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Blu Homes Custom Prefab Eco-Friendly Homes

Blu Homes Custom Prefab Eco-Friendly Homes

ASA Asociación Sostenibilidad y Arquitectura Leed Home Depot | LEED Home Depot NP: Reanudan las charlas “Motivos para motivarse” de Bioarquitectura Mediterránea | BAM 012 After the success of the sessions in June and July mxm, the schedule for future meetings include topics such as bioclimatic design, indoor environmental quality and radiation and its effect on the environment and people. The construction sector is in crisis, both a lack of funding from potential investors and due to the unsustainability of the model itself. Cheap buildings do not consider their environmental and social impacts that are not suitable for a future increasingly demanding with the side effects of materials and construction practices. Algunas alternativas que proponemos son la construcción de edificios ecológicos y la rehabilitación de edificios ya existentes siguiendo las pautas de la arquitectura sostenible. También es importante conocer que la biología de los materiales y de las instalaciones eléctricas tienen un efecto inmediato sobre la calidad ambiental interior de la casa y sobre la salud de los usuarios. Download the press release no images were found

Home Welcome to Logical Homes Fifty years ago it was assumed that by now we would all be living in space stations high above the earth. Yet the future didn't quite work out that way. At Logical Homes we strive to design homes that are appropriate for the era we live in. We believe that the options available to progressive homebuyers are limited and we have chosen to do something about it. Welcome to the Green Schoolhouse Series METALAB » Home Page Tiny House Eco Village for the Homeless Architect Arthur Dyson is working with construction management students at Fresno State to create an unprecedented “Eco-Village” of tiny homes for homeless folks. The homes will be made of recycled materials – pallet flooring and framing, waterproofed cardboard walls, aluminum can roofing – and some donated materials from Lowe’s, according to The Fresno Bee . The green community would have several tiny homes amidst fruit trees and landscaping, while a main building would house kitchen and bathroom facilities, as well as shops for residents to sell things they’ve made or grown. The first homes are under construction, as pictured, and will be as small as 80 square feet. Fresno State contributed $20,000 to the effort, and Gregory Barfield, the city’s point man in preventing homelessness, is ready to help Dyson and company find an adequate site for the community. If successful, it seems like Dyson’s Eco-Village could provide a model for future communities elsewhere. Article tags: tiny house

One Cool Habitat | for your cool portable prefab The (Green) Tiny House Movement The tiny house movement experienced a surge of sorts when a recent video hit front page Yahoo! But the movement has been growing in popularity over time, especially during the rough and tumble of the last few years. Tiny houses often include green elements or can be seen as inherently green because they’re small and require tiny amounts of water and energy. PBS picked up on the topic and published this video embedded above. Tiny houses are interesting and inspiring. Frivolous use of space simply can’t be allowed, and objects usually work double- or triple-duty. Tiny homes tend to attract DIYers and folks seeking a new way of living. If you have a green tiny house project, we’d love to talk and share some of what you’ve discovered here on Jetson Green. Article tags: tiny house, video

Passive Houses the Secrets “Too cheap to meter” You remember that promise fr om the nuclear industry? Electricity will drop in costss far, that it will not be wise to even measure the consumption you have – thisin and again, last time, in connection with the liberation ofmany is some 250 € (per year!). That’s what others normallyy efficiency”-path is much more economi-sive for the consumers. akind of promise came agathe market for electricity. efficiency can already today fulfil a promise , energy suppliers came up with – but never came even near to make it happen.Or, to say it in another way: The “energcally attractive than the “oil, coal and nuclear”-path. Everybody can learn it: So, the secret is – that it is a secret. House. With a well insulated building envelope a home, an office and every other spaceused by persons automatically has improved indoor thermal comfort conditions,perature differences.less temperature differences, less drafts, less radiation temLiz Male put it this way:
