Three ways to help English language learners 'notice' grammar We'am Hamdan, who teaches English at the British Council in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, describes practical ways to build 'noticing' in your next grammar lesson. What is 'noticing' grammar and what is its role in the English classroom? When I was learning English, my teachers spent a lot of time in class focusing on the form of the target language, but with no context. As a consequence, my natural and varied use of English suffered. Later, I experienced ‘natural’ English through movies, music and novels. In his 'noticing' hypothesis, Richard Schmidt says that paying close attention to both the form and meaning of language items will contribute to one's learning. So, how can teachers help learners develop language proficiency using the noticing hypothesis? Help learners notice gaps in their language knowledge 'Noticing the gap’ happens when learners focus on the gaps in their own linguistic knowledge. I checked learners’ general understanding of the text, then I re-read it.
Prata mer film i skolan! Börja med enkla filmanalyser Photo by Conner Murphy on Unsplash Detta är en kort guide till olika frågor man kan ha som utgångspunkt när man pratar om och diskuterar en film man har sett i skolan. Meningen är att frågorna ska vara så generella att de ska gå att använda på alla typer av filmer och vid olika åldersgrupper. Att prata om en film man har sett ger en djupare förståelse och ger utrymme för reflektion kring det filmen handlade om. Dessa mer allmänt hållna frågor kan sen fyllas ut med mer film- och ämnesspecifika uppgifter och frågeställningar. Svenska filminstitutet har en ytterst trevlig liten broschyr med elva enkla klassrumsövningar som kan ligga till grund för mer ingående filmanalys i klassrummet. Vilken är filmens huvudkaraktär? Sammanfattningsvis Vilken är filmens huvudkaraktär (protagonisten)Vilken är filmens frågeställning/problem/konflikt?
Larry Ferlazzo - Online tools These include The Best Web Tools For English Language Learners (In Other Words, The Ones My Students Regularly Use) and The Best Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced English Language Learner Sites. Now, though, I think it's time to narrow them down to my choices for the "best of the best" or, in other words, an "All-Time Best" list. Here are my choices, and I hope readers will let me know if they agree, disagree, and/or think I've missed some (one key requirement is that they are all free to use). Some of the sites I list could go in multiple categories, but I have placed them in the "domains" I believe they help the most: Obviously, The British Council has tons of great resources. I'm obviously biased, but I think the weekly student interactives I create for The New York Times are very useful to English Language Learners. The Reading and Everyday Life activities from GCF LearnFree are excellent. ESL-Bits has good exercised for Intermediate English Language Learners. Mrs.
Dear graduates Men vad tänker vi, då? Nästa steg blir för mina elever att själva tänka till. Vilka råd skulle ni ge om ni var talare vid en stor avslutningsceremoni? Eleverna får i grupper försöka komma på vilka råd de skulle vilja ge. Detta noteras på ett näst intill identiskt dokument, med den lilla skillnaden att Tim Minchins namn är borttaget och eleverna får skriva dit sina egna namn. Mer inspiration Den som vill använda något mer aktuellt kan ta del av det tal som Barack Obama riktat till USAs avgångsklass 2020 via Youtube. Eller kanske tar vi till det klassiska talet om Wear Sunscreen? Förhoppningsvis kan vi i alla fall avsluta skoltiden med positiva tankar om en framtid där var och en kan göra skillnad!
How to keep your students motivated Cristina Cabal has been teaching for 26 years. She shares some of her top tips for keeping students motivated. How do you keep students motivated? In my experience, what keeps students motivated is a motivated teacher. So, here are a few effective tips I have collected over the years: Involve your students You will not keep your students motivated if you do not involve them and let them take an active role in your classes. Give students the chance to shine It is also very important to give students the opportunity to be successful. Make learning fun Make your classes memorable. Step away from the textbooks Bring in authentic material that your students can connect with, and that matches their needs and interests. Explain why you are doing things a certain way There is nothing more boring than a teacher telling students to open their book on page 22, and asking them to do exercise five. Give very clear instructions Set clear, attainable goals for every lesson Use different materials Praise
English at Vallhamra Search this site English at Vallhamra Welcome to English class! On this website you can find links and ideas on how to practice different skills in English. Reading You can practice your reading by reading short and long texts, fiction and fact, books and online texts. Basic British council - A1British council - A2 Intermediate British council - B1British council - B2 Advanced British council - C1 All levels (get your login from your teacher, don't log in with your google-account) Listening You can practice in many ways. British council - A1British council - A2 British council - B1British council - B2 British council - C1 Podcasts Podcasts in EnglishPreply: 14 podcasts to learn EnglishFluentu: 22 English podcasts20 podcasts for teensThe best podcasts teens will love and parents won't hate Writing Writing can be short or long, simple or advanced. British council - A1British council - A2 British council - B1British council - B2 British council - C1 Speaking Grammar Vocabulary
5 Activities to Make Your PowerPoint More Engaging A few days ago on the Teaching English – British Council Facebook page there was a discussion about PowerPoint – Do you love it or hate it? The discussion linked to an article by Rob Lewis who talked about ways PowerPoint could be used in class. In an earlier post he also wrote about the good points and bad points of PowerPoint. I thought that it was an interesting discussion overall and I enjoyed reading other teachers’ opinions. Most people would agree that PowerPoint is just a tool and that the way you use it determines whether it is useful or not. The people who love it, love it because it is easy to use and a convenient way to show pictures in the classroom. The people who hate it, hate it because they have had bad experiences with it in the past where they were subjected to death by PowerPoint in the presentations they watched. This article will look at 5 different activities. My hope is that other teachers will find these activities useful. Contents 1. Download the templates: Top 2. 3.
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