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What is Social CRM? An Introduction

What is Social CRM? An Introduction

Why Your Company Needs to Embrace Social CRM Maria Ogneva is the Director of Social Media at Attensity, a social media engagement and voice-of-customer platform that helps the social enterprise serve and collaborate with the social customer. You can follow her on Twitter at @themaria or @attensity360, or find her musings on her personal blog and her company's blog. If you have been tracking conversations around social media for business, you have undoubtedly come across people talking about Social CRM. If you are anything like me, the first time you heard it, you probably rolled your eyes and said, “Ugh, another social media buzzword!” And while I do take issue with the jargon itself (and will discuss that later), Social CRM is a central concept that businesses need to understand deeply and integrate fully, in order to serve the social customer. Who Is the Social Customer? Bottom line: The social customer owns the relationship, and you need to earn her trust. What is Social CRM? — Social engagement must be enterprise-wide.

La boite à outils du formateur innovant " Format... What Is Social CRM? You keep hearing about this social customer relationship management (CRM) thing, right? It’s definitely been a hot topic. Here are some important points to consider when thinking about social CRM. Social CRM is first a strategy that is often supported by various tools and technologies. So now that we’ve laid some groundwork, let’s move on to a bit more context for both CRM and social CRM. Understanding CRM You can see that CRM has traditionally consisted of one-way communication between a brand and the customer. CRM is comprised of sales, marketing and service/support–based functions whose purpose was to move the customer through a pipeline with the goal of keeping the customer coming back to buy more and more stuff. Traditional CRM was very much based around data and information that brands could collect on their customers, all of which would go into a CRM system that then allowed the company to better target various customers. Understanding Social CRM Why The Evolution Happened

Gartner's Social CRM(ish) Magic Quadrant: So.... There's good and bad in everything. Sometimes the good outweighs the bad, the bad conversely can outweigh the good. Rarely, but occasionally, we have perfect balance. Hold this thought. Whether you like it or not, in the world of business, especially technology, but pretty much all business, subject matter experts of varying kinds have a lot of clout (that's with a "c", not a "k."). Yet, they are often derided as self-aggrandizing usually by someone else with a different set of self-interests. But that self-interest can lead to mistakes too. Not willful bending of the truth. Mistakes. Typically, I've found, especially recently, a lot of times it's the critics that are doing the broad brush stroke tarring ("oh, it's the consultants who are like that" or "analysts are stupid f---wits", etc.) that are the self-aggrandizing ones. Hold this thought Gartner Group: Smart, Powerful and Sometimes Confusing I've had a love/scratching my head relationship with Gartner Group. But one thing is certain.

The Value of Social Loyalty  With most brands just trying to work out how to best use social media, it’s interesting to look at the flip side where social loyalty is now the big focus of the airline industry (look at all the great KLM work), where social loyalty plays will no doubt transform traditional style frequent flyer programs faster than anything we’ll see over the next few years… This infographic looks at the future of social loyalty for the airline industry. SimpliFlying conducted a study on how frequent travellers (who travel at least five times a year) use social media and there are some interesting take outs:

Leverage Social Behavior in Your B2B Email Campaigns Mike Hotz | April 18, 2012 | 0 Comments inShare52 Companies need to focus on growing engagement with their fan base, not just collecting more fans. Social marketing's value in the B2B space has generated debate for several years. According to a Kissmetrics report from last year, 64 percent of Twitter users and 51 percent of Facebook users said they will buy from brands that they follow. Facebook's research shows that creating social engagement can increase brand recall by 1.6 times and increase purchase intent four times. Now that social channels are moving from novelty to maturation, companies need to shift their focus to grow engagement with their fan base, not just to collect more fans. Marketers must shift their focus toward getting users to "like," share, retweet, and reply to content within social communities to build an engaged community. Step 1: Lead engagement. Avoid posting content for just the content's sake. Step 2: Listen and analyze. Step 3: Bring the data together.

Social Media Is Not Social CRM, but It Can Be With These Five Steps You've likely heard the following: "We need more followers on Twitter," or, possibly, "Our CEO wants more Likes on Facebook." What's a marketer to do? Our challenge is to educate not only ourselves but also those around us. The fact is... social media success is not just about gaining followers or "Likes." Social media is a channel, not a strategy. A CRM Channel? If you're developing a social customer relationship management (CRM) strategy, however, social media might be a channel to pursue. Despite all the hype and the recklessness of slapping "social" on current business models, many industry pundits nevertheless acknowledge the emergence of a new social customer. The social customer is redefining how people interact with brands and corporations. No doubt, the explosion of social CRM has elevated it to the level of business necessity. Businesses can no longer operate in a "business as usual" fashion. Five Steps Toward Social CRM 1. 2. 3. What does your customer really want? 4. 5.

Eduquer au numérique, les enseignants ne sont pas seuls « Plus de 4000 lieux publics d’accès à l’internet sont ouverts en France, dans lesquels un ou plusieurs animateurs multimédias accompagnent, initient chacun à maîtriser et bien utiliser ces outils et services offerts par internet et plus largement par les technologies de l’information et de la communication.» ( Des ressources locales Ces lieux d’accès publics à internet plus communément appelés Espaces Publics Numériques (EPN) sont souvent des lieux financés par les collectivités locales. Ces EPN ont toute légitimité pour accompagner les enseignants dans leur approche personnelles des mondes numériques. Ainsi en février les EPN sont invités à proposer des animations en lien avec le programme « Internet plus sur » (Safer Internet Day) destiné à promouvoir une utilisation plus sûre et plus responsable de l’Internet fixe et mobile chez les jeunes. Le numérique pour tous

Observations why Social CRM isn’t…. No, I won’t claim Social CRM is dead, to the contrary. It just isn’t growing up fast enough to really have a business impact. This is more likely due to the slow pace at which companies are responding to changing market environments than it is due to the advancement of technology… There are a few observations I would like to share with you. It’s company centric Companies continue to think mainly how social technology in general and on-line social networks can help them, not their Customers. Mono-channel focus The current logic of many companies is that investments should flow to mobile and social channels, because this is where, and how, the Customer “hangs out”.. Adopting a Social CRM strategy is NOT about trying to get a spot inside the Customer’s circles and at the same time letting them wait in the cold after knocking on your touch-points door! Lack of accountability Social CRM or engagement initiatives are currently supported by good-will mostly. Please share if you like: Like this:

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