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The benefits of a good night's sleep - Shai Marcu

The benefits of a good night's sleep - Shai Marcu
"Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." -- Benjamin Franklin, 1758 (in Poor Richard's Almanac) A third of our life is spent sleeping. How much sleep a person needs changes as one ages. A new mother needs seven hours of sleep per night, but her newborn baby needs 12-18 hours of sleep per night. In general, the older you get, the less sleep you need. This can give us an idea of why sleep is so important during childhood for both growth and brain development. The hippocampus plays an important role in helping us to remember. Research shows that during sleep our brain's structure is being altered. Many studies show the remarkable role of sleep in memory. Have you ever wondered if you can learn while you are sleeping? The track used in this animation is called “No Squirrel Commotion” by Chad Crouch.

The Mixed-Up Brothers of Bogotá Leer en español The Beginning They were two pretty young women in search of pork ribs for a barbecue later that day, a Saturday in the summer of 2013. Janeth Páez suggested that they stop by a grocery store not far from where her friend Laura Vega Garzón lived in northern Bogotá. To see the full article, subscribe here. The Photo, The Truth Jorge And Carlos William and Wilber Face To Face When Two Are Like One The Importance of Will When City Meets Country The Myth of Identical Twins Falling Into a Hole Was every one of these differences learned? In May, Carlos told Wilber that he wanted to visit his biological family, but without crowds of relatives or psychologists or camera crews. Carlos sat next to William on the bus on their way up and listened as William, who had become something of a local celebrity in Santander, talked about his plans to run for City Council in La Paz. Photo Carlos knew Wilber wanted the two of them to spend more time together. Moving Forward The dancing went on as before.

How stress affects your brain - Madhumita Murgia To learn about some of the most seminal experiments that show how stress changes your brain, read this interesting story in Psychology Today. This interactive explains how mom rats impact the adult personalities of their pups, based on how much they lick them. You get to be a rat mom yourself, to see how you've changed your pup's genes! Keep reading and find out how anxious behavior in an animal can be an advantage and if epigenetic patterns are permanent! Watch this TED Talk about how we are thinking about stress all wrong: believing stress is bad for you may actually be worse than the stress itself! This cool Radiolab podcast explores the science of stress, including coping strategies seen all around the animal kingdom.

Homeless Boy Does His Homework Using The Light From A Local McDonald’s A chance encounter between a student in the Philippine city of Mandaue and a young homeless boy diligently doing his homework by the light of a McDonald’s restaurant has touched of a viral wave of support that hopefully will change the boy’s life forever. Third-grader Daniel Cabrera and his mother Christina Espinosa, who were left behind by a father and husband that died in prison, live in a wall-less food stall because their house burned down. Despite these difficulties, Daniel, 9, does his homework every night on a home-made bench using his only pencil. This was how Joyce Gilos Torrefranca saw him when she took a photo that has since gone viral. Daniel has received scholarships and support from Philippine politicians and people around the world. More info: Facebook | Daniel, 9, was spotted studying in the street by the light of a McDonald’s using his only pencil He lives in a food stall with his mom Christina, a widow who only earns 80 Philippine pesos ($1.77) a day

Emotion Psychology began as a cognitive science, and problems of cognition have been at the forefront of psychological research and theory since the early 19th-century psychophysicists, such as Weber and Fechner, and the late-19th-century investigators of learning, such as Pavlov and Thorndike. As a result, we know a great deal about how cognitive processes operate. This understanding of cognition is the subject of the lectures on Learning, Sensation and Perception, Attention and Memory, and Thought and Language. It is also summarized in an overview of Cognitive Psychology. But cognition isn't all there is to the mind. As noted in the Introduction, the 18th-century German philosopher Immanuel Kant asserted (in his Critique of Judgment, 1790, Introduction, Part 3) that: "there are three irreducible faculties of mind: knowledge, feeling and desire. "Kant's three faculties of mind constitute what E.R. cognition, emotion, and motivation. This situation is starting to change. Defining Emotion Lazarus

Clocky: Motorized Alarm Clock That Runs Away So You Can’t Snooze Do you have a hard time waking up in the morning? Are you the type of person that hits “snooze” over and over again? Then this alarm clock from Nanda Home might be just the thing! Clocky the motorized alarm clock will permit you one snooze, but after that, it leaps from your nightstand and drives away. A word of warning: for those that like to have a glass of water next to their bed, don’t put it in front of Clocky! More info: Amazon (h/t: laughingsquid) The Clocky is available for purchase on Amazon

48 | 2013 L'émotion et l'apprentissage des langues « Au commencement était l'émotion ». Cette célèbre phrase de l'écrivain français Louis-Ferdinand Céline introduit la tonalité de ce numéro de la revue Lidil. Si le mouvement premier de la pensée est d’associer la langue au verbe, les recherches décrites dans ce numéro abordent ici la langue à travers l’émotion comme objet d’investigation. L’originalité est de questionner l’émotion dans l’approche actionnelle, mise en œuvre actuellement dans la didactique du plurilinguisme. Les articles d’ouverture et de fermeture sont des exposés théoriques qui questionnent la place de l’émotion dans les méthodes didactiques de l’enseignement des langues et sur le plan pédagogique dans la construction de l’identité plurilingue, à la lumière de cadres théoriques de la psychologie.

Why Everything Is Bad for You Photo When I was growing up in the same New Jersey suburbs so expertly described in Todd Solondz movies and Tom Perrotta novels, the usual lunch for me was a sandwich consisting of Wonder Bread spread thick with Land O’ Lakes butter, a wad of Oscar Mayer bologna and a slice of American cheese. The beverage was whole milk, Tang or Coke. A stack of salty Pringles rounded off the meal. Even if I had known back then that people who eat a lot of processed meat tend to die of heart disease or cancer, and that processed cheese is held together by emulsifiers that may lead to kidney problems, and that white bread has almost zero nutritional value, and that soft drinks are sludge, and that Pringles may not qualify as potato chips, I wouldn’t have cared. But now that I’m an adult who apparently has nothing better to do than bathe in the light of computer screens 16 hours a day, I have plenty of time to scroll through articles eager to convince me that food is killing me. We’re all going to die.

Cognition "Toupictionnaire" :Le dictionnaire de politique Définition de cognition Etymologie : du latin cognitio, action de connaître, dérivé de cognoscere, chercher à savoir, s'enquérir; prendre connaissance, par les yeux ou par ouï-dire. On appelle cognition la faculté de connaître et par extension la connaissance elle-même (mais terme peu usité dans ce sens). La cognition englobe l'ensemble des processus mentaux qui ont trait à la fonction de connaissance et qui permettent l'acquisition du savoir. Ces processus, qui sont des fonctions cognitives orchestrées par le cerveau, recouvrent : le langage, la mémorisation, le raisonnement, l'apprentissage, l'intelligence, le jugement, la résolution des problèmes, la prise de décision, l'attention, la prise de conscience des émotions, la perception de l'environnement, etc. Les processus de cognition doivent être différenciés des processus mentaux qui correspondent à la fonction affective, objet de la psychologie dynamique. Cognitif

31 life skills every functioning adult should master | Lifestyle | The Indepe... Life is funny. No one gets a handbook upon turning 18, complete with all the rules they'll need to memorize and competencies they'll need to acquire. Somehow you're just supposed to know that you should have more money coming in than going out and you shouldn't wear a fuzzy orange sweater to a job interview. Fortunately, we've put together our own handbook of sorts, which lists many of the skills you'll need to survive as an adult in the modern world. It's based on the Quora thread "What are some of the most useful skills to know?" We can't promise we've outlined every skill you might need, but if you've mastered these, you're off to a good start: 1. "For most of us it is hard to hear how we made a mistake or could have done something better," writes Quora user Pedram Keyani. Depending on what kind of feedback you're receiving, there are different strategies for responding with a cool head. 2. To err is human, but to craft a believable apology isn't a universal skill. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3.
