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How to Create a Unique Magic System for Your Book: 6 steps

How to Create a Unique Magic System for Your Book: 6 steps
Edit Article Edited by Jonta, Maluniu, Grendle, Anonymo and 14 others Ever feel that books such as Harry Potter have taken all the good Magic set-ups in books? Despite the thousands of types of magic in books, it's still possible to make a brand new magic. Ad Steps 1Remember that magic is distinguished from science by the measure of mystery in its elements. 6Write your book and remember to follow your own guidelines! Tips Use abstract thinking. Warnings Use care when borrowing ideas from others. Things You'll Need A source of informationImagination and a lot of time Related:  Science Fiction & Fantasy

Brandon Sanderson: Sanderson's Second Law A few years back, I wrote an essay on creating magic systems that I titled Sanderson’s First Law. It had to do with the nature of foreshadowing as it relates to solving problems with magic. In that essay, I implied that I had other “laws” for magic systems that I’d someday talk about. Well, that time has come, as I’ve finally distilled my thoughts for the second law into an explanation that will work. I’ll start, however, by noting that none of these “laws” are absolute. Nor am I the only one to talk about them. These work for me. The Law Sanderson’s Second Law can be written very simply. Limitations > Powers (Or, if you want to write it in clever electrical notation, you could say it this way: though that would probably drive a scientist crazy.) Let’s do some explaining here. If I were to ask you about Superman’s magic, you’d probably talk about his ability to fly, his super strength, the lasers he can shoot from his eyes. However, is this what makes Superman interesting? Struggle Tension

Creative Uses of Magic in Your Fantasy Story Creative Uses of Magic in Your Fantasy Story by Philip Martin Return to Speculative Fiction · Print/Mobile-Friendly Version How can you create an interesting form of magic for your fantasy story? Will magic, in your fiction, be like a tool? A technique? A language? Or will you have several forms, as Tolkien did in The Lord of the Rings, where the dark forces use magic like a bulldozer to gain power, while the elves have a wonderful nature that is magic simply because everything they do is "more effortless, more quick, more complete" than the abilities of those around them? In fantasy fiction, magic is the central nervous system. Magic doesn't need to be plausible, but it has to work well. 1. Magic needs to work according to firm rules. Everything should be set in place long in advance. 2. For dramatic impact, as important as the powers of magic are its limitations. In the Harry Potter books, Harry's nemesis, Lord Voldemort, has great powers, but even so, those powers are limited. 3. 4.

Brandon Sanderson: Sanderson's First Law Introduction I like magic systems. That’s probably evident to those of you who have read my work. A solid, interesting and innovative system of magic in a book is something that really appeals to me. True, characters are what make a story narratively powerful—but magic is a large part of what makes the fantasy genre distinctive. For a while now, I’ve been working on various theories regarding magic systems. I’d like to approach the concept of magic in several different essays, each detailing one of the ‘laws’ I’ve developed to explain what I think makes good magic systems. The Law Sanderson’s First Law of Magics: An author’s ability to solve conflict with magic is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to how well the reader understands said magic. When I applied to be on the programming of my very first Worldcon (following my sale of Elantris, but before the book was actually released) I saw that they were doing a “How does the magic work?” It my very first panel at the convention. “Well,” I said.

Creating Magic Today’s post comes to us thanks to my good friend Stuart Jaffe (of “The Eclectic Review” fame) who emailed me a few days ago to discuss the creation of magic systems. This is something I’ve done quite a bit, and it’s one of the things I enjoy most about writing fantasy. Magic is, in many ways, the defining characteristic of works in our genre. But contrary to what some people think, creating a magic system is not an anything-goes endeavor. 1) A magic system has to have limitations. 2) In my opinion, magic should have a cost. 3) And finally, (this is pretty basic) a magic system has to be internally consistent. As writers of fantasy, we ask our readers to suspend their disbelief every time they open one of our books.

Cyberpunk Studies Author C.L. Wilson Blog Double, double, toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble... ~ Shakespeare's MacBeth In this long-delayed (and for that I do so apologize. Because magic is by definition the most fantastic element of your created world, creating the specifics of your magic system can either fascinate readers or destroy all suspension of disbelief. I'm big on "discover as you go" but the basics of the magic are the one concrete foundation I absolutely MUST establish from the get go. The Magic Must Make Sense The number one rule when creating magic is this: create your rules, then follow them . It doesn't so much matter how your magic works but that it works the same way, every time . This does not mean you cannot have surprises or have your characters learn new magical techniques. Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to begin building rules for your magic system: What can your magic do? What can your magic not do? Is there a limit to how much magic someone can wield? Can magic be counteracted?

Horror Movie News, Reviews, and Interviews | The Blood Sprayer Principles of Tolkien's Magic This is an attempt to outline some principles of magic in Middle Earth, with an eye for adaptation to role-playing games. Rather than starting from a pre-existing RPG system, I will go through the canon evidence and proceed into speculation. Within Tolkien's works, we have a number of examples of magic use -- but no explanation of what magic is or how it works. f My aim is not an encyclopedic listing of magic shown in Middle Earth, but rather a system or set of principles which is true to the spirit of the stories. Practitioners of Magic The most obvious practitioners of magic are the order of wizards, the Istari. However, magic may also be done by mortals. However, it is not as clear how good magic is learned by men, or what it would look like. Of course, elves and dwarves also have magic. Limits of Magic Magic in Middle Earth is based around enhancing or weakening the inherent properties of things. Magic cannot burn snow or other unnatural effects. Forms of Magic Crafting Creatures Spells

Ecrire une saga d'Héroïc Fantasy Naturellement, il vous faudra un peu d’investissement personnel. Je présume que vous disposez déjà d’un ordinateur, puisque vous lisez cette chronique. De même, j’imagine que vous avez à votre disposition un traitement de texte (avec correcteur orthographique incorporé) et quelques après-midi libres. L’hiver approche, il n’y a rien sur TF1... Vous avez toutes les cartes en main ! Première chose, le titre : Il doit être choisi avec circonspection, mais peut n’avoir aucun rapport avec le sujet qui sera traité dans votre saga (encore que ça peut aider). Il y a quelques critères à respecter. Un exemple. Chronique des Morts Evocatrices : un titre évocateur donc, qui associe de façon incongrue un adjectif au terme porteur d’impact qui en constitue l’élément quasi « réglementaire ». Or donc, un sous-titre, pour le premier tome. « Chroniques des Morts Evocatrices : Le prince perdu de la lande noire. » « Je suis le ténébreux, le veuf, l’inconsolé, le Prince d’Aquitaine à la tour abolie. Voilà.

Magicology: The Study of Magic Systems | Atsiko's Chimney This page contains links to all of my posts relating to the construction and analysis of magical systems in speculative fiction. (I reserve the right to include posts about video game magic systems and real world magic systems.) Tags are great, but a list of posts just seems so much simpler. 1. System? What System? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Like this: Like Loading...

Écrire un roman d’héroic fantasy GNA HA HA HA HA ! JE SUIS DIEU ! Je crée des mondes fabuleux et je les détruis d’une simple pression du doigt. J’invente des monstres d’une laideur repoussante, leur haleine fétide empestant le brocoli pourri. Dans ma grande mansuétude, j’abandonne mes héros dans des contrées dangeureuses où ils doivent mettre la clé à molette dans le pot de fleur pour trouver la sortie… … Bon, je pense que vous avez compris le principe. Voici une trentaine de questions auxquelles vous devez répondre en les étoffants le plus possible (Autrement dit, faites chauffer vos neurones ! 1- Y a-t-il plusieurs peuples ? 2- Où se situe votre monde ? 3- Est-ce qu’une certaine forme de technologie existe ? 4- La science est-elle développée ? 5- Comment est la médecine ? 6- Quel genre d’arts retrouve-t-on ? 7- Est-ce qu’il y a de la magie ? 8- Où est Charlie ? 9- Y a-t-il une malédiction qui pèse sur le monde ? 10- Y a-t-il des monstres, des créatures surnaturelles ? 13- Comment est la température ? 32- Etc. - Science fiction & Fantasy SF Signal – A Speculative Fiction Blog
