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About London
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Life on Scilly – pedagogfredrik Den här serien från UR är helt underbar. I sex avsnitt får vi följa ungdomarna Tom, Amy, Harry, Shamus och Jess. Vi får följa deras liv, tankar, drömmar, skola, hobbies och mycket annat från deras liv på de vacka Scillyöarna utanför Englands sydvästkust. Varje avsnitt är ca 15 minuter och man kan välja om man vill ha svensk, engelsk, eller ingen text. Jag har använt den här serien till åk 6, 7, 8 och 9. Eleverna får lyssna på engelsktalande ungdomarEleverna får kännedom/kunskaper om företeelser och sammanhang i ett område där engelskan talas som modersmålEleverna kan känna igen egna tankar och känslorDet finns färdigt arbetsmaterial med varierat innehåll, inkl lärarhandledningMaterialet är lätt att anpassa till den unika elevgrupp man för tillfället harDet är lätt att jobba digitalt med arbetsmaterialetDet finns hörförståelseuppgifter till varje avsnitt På mitt förra jobb körde jag den här serien i min specialundervisning jag hade med elever i åk 7-9. Where is it?  How big is it?

Motivating teenagers I will link three practical classroom activities to the ideas of American Psychologist Carl Rogers. The ideas of Carl Rogers Types of motivation and teenagers Ways to improve motivation:Journals - empathy Using photos - authenticity Music - acceptance The ideas of Carl Rogers Rogers (1957) outlined 3 attitudinal qualities that a teacher, or in his words, a facilitator, should have to assist the learning process. They are empathy (seeing things from the students' viewpoint), authenticity (being yourself) and acceptance (of students' ideas and opinions). Types of motivation and teenagers It is widely agreed that motivation has a great effect on a student's capacity to learn. Ways to improve motivation Journals - Empathy Journal writing can create wonderful opportunities to find out more about your students' lives. Joanna Budden, British Council, Spain

8 tips to make your life more surprising — from a “Surprisologist” A closeup of Tania Luna, with glow stick. Photo: James Duncan Davidson In today’s talk, Tania Luna shares her experience of immigrating to the United States from Ukraine as a little girl. Commit to the mindset and process of surprise. Luna believes we can all be surprisologists. Tania Luna leads a TED audience in a glowstick dance, during a talk given a year prior to the one posted today. The United States of America and Canada - year 9

Motivating speaking activities At this age, the learners aren't motivated by new language, they're motivated by an activity. It can be very difficult to get them to speak if they really don't see the point. You can approach this by focussing on the following. The function of the language and using an authentic or near authentic task (e.g. get them to sit back-to-back to practise speaking on the telephone).A motivating task, which uses the language you want them to practise (e.g. students write questions on small squares of paper using the target language, then form the papers into a board game to be played using dice and counters). Here are some possible examples, which apply to one or a combination of the above. A popular, well-known type of activity is the information gap. Making an arrangement: Each group has a diary, with appointments already filled in. Here are some examples of other activities I use with my younger learners:

New study says 30 minutes of exercise a day is not enough. You should double or quadruple that. (iStock) If you're among of the millions of Americans who dutifully carve out 30 minutes a day for the moderate-intensity exercise recommended by experts based on the idea that you're doing all you can for your heart, you're in for some disappointing news. A new analysis published Monday in the journal Circulation finds that that amount of activity may not be good enough. For the paper, researchers reviewed 12 studies involving 370,460 men and women with varying levels of physical activity. Over a mean follow-up time of 15 years, this group experienced 20,203 heart failure events. Each of the participants self-reported their daily activities, allowing the team to estimate the amount of exercise they were doing. [Scientists: Why running makes you so happy] They found that those following the 30-minutes-a-day guidelines issued by the American Heart Association had “modest reductions” in heart failure risk compared to those who did not work out at all. Jarett D. This post has been updated.

Webquest: St George's Day: History and traditions On 23rd April, we celebrate England’s patron saint, St George. But St George isn’t just the patron saint of England. Who was he? Where is his day celebrated? And did he really kill a dragon? Activity 1: Who was St George? Choose one of the topics below and prepare a report. 1. Open this link and read the introduction: a. b. c. d. e. f. 2. Open this link and read the section entitled George and England: a. b. c. d. e. 3. Use this site for information: a. b. c. Activity 2: A web cross Solve this puzzle and learn about how St George’s Day is celebrated around the world. Web cross clues Across Down Extra activities How much do you now know about St George? Related Resources Webquest: St George's Day: Teacher's notesOn 23rd April, we celebrate England’s patron saint, St George.

5 TED-Ed Lessons to use in your American History classroom Carla Staffa, Burnsville Senior High School American history teacher (and all-around rockstar), uses TED-Ed Lessons in her classroom to supplement her curriculum, start conversation and spark curiosity. We caught up with Carla to find out which lessons she uses the most and what she hopes her students take away from each one. 1.) The fight for the right to vote in the United States - Nicki Beaman Griffin “The fight for the acquisition of voting rights is one that has been fought by numerous groups, yet not all eligible voters take advantage of this right. 2.) “This lesson sets the stage of a meeting that transforms our country forever — an unlikey result for a meeting that originally intended to amend the Articles of Confederation. 3.) “In this lesson, students learn how the Kansas-Nebraska Act divided the country and contributed to the start of the American Civil War. 4.) 5.) “Minnesota is home to many American Indians – the Dakota being one of our larger tribes. Want more?

Four Videos For St. Patrick’s Day I’m adding these videos to The Best Sites For Learning About St. Patrick’s Day (& April Fools Day): Related The Best Sites For Learning About St. Patrick's Day (& April Fools Day) With St. February 14, 2009 In "best of the year" More St. Here are the newest additions to The Best Sites For Learning About St. March 17, 2012 In "social studies" Videos For St. Here are some videos I'm adding to The Best Sites For Learning About St.
