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Graph Visualization for the Web

Graph Visualization for the Web

Create UML diagrams online in seconds, no special tools needed. Network Visualization Immersion by the MIT Media Lab is a view into your inbox that shows who you interact with via email over the years. Immersion is an invitation to dive into the history of your email life in a platform that offers you the safety of knowing that you can always delete your data.Just like a cubist painting, Immersion presents users with a number of different perspectives of their email data. It provides a tool for self-reflection at a time where the zeitgeist is one of self-promotion. It provides an artistic representation that exists only in the presence of the visitor. The base view is a network diagram where each node represents someone you've exchanged email with. We've seen views of our inbox before and they usually just show simple time series charts and people who you email most.

Graphviz Mapping Social Networks The growth of social networks such as Facebook and MySpace has introduced the idea of the 'social graph' into common parlance. the social graph is Watch this short video describing the proof of concept Vizter social network browser visualisation: Vizter explanatory video. How does vizter allow you to identify friends you have in common with other people? How does vizter help the user identify possible communities in the social graph? If you have a Facebook account, there are several tools that you can use to visualise your friends network on there (requires adding the visulisation as a Facebook application). Touchgraph frinds'n'photos browser;Nexus social graph browser;FriendwheelFacebook Mutual Friend Network Visualization in FlashFriends visulisation in Many Eyes: this application will mine your friends network and produce a data output that will let you visualise your friends network using the Many Eyes network visualisation tool. There are a couple of things to note about this graph.

Dabble DB - Online Database - Collect, report, and share your data Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software Panorama d'outils de recherche d'informations gratuits et en ligne Jeudi 23 avril 2009 4 23 /04 /Avr /2009 15:30 Télécharger le livre blanc : Panorama d'outils de recherche d'informations gratuits et en ligne [PDF de 6,6 Mo] On pense qu’il n’a jamais été aussi facile de rechercher de l’information sur internet. En réalité, comme le dit Christophe Deschamps dans la préface de ce livre blanc « il n’a jamais été plus difficile de trouver la bonne information sur internet… Celle qui permet de mieux comprendre le présent, d’éclairer l’avenir, de valider une idée innovante ». Ce livre blanc a pour ambition de vous présenter un certain nombre d’outils qui vous permettrons de mieux rechercher sur internet, c'est-à-dire : - de trouver plus facilement, - et de trouver plus vite. Ne sont présentés que des outils gratuits et en ligne. L’objectif de ce document est de populariser les outils utiles et efficaces et donc de faire gagner en productivité les entreprises, sans entrainer de charges.

Gephi: eye-popping, free graph analysis May 16th, 2010 | By Vic | Category: Mindmapping software, Network visualization The latest addition to Mind-Mapping.Org is a mapping application with a formidable collection of exciting and engaging ways of presenting and visually analysing networks – or as maths buffs call them, graphs. Gephi Gephi is an interactive tool for visualizing and exploring networks and complex graphs. ”This is a software for Exploratory Data Analysis, a paradigm that appeared in the Visual Analytics field of research”, they say. Its purpose is to help data analysts to uncover patterns and anomalies, or faults during data sourcing. It is used for exploratory data analysis; link analysis; social network analysis; and biological network analysis. It employs metrics to analyse connectedness of nodes (degree – power-law, betweenness, closeness), density, path length, diameter, HITS, modularity, clustering coefficient. Vic

Lift10 : Visualiser la complexité pour mieux la comprendre Mindmapping, concept mapping and information organisation software
