be the “greatest country in the world”, an outspoken Florida “gun rights” advocate left a loaded .45 calibre handgun in the back seat of her car and was promptly shot and wounded by her four-year-old child. Truly a pinnacle of human potential, much like the invention of paper in second-century BC China, or Aristotle holding forth in the Lyceum, or whoever first pointed out that Florida looks like America’s penis. What do you say about the outspoken Florida “gun rights” advocate who left a loaded .45 calibre handgun in the back seat of her car and was promptly shot and wounded by her four-year-old child? But I have no interest in letting Gilt off the hook. Growing up here myself didn’t prepare me for how distinctly, viscerally frightening it would be to raise children in a gun-obsessed nation. In the US in 2015, more people were shot and killed by toddlers than by terrorists.

La montagna sacra - Prismo Fino al 1865, quando l’allora governatore inglese dell’India Andrew Scott Waugh le conferì il nome del suo predecessore, il cartografo George Everest, la montagna più alta del pianeta era conosciuta dalle popolazioni alle sue pendici come Chomolungma e Sagaramāthā. Che si sappia nessuno aveva mai tentato di scalarla, per nepalesi e tibetani era un luogo abitato da spiriti da tenere a debita distanza. E poi a che scopo? A quelle quote non cresce nulla, non è posto per l’uomo né per la vita in generale. Per uomini provenienti da tutt’altra cultura e imbevuti d’ideali tardo-vittoriani come il gallese George Mallory, che l’Everest “fosse lì” era esattamente la ragione per cui non poteva non essere aggiunto al tesoro spirituale (e coloniale) dell’Impero Britannico. Hillary e Norgay sulla cima dell'Everest. Che le cose non stessero proprio così divenne chiaro nella notte tra il 10 e l’11 maggio 1996. Vista da sud del massiccio dell'Everest. Hashtag: #montebianco. Che altrimenti non ci fai caso.

Potlatch (anthropologie) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Originellement, la culture du potlatch était pratiquée autant dans les tribus du monde amérindien (les Amériques) que dans de nombreuses ethnies de l'océan Pacifique, jusqu'aux Indes. C'est pourquoi les premiers colons européens ont pu considérablement spolier les indigènes qui pratiquaient le potlatch, car ils échangeaient de l'or contre des bibelots ; les Indiens croyant à la valeur « potlatch » de ces échanges pensaient que ces trocs étaient équilibrés. Dans la culture occidentale actuelle, on utilise aussi la formule « briller ou disparaître », qui reflète une dynamique de type potlatch, dans les contextes et cérémonies suivantes : Contribution aux repas communautaires, où chacun apporte spontanément un plat ou une boisson pour tous (salade, dessert…) Ce type de repas est aussi appelé « repas canadien » en Suisse romande, en référence aux Amérindiens d'Amérique du Nord qui pratiquaient cette forme de potlatch.

Worlds Most Isolated Tribe – Enter Their Mysterious Island & They’ll Kill You! Introducing the Sentinelese people. They’ve been kicking around this beautiful island for a whopping 60,000 years. They inhabit a tiny island in The Indian Ocean which is estimated to be approximately the size of Manhattan. From the sky it appears to be an idyllic island with amazing beaches and a dense forest, but tourists or fishermen don’t dare to set foot on this island, due to its inhabitants’ fearsome reputation. When outsiders approach their island, they swarm the shoreline and rain down arrows. The Sentinelese are highly mysterious. Modern history is filled with sad sagas of indigenous peoples eradicated or decimated by diseases borne by European visitors. That has not happened to the Sentinelese. The tribe killed two men in 2006 who were fishing too close to their island, and have been known to fire arrows and fling rocks at low-flying planes or helicopters on reconnaissance missions. Contacting the Sentinelese is a criminal act. Resources: Jade Small More Posts Comments:

7 cultural concepts we don't have in the U.S. From the end of October through the New Year and onto Valentine's Day, it's easy to forget that the holidays we celebrate are simply cultural constructs that we can choose to engage in — or not. The concepts and ideas we celebrate — like our spiritual beliefs and daily habits — are a choice, though sometimes it feels like we "have" to celebrate them, even if we don't feel like it. Culture is ours to do with as we choose, and that means that we can add, subtract, or edit celebrations or holidays as we see fit — because you and me and everyone reading this makes up our culture, and it is defined by us, for us, after all. If you want to add a new and different perspective to your life, there are plenty of other ways to recognize joy and beauty outside American traditions. Friluftsliv A hiker sits atop Trolltunga, or 'troll's tongue,' a famous rock formation in southwestern Norway. Friluftsliv translates directly from Norwegian as "free air life," which doesn't quite do it justice. Hygge

Les Indiens d’Amérique avaient-ils 5 genres différents et acceptaient-ils le mariage gay Question posée par Anne Libeer le 26/12/2018 Bonjour, Nous avons reformulé votre question, qui était: «Un de mes amis Facebook a partagé une publication qui contient un texte et une photo sans citer l’origine. Parmi les affirmations de ce post Facebook, on trouve, entre autres : «Avant d’être colonisés par les Chrétiens (qui leur ont imposé leur vision binaire du genre), les Indiens d’Amérique n’avaient non pas deux genres, mais entre 3 et 5 ! Nous avons soumis ce texte à Laurence Hérault, professeur d’anthropologie à Aix-Marseille Université. Nous avons retrouvé un article du site Positivr qui peut être la source du post Facebook dont vous nous parlez. L’article précise ainsi que le terme «Deux Esprits» était un terme Ojibwe adopté en 1989 par les personnes LGBT natives américaines pour se définir eux-mêmes. Quel était ce concept ? La question du mariage gay est encore un peu différente. Ceci dit, Il existait des couples réunissant un «two spirit» et un individu de son sexe biologique.

Two Spirits, One Heart, Five Genders Those who arrived in the Native American Garden of Eden had never seen a land so uncorrupted. The Europeans saw new geography, new plants, new animals, but the most perplexing curiosity to these people were the Original Peoples and our ways of life. Of all of the foreign life ways Indians held, one of the first the Europeans targeted for elimination was the Two Spirit tradition among Native American cultures. At the point of contact, all Native American societies acknowledged three to five gender roles: Female, male, Two Spirit female, Two Spirit male and transgendered. Cultural Anthropology Terms avunculocal residence band barter believed behavior what people honestly believe that they are doing in their lives rather than what they think they should be doing or what they actually are doing. berdache bewitching bilateral descent bilineal descent the {*style:<a href='javascript:JumpTo('#cognatic_descent')'>*}cognatic pattern of descent in which an individual is both a member of his mother's matrilineage and his father's patrilineage. bisexual Black English the social dialect spoken by many African Americans. biological anthropology body language boundary maintenance (in reference to ethnic groups) reinforcing an ethnic group's unity and distinctness by emphasizing the traits that set its members apart from others, rather than what they share in common with them. bound morpheme bride price bride service bureaucracy an administrative system that divides governing tasks into specific categories carried out by different individuals and/or departments. caste cereals the edible seeds of grasses.

Imponderabilia - the international student anthropology journal tunnels of gates L’amicizia deve tornare a essere il pilastro della società | L'INDISCRETO Non è un rapporto secondario all’amore, ma l’unica possibilità di ampliare la nostra sfera di affetti oltre quella della famiglia tradizionale. Solo l’idea di amicizia può farci ripensare l’idea di città e di convivenza, lo sostiene Franco La Cecla, urbanista e antropologo. In copertina: Hans Thoma , Luna. Illustrazione da “Festkalender”. di Riccardo Papacci Nelle argomentazioni dei primitivisti, in particolare in quelle di John Zerzan, ricorre l’urgenza di dimostrare come anche nelle comunità più primitive emergano chiari ed evidenti segni di amicizia. L’antropologia moderna è una disciplina che nasce in età positivista, quindi con un impianto epistemologico che, almeno nelle pretese, prendeva a modello le scienze fisiche, ciò che ne spiega i frequenti ed emblematici contatti con la frenologia e altre amenità. Un interessante focus sull’amicizia dal punto di vista antropologico si trova in Essere amici (Einaudi, 2019) di Franco La Cecla. Le periferie andrebbero fatte sparire.
