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Frenchfrog's Little English Pond

English for Life: 10 TV Shows Which You’ll Love Learning English With Who doesn’t watch TV? Almost everyone watches at least a little bit of television, right? Some people watch a whole lot. So, doesn’t it make sense to watch some in English? Get Hooked on a Great Show Getting hooked on [addicted to] a great TV show is an excellent way to improve your English. Skip directly to top 10 shows People from Scandinavia and Holland are probably some of the best English speakers in the world–almost at the same level with native speakers from the UK, the U.S., Australia, etc. It’s because the television shows in those countries are not dubbed [the audio changed to the local language]–they’re in English with subtitles in the local language. Imagine how different the world would be if this were true everywhere. Many of my students have told me that they are, “Not ready to watch television in English.” You can start watching shows in English with subtitles in your native language, as long as you don’t let them distract you too much. Like TV? Now, let’s get started! 1. 2.

4ème 3 - Juniors - The biggest liar… - The Biggest Liar… - Creating your… - Email writing and… - Writing an email… - Organizing a party… - Organizing a… - The School of the… - The Future: Life in… - The Future - The Future - I,… - Recording your… - Positi Tuesday 25 june 2013 2 25 /06 /Jun /2013 17:15 - Posted in: 4ème 3 - Juniors And the winner is... Aurélia! Congratulations to her for talking about her fake meeting with Ellie Goulding back stage at a concert she attended this year. Of course, and I'm the Queen of England...! Homework: - des petites révisions cet été par le biais d'un cahier de vacances "Anglais: de la 4ème à la 3ème" seront sans doute les bienvenues. Monday 24 june 2013 1 24 /06 /Jun /2013 10:34 Hi guys, today we started the preparation for "The Biggest Liar Contest" that will take place tomorrow. You had to invent a crazy story, a lie about something that happened to you. Tomorrow, you will have to appear as truthful as possible when narrating your story to the class and we will elect "the biggest liar" of all time. Get ready for your fabulous gift! Structures to remember how to use: ---> Le present perfect = introduire votre sujet pour parler de votre expérience extra-ordinaire. I've already been attacked by a crocodile Hey, Hi,

EDU'bases langues vivantes - Formulaire de recherche et r sultats pour : Anglais, Coll ge Cette fiche présente une activité qui s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une séquence de 4e intitulée : 'Survivors' Are you ready? . Le scénario à résoudre est le suivant : deux candidats veulent obtenir la dernière place pour participer à la prochaine saison de 'Survivor'. Cette activité reprend des thèmes tels que la présentation de son identité, de ses talents, de ses capacités, de sa personnalité . Cette fiche a aussi pour objectif principal de montrer comment les tablettes tactiles peuvent être utilisées pour optimiser le travail de compréhension de l'oral, pour créer une séance plus dynamique, plus motivante et plus interactive ( enseignant -élèves / élèves -élèves ) et pour faire des élèves de réels acteurs de la phase de brainstorming à la trace écrite.

Apprendre l'anglais facilement - Exercices en ligne gratuits et progressifs. ESL Kids Lessons, English Video Tutorial Lessons for children This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Learn more Got it! Online English Lessons for Children - Videos, Games, Tests & Progress Tracking Animated English Lessons, Fun Games for Kids, Worksheets & Songs We have English lessons as video tutorials for kids from kindergarten to primary school levels. Phonics Games & Videos Online - Teach Your Child to Read with Phonics - Phonics Games Online, Phonics Worksheets, Phonics Video Tutorials English Lessons for Children - For Parents & Teachers of Kids - We offer Video Tutorials, Games, Worksheets, Powerpoint,Flashcards, Placement Tests - ESL Videos : Teach English with ESL Video Tutorials. English Video Tutorial Lesson for Children Teach Kids using these Video Tutorials: This is good for teachers and parents with no teaching experience: Kindergarten Video English Lessons :Toddlers & young learners Primary 1 Video Lessons : English Lessons for grade 1 students Video Lessons by Unit & Level Hide Show

The Teacher's Corner - Lesson Plans, Worksheets and Activities P) En panne d'inspiration? - Mrs Quesne's site for English teachers Voici une liste de timesavers qui vous donneront une liste très complète de sites qui vous inspirerons peut-être: Un florilège d'activités si vous êtes en panne d'inspiration ici Vous trouverez aussi des documents pour faire pratiquer l'anglais à vos élèves de manière efficace ici à la veille ou au retour des vacances. Activité During the break pour rebrasser le prétérit iciActivité Halloween memory ici
