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Frenchfrog's Little English Pond

Find Free Images Quickly With Compfight Creative Commons licensed photos are a sort of internet miracle: By providing an easily-understood syntax for attribution and permissions, they make it possible to add visual interest to blog posts, web sites, syllabuses, presentations–anything you like, really. They also facilitate remixes and other forms of creative adaptation (or deformation), which can be useful in a wide variety of teaching and research contexts. We’ve written about Flickr & Creative Commons before: I explained how to do creative-commons limited searches, and Julie suggested integrating creative commons-licensed material in your classroom. I also reviewed Wylio, a website that searches Flickr. (Wylio has since adopted a different business model.) Beyond photos, George has detailed how to find free, re-usable content for your classroom.

English for Life: 10 TV Shows Which You’ll Love Learning English With Who doesn’t watch TV? Almost everyone watches at least a little bit of television, right? Some people watch a whole lot. So, doesn’t it make sense to watch some in English? Learn the collocations with have Jason R. Levine produces some of the best videos for teaching and learning English online. You probably know his super famous rap on irregular verbs. Twitter as a tool for learningScoop Social media often gets a bad rap for being a driving force behind people falling out of touch, neglecting in-person relationships, and reducing productivity for people around the world. Naysayers blame it for shorter attention spans and proliferation of bad grammar, and the most vehement of those naysayers believe that social media has led to privacy being a thing of the past. To be fair, there have been many times where I’ve been trolling my Twitter feed only to be thoroughly horrified by TMI moments and tHingz Speld lIKE THIZ. But if you look past the rough surface Twitter can sometimes present, you find an amazing tool for learning.

ESL Kids Lessons, English Video Tutorial Lessons for children This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Learn more Got it! Online English Lessons for Children - Videos, Games, Tests & Progress Tracking Animated English Lessons, Fun Games for Kids, Worksheets & Songs iPad As.... iPads have exploded throughout schools and classrooms. Their flexibility, versatility, and mobility make them a phenomenal learning tool. As teachers seek ways to integrate these devices, we recommend focusing on specific learning goals that promote critical-thinking, creativity, collaboration, and the creation of student-centric learning environments. In other words, begin with.....

Cageless Thinking: Innovation and Creativity in Education 1. It’s not a laptop The biggest and most oft-heard criticism of the iPad usually revolves around it not behaving like a desktop PC or laptop. The people making this complaint are simply missing the point. How to Record Screencast Videos on your iPad or iPhone This detailed guide describes the various options that will help you record movies (screencasts) of your iPad or iPhone screen. You can use it for capturing app demos, game walkthroughs and more. Whether you are an app developer building iOS apps and games or a tech blogger who likes to review such apps, what you definitely want is a screencasting tool that will help you easily record video demos, or screencast movies, of your mobile app.
