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Witchcraft Spells, Free spells, Wiccan Spells and Love Spells

Witchcraft Spells, Free spells, Wiccan Spells and Love Spells

Free Magick Ebooks - Wiccan Spells For fans of this website, I have included two FREE e-book downloads. These are books that I have found very helpful and informative, and I hope you do too! [like_to_read] The Art of True Healing by Israel Regardie From Art of True Healing details a powerful exercise that stimulates the body, mind, and spirit to help us create physical health and personal success. Download the pdf version by right-clicking here and choosing “Save As”. Psychic Self-Defense by Dion Fortune From After finding herself the subject of a powerful psychic attack, Dion Fortune wrote this detailed instruction manual for safeguarding yourself against paranormal malevolence. Download the pdf version by right-clicking here and choosing “Save As”. Blessings, [/like_to_read] Successfully performing a spell is an art that comes about with practice.

Gog and Magog Names, respectively, of a king and of his supposed kingdom, mentioned several times in Ezekiel 38 and 39, and once in the Apocalypse (20:7). In the first passage of Ezechiel we read the command of Yahweh to the prophet: "Son of man, set thy face against Gog the land of Magog...and prophesy of him...Behold, I come against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Mosoch and Thubal" (38:2-3). A similar command is found also at the beginning of chapter 39. These two chapters contain repeated reference to Gog and Magog, but they furnish only vague and uncertain indications as to the identity of the ruler or the location of the country. In chapter 39 Gog is represented (verses 5 and 6) as being accompanied in his invasion of the land of Israel by the Persians, Ethiopians, and Libyans, Gomer, and...the house of Thogorma; and in verse 15 we read: "And thou shalt come out of thy place from the northern parts." APA citation. MLA citation. Transcription. Ecclesiastical approbation. Contact information.

2015 Pagan/Wiccan Calendar Pagans love to celebrate, and as the Wheel of the Year turns, a number of milestones are reached. Each is a time for gathering together with friends and family, working on our spiritual development, and feasting and merrymaking! The following is a list of dates for 2015, as well as resources for celebration in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Be sure to read about Celebrating the Sabbats Seasonally, to get a good idea as to how you can celebrate based upon agricultural markers rather than just dates on a calendar. If you're one of our readers below the Equator, you'll also want to check out Moon Phase Names in the Southern Hemisphere. Please note that the full moon dates and times are based upon the Farmer's Almanac schedules, which is listed in Eastern Standard Time. Also, before you go to an event, make sure you read about proper Pagan and Wiccan Festival Etiquette. Are you planning ahead for next year?

Spell for Healing a Pet - Free Wiccan and Witchcraft Spells - Everything Under the Moon You will need: Healing Oil* A Black Candle A Red Candle A Brown Candle Several stones or crystals Anoint a black candle, a red candle and a brown candle with healing oil. Rub your hands together, generating heat and energy. Focus on the candles, continuing to maintain contact with your pet, and visualize the strength from the red candle pouring into the brown candle, and pushing all the sickness into the black candle. "Goddess, with your healing touch Bless this animal we love so much. Continue the stroking and energy flow until you feel that the spell is done, then allow the animal plenty of time to rest and heal. Obviously, if you wish to perform this spell in a cast circle, that's your choice. *Healing oil can be bought at New Age/occult stores, or you can make your own with this recipe: 6 drops Lavender oil 6 drops Rosemary oil 1/2 ounce base oil (apricot kernel, jojoba, grapeseed, even olive oil)

Free E-books! Here is my list... : Witchcraft and Wicca in the Media Hi all, If you go into isohunt (torrent website - just put "isohunt" into google) and look up "witchcraft" under books then you find a file that has loads of different relevant books to download in one go. (You'll need a torrent processor but if you haven't got it, just download bittorrent). This is the list: Directory: Books of Witchcraft The War of Gog and Magog Ezekiel 38 through 39 tells of a future invasion of Israel by a vast coalition of nations that surround it. As we read the headlines in the newspapers of today, and witness the conflict in the Middle East, it's not hard to imagine that this invasion prophesied over 2600 years ago, could be fulfilled in our lifetime. Ezekiel 36-37 predicts a gathering of the Jews to the nation of Israel, which will be followed by this massive invasion. For 19 centuries the Jewish people were scattered throughout the world, and until May 14, 1948 there was no nation of Israel to invade. With the nation of Israel now a reality, the stage seems set for the war that will usher in the tribulation and the rise of the Antichrist; a war that will end with the destruction of Israel's enemies by God Himself, and lead to the signing of a peace treaty with the Antichrist. There are many theories as to who will join in this future invasion of Israel. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rather than: Persia is a pretty easy one. Rosh Put

Online Wicca College & Wiccan Training Enrollment | Sacred Mists The tuition fees for enrolling, and continuing enrollment in the College of the Sacred Mists are as follows: a one time enrollment fee of $25.00 (requested for each degree, upon enrollment), and a $25.00 per month tuition fee. PayPal tuition subscriptions are maintained on a month-to-month automatic subscription basis, with the first payment totaling $50.00. Money Order and direct Credit Card tuition submissions require a semi-annual pre-payment schedule and are recurring. Your tuitions help to support the College activities, administration and time that goes into the quality education and experience found within Sacred Mists. We're confident that you'll not find the same quality, interaction and atmosphere anywhere else regardless of cost! It is understood that a $25 enrollment fee (per Degree) and $25.00 per month tuition is required to enroll, and continue my enrollment, in the College of the Sacred Mists and complete my training.

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