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A Teenager’s View on Social Media — Backchannel

A Teenager’s View on Social Media — Backchannel
Written by an actual teen I read technology articles quite often and see plenty of authors attempt to dissect or describe the teenage audience, especially in regards to social media. However, I have yet to see a teenager contribute their voice to this discussion. This is where I would like to provide my own humble opinion. For transparency, I am a 19-year-old male attending The University of Texas at Austin. I am extremely interested in social media’s role in our society as well as how it is currently evolving. This article will not use any studies, data, sources, etc. I think the best way to approach this would be to break it down by social media network and the observations/viewpoints I've gathered over the years. Facebook In short, many have nailed this on the head. Facebook is often used by us mainly for its group functionality. Facebook is often the jumping-off point for many people to try to find you online, simply because everyone around us has it. Instagram Twitter Snapchat Tumblr

21st-Century Learning Using Social Media: Advice from Finland Petri Ahokas works with students in Finland Many teachers believe social media doesn’t have a place in the 21st-century learning environment; it is simply a tool for people to keep their friends up to date with their lives, right? Or is it? Teacher Petri Ahokas, from Turun Normaalikoulu school, Norssi in Finland, explains how he uses social media ethically and legally to engage his eight and nine year old students in learning. By Petri Ahokas When I look at the process of social media it is easy to consider its place in the learning environment. I read messages from other friends and if their communication is worthy I choose to become a ‘fan’. Safe Social Media for Global Learning I have a class of multicultural students, who speak seven different languages between them. As a teacher, I believe that teaching children to understand how to behave appropriately when they are using the internet is an important part of 21st century learning. Keeping safety in mind About The Author markbarnes19

Super Markup Man: An HTML5 Game to Help You Learn HTML Super Markup Man! Learn HTML the Fun and Easy Way Start moving the HTML tags around to render your website here. Try to make it look like the website on the left. Click "Help" for more info. Target Website Current Website Level 1 Time: How to Play Super Markup Man: This is the website you are trying to build. This is you. This is the website that you are currently building. "Program" them to look the same by moving the HTML tags! Press UP to jump. Some helpful tips : You can place HTML tags wherever you want, even on different lines with lots of space in between them. tag would actually be read first, because it is above the others: Those tags are all "self closing" tags. tag should always have a closing tag. some text . Wait! Resetting the game will send you back to Level 1. Yes, do it! Congratulations! Final Time ~ Yep, you're really done. Oh, and did you notice the icon next to the "Current Website" label? The Hello World Program Roppy Chop Studios

is the internet the new street? Today we're more distracted than ever. On our phones all the time, swept away in the infinite streams of Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, Twitter and everything else. Fashion shows feel as much about snapping the models of the moment, and filming the finales, as looking at the clothes. If you're lucky enough to sit front row at the British Fashion Council's big tent, you'll have a brightly coloured bottle of Vitamin Water and a cluster of phone chargers sprouting under your seat; that's all you really need. This is about so much more than fashion week though, it's about the way we experience the world. i-D started out as a street style fanzine documenting trends as they happened in our cities. Punk was supposed to change the world, now it's a theme for the Met Ball; an excuse for Miley Cyrus to spike her hair and Kim Kardashian to dress up as a settee. Now it seems like the streets have lost their edge. There's a real crossing swords of cultures on the internet. That's not all.

The Complete Parent's Guide to Instagram Sometimes I take my knowledge of social media for granted. Because the truth is that while everyone under the age of 18 has never known a world without internet or cell phones, most parents have a hard time keeping up. My work requires me to use and be heavily involved with social media, and even I’m still not sure what the true purpose of Snapchat is. Yesterday afternoon a friend of mine posted something on Facebook that I found disturbing as a parent. The photo below (posted with permission) is a screen shot of a photo that her daughter had posted on Instagram. This isn’t some image I grabbed online or from a friend of a friend. The vile comment posted on her picture was posted from an anonymous account with the name “[juniorhighname]hatepage”. And this isn’t an isolated incident. A few months ago, I saw many of my hometown friends sharing an article about my old high school. We’re ingrained with the desire to protect our children from strangers. Take responsibility.

How To Use Pinterest With Bloom’s Taxonomy Infographic Social Learning Infographics Teacher Infographics Would you like to know How to use Pinterest in the Classroom in a meaningful and relevant way? At the How To Use Pinterest With Bloom’s Taxonomy Infographic you will find 25 ways to integrate Bloom’s Taxonomy with Pinterest. By incorporating Pinterest into your lesson plans and overall classroom culture you will give you and your students a fun way to teach and learn. TeachBytes created this awesome infographic. Via: Embed This Education Infographic on your Site or Blog!

Qu'est-ce qui rend les infographies populaires et comment en créer ? Les infographies représentent un contenu très viral mais pourquoi sont-elles si populaires ? Quelles sont les étapes pour créer une infographie ? Rien de mieux qu’une infographie pour expliquer ce phénomène mais avant, voici les points importants relevés dans l’infographie que vous retrouverez en fin d’article. Retrouvez un BONUS pour créer des infographies, également en fin d’article. Qu’est-ce qu’une infographie ? Une infographie est une image qui contient un ensemble de petites images et du texte. Pourquoi les infographies sont-elles populaires ? Leur popularité est due à 4 raisons : 1. Une infographie transmet de l’information sur un sujet bien précis et cela de façon créative. Ainsi, le fait de partager une infographie dispense, d’une part, les blogueurs de ces longues recherches en leur permettant de transmettre facilement et rapidement de l’information pertinente. 2. 3. En règle générale, les contenus visuels « accrochent » l’oeil des lecteurs bien plus que du simple texte. 4. 1. 2.

K. Keim, CMO de Lithium. Le social CRM est mort, vive l’expérience client Qui ? Katy Keim, CMO de Lithium. Quoi ? Comment ? - Quelles sont les activités de Lithium aujourd'hui ? L’adoption massive des réseaux sociaux comme canal relationnel a pris les marques par surprise. - Sephora US, l’un de vos clients, a réussi à créer une communauté forte autour de la beauté. Non et d’ailleurs Sephora est un bon exemple : la marque n’a pas choisi de parler de ses produits mais de la beauté en général, un sujet de conversation engageant. - Certains directeurs marketing restent aujourd’hui sceptiques : il est difficile de mesurer le ROI de ses opérations. Le "social" ou "marketing participatif" a longtemps été un champ d’expérimentation à travers des campagnes ou des initiatives de marques sur les réseaux sociaux. - Les champions de la relation client sont les pure players comme Airbnb ou Uber. Ils ont contribué à une hausse des attentes de la part des clients. - Le mobile a été une de ces mutations dans les usages et attentes. Parfaitement bien.

The Beginner’s Guide to Snapchat Snapchat, one of the hottest mobile messaging apps, has become a convenient and fun way to send photos and videos to friends and family without eating up your phone's memory. Launched in 2011, Snapchat allows users to add captions, drawings and filters to their photos and videos (also known as "snaps"). Unlike other messaging apps, you can view snaps for a maximum of 10 seconds, and then it's gone for good. Anything shared through the service self-destructs, leaving no evidence that it existed. (However, just like everything else online, privacy isn't guaranteed.) If you want to join the Snapchat craze and learn the basics, check out this step-by-step guide. 1. Snapchat can be downloaded for free on Android and iOS devices. To create a free account, tap "Sign Up." Image: Screenshot Snapchat You need to be at least 13 years old to use Snapchat. As part of the verification process, you may be asked a question like the one below. 2. Next, you'll see the "Find Friends" screen. 3. 4. Use camera
