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Scratch (programming language)

Scratch (programming language)
Scratch is a free desktop and online multimedia authoring tool that can be used by students, scholars, teachers, and parents to easily create games and provide a stepping stone to the more advanced world of computer programming or even be used for a range of educational and entertainment constructivist purposes from math and science projects, including simulations and visualizations of experiments, recording lectures with animated presentations, to social sciences animated stories, and interactive art and music. Viewing the existing projects available on the Scratch website, or modifying and testing any modification without saving it requires no online registration. Scratch 2 is currently available online and as an application for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.[1][2] The source code of Scratch 1.x is made available under GPLv2 license and Scratch Source Code License.[3] The Scratch programming language is also used in the game creation tool Stencyl. The first web-based Scratch in 2006

Elementary school A primary school, or elementary school, is a school in which children receive primary or elementary education between the ages of about five to about eleven, coming before secondary school and after preschool. It is the first stage of compulsory education in most parts of the world, and is normally available without charge, but may be a fee-paying independent school. The term primary school is derived from the French école primaire, which was first used in 1802.[1] Primary school is the preferred term in the United Kingdom and many Commonwealth Nations, and in most publications of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).[2]Elementary school is preferred in some countries, especially in North America. The term grade school is sometimes used. A Shōgakkō or Elementary school class in Japan See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit]

Scratch (Programmiersprache) Scratch ist eine erstmals 2007 veröffentlichte erziehungsorientierte visuelle Programmiersprache für Kinder inklusive ihrer Entwicklungsumgebung und der eng verknüpften Online-Community-Plattform. Mitchel Resnick Die Entwicklungsumgebung ist auf der Scratch-Homepage direkt lauffähig und wie der neue Scratch-Player komplett in Flash erstellt. Die Internationalität dieser Benutzergemeinde wird durch die leicht zugängliche Mehrsprachenfähigkeit aller Scratch-Plattformen gefördert, mit der die Online-Community die Entwicklungsumgebung, die Webplattform und auch die Programmierbefehls-Bausteine selbst in alle Sprachen übersetzt, womit Scratch u.A. auch komplett in deutsch zur Verfügung steht. Scratcher an eTafel Bei Sprachumfang und Bedienung wurde hohe Priorität auf den intuitiven Zugang und auf die Vermeidung von hoher Komplexität oder Abstraktion gelegt. Scratch unterstützt folgenden Programmierparadigmen, bzw.

Alice (software) Alice is a freeware object-based programming educational programming language with an integrated development environment (IDE). Alice uses a drag and drop environment to create computer animations using 3D models. The software was developed first at University of Virginia, then Carnegie Mellon (from 1997), by a research group led by the late Randy Pausch. Alice was developed to address three core problems in educational programming:[3] Most programming languages are designed to be usable for "production code" and thus introduce additional complexity. In controlled studies at Ithaca College and Saint Joseph's University looking at students with no prior programming experience taking their first computer science course, the average grade rose from C to B, and retention rose from 47% to 88%.[4] A variant of Alice 2.0 called Storytelling Alice[5] was created by Caitlin Kelleher for her PhD dissertation.[6] It includes three main differences: Learning to Program with Alice, Wanda P.

Smalltalk Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Un grand nombre des innovations de l'ingénierie logicielle des années 1990 viennent de la communauté des programmeurs Smalltalk, tels que les Design Patterns (appliquées au logiciel), l’Extreme Programming (XP) et le refactoring. Ward Cunningham, l'inventeur du concept du Wiki, est également un programmeur Smalltalk. Historique[modifier | modifier le code] Il existe un grand nombre de variantes de Smalltalk, comme c'est souvent le cas avec les langages de programmation[1]. Smalltalk est le produit d'un groupe de chercheurs conduit par Alan Kay au Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) de Xerox ; Alan Kay a conçu les premières versions de Smalltalk qui ont été implémentées par Dan Ingalls. Concepts[modifier | modifier le code] Les principaux concepts de Smalltalk sont : Description[modifier | modifier le code] L'exemple suivant illustre le style de programmation Smalltalk. Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code] Smalltalk, sur Wikibooks

Programmiersprachen für Kinder Programmiersprachen für Kinder sind als Lerninstrumente konzipiert, mit denen Kinder im Vorschul- und Schulalter sich spielerisch mit der Funktionsweise und den Prinzipien der Entwicklung von Computersoftware vertraut machen können. Merkmale und Entwicklungsgeschichte[Bearbeiten] Gelegentlich wurden Programmiersprachen für Kinder auch in Indien (CiMPLE) oder Europa (Guido van Robot, RoboMind, Baltie, E-Slate) entwickelt. In deutschen Sprachversionen liegen u. a. Karel the Robot, RoboMind, Scratch, BYOB und Baltie vor. Für Kinder konzipierte Programmiersprachen[Bearbeiten] Turtle-Grafik: Logo, KTurtle und Python Turtle[Bearbeiten] Als „KTurtle“ ist die Turtle-Grafik auch ein Bestandteil eines vom KDE Education Project entwickelten und 2008 veröffentlichten Softwarepakets.[2] Im Internet sind gelegentlich auch Online-Versionen zu finden.[4] Guido van Robot, Screenshot. Virtuelle Roboter[Bearbeiten] Karel the Robot/Niki – der Roboter[Bearbeiten] Guido van Robot[Bearbeiten] RoboMind[Bearbeiten] Snap!

List of educational programming languages An educational programming language is a programming language that is designed primarily as a learning instrument and not so much as a tool for writing programs for real-world work. Learning paths[edit] Many educational programming languages position themselves inside a learning path, that is a sequence of languages each designed to build on the others moving a student from easy to understand and entertaining environments to full professional environments. Some of the better known are presented below. Assembly language[edit] Originally, machine code was the first and only way to program computers. Low level languages must be written for a specific processor architecture and cannot be written or taught in isolation without referencing the processor for which it was written. Little Man Computer (LMC) is an instructional model of a simple von Neumann architecture computer with all basic features of modern computers. BASIC[edit] C[edit] Java-based[edit] Lisp-based[edit] Scala-based[edit]

So - you want to Teach your Kids Computer Programming? Our modern world revolves more and more around computers. Even the gadgets we use are ‘programmed’. Just take a look around your house and see what I mean – your TV, microwave, alarm clock, oven, security system – just to name a few. And more and more things become ‘computerized’ each year. It is important for our kids to at least understand the science behind the scenes, even if they don’t go on to become programmers themselves. I have one son who is half way through a computer science degree, and he has no trouble finding highly paid vacation jobs. Last summer this same son had a job with a start up company doing coding – and he earned a lot more than the minimum wage. So – job opportunities in this sector are readily available.

BASIC BASIC (an acronym for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) is a family of general-purpose, high-level programming languages whose design philosophy emphasizes ease of use. In 1964, John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz designed the original BASIC language at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. They wanted to enable students in fields other than science and mathematics to use computers. At the time, nearly all use of computers required writing custom software, which was something only scientists and mathematicians tended to learn how to use. Versions of BASIC became widespread on microcomputers in the mid-1970s and 1980s. History[edit] Before the mid-1960s, computers were extremely expensive mainframe machines, usually requiring a dedicated computer room and air-conditioning, used by large organizations for scientific and commercial tasks. Origin[edit] The designers of the language decided to make the compiler available free of charge so that the language would become widespread.

Build IT scratch n1 How To Teach Programming To Kids This is R. L. Shanker’s submission for the HP Magic Giveaway. Feel free to leave comments for this article as you see fit – your feedback is certainly welcomed! If you’d like to submit your own how-to, what-is, or top-five list, you can send it to me. Views and opinions of this writer are not necessarily my own: You probably know a kid who is bitten by the computer bug – could be your son or your nephew or your friend’s kid. In this how-to, I review two tools that have been tested successfully in homes/schools across the world. Age 6-9 years Scratch: A product of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at MIT, Scratch provides kids with an exciting environment to create and share computer applications. Age: 10-14 years Phrogram. The only downside is that Phrogram is not a freeware. Age: 15+ years The kid is now ready for the big league; it is time to respect his intellect and let him take the deep plunge. Final thoughts Engage, engage and engage. Be the inspiration.

Social networks: Building empires, not businesses At first, Facebook's growth was organic. In 2004, the social networking website expanded to universities across the US, quickly saturating its target market: college students. I was one at the time, and remember clearly that what made it so addictive, and so sure of early success, was the complete absence of parents, public figures, professors -- anyone in a position of authority, and everyone whose judgment we cared about. College life is the ultimate inside joke; it not only falls flat, but becomes embarrassing (or worse) when told to the wrong person. Facebook caught on because there was never any doubt about which social network we were dealing with. Momentum carried the website forward as it was opened first to high-school students, and then by 2006, to everyone. MORE FROM MINYANVILLE: How LinkedIn stock is ahead of social media pack APPLE STOCK: Why you should still be interested APPLE's iPHONE: Why company's reputation depends on next model

Plan informatique pour tous Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le plan informatique pour tous (IPT) était un programme du gouvernement français qui devait permettre d'initier les 11 millions d'élèves du pays à l'outil informatique et de soutenir l'industrie nationale. Il faisait suite à plusieurs programmes d'introduction de l'informatique dans le secondaire depuis 1971. Le plan IPT a été présenté à la presse, le vendredi 25 janvier 1985, par Laurent Fabius, Premier ministre de l'époque[1]. Il visait à mettre en place, dès la rentrée de septembre, plus de 120 000 machines dans 50 000 établissements scolaires et à assurer la formation, à la même échéance de 110 000 enseignants. Son coût était évalué à 1,8 milliard de francs, dont 1,5 milliard pour le matériel. Description[modifier | modifier le code] Critique[modifier | modifier le code] Ce plan a fait l'objet de vives critiques [2]. Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code] Voir aussi[modifier | modifier le code]

Hub Culture Currency[edit] In December 2009 Hub Culture began using Ven as a micropayment system for the distribution of content produced by members in the network, allowing users to charge access to individual articles or videos posted inside the network system. In May 2010, carbon pricing contracts were introduced to the weighted basket that determines the value of Ven. The introduction of carbon to the calculation price of the currency made Ven the first digital Emissions Reduction Currency System.[9] An open API for Ven arrived in January 2011, providing new forms of distribution and access to the currency for the web at large via a developer interface at[10] In April 2011, the company announced the first commodity trade priced in Ven for gold contracts between Europe and South America.[11] On Earth Day 2011, the first carbon credit trade priced in Ven was exchanged between Nike and Winrock with the London Carbon Market for Brazilian aforestation.[12] Pavilions[edit] References[edit]
