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Nerdcore › This Blog about Beauty and Brains.
Spam-Kühlschrank in a Botnet-of-Things: Von gehackten Items aus dem Internet of Things werden wir in Zukunft noch sehr viel hören: Zwischen den Jahren hat ein Spambot Netzwerk über 100.000 Dingse von Mediaplayern bis SmartTVs inklusive einem Kühlschrank übernommen und mit dem Kram Spam verschickt. Between December 23 and January 6, more than 100,000 internet-connected smart “things,” including media players, smart televisions and at least one refrigerator, were part of a network of computers used to send 750,000 spam emails. So says a study just released by enterprise security company Proofpoint. This is the first time anyone in the security industry has proved that devices that are part of the internet of things are being used just as PCs have been for decades—as part of “zombie” networks of computers used to do everything from sending spam to mining bitcoin. Someone’s refrigerator just took part in a malicious cyberattack

Nationales Cyber-Abwehrzentrum – SecuPedia Bild: Bundes-Cyber-Sicherheitsstrategie Als Bestandteil der neuen Cyber-Sicherheitsstrategie soll das Nationale Cyber-Abwehrzentrum (NCAZ) als entsprechende Bundeseinrichtung ab April 2010 übergreifende Bedrohungen aus dem Internet abwehren (z.B. Cyberwar-Angriffe, globale Computer-Würmer).

La “Bóveda” del FBI revela documentos de íconos como Hemingway, Einstein y Marilyn El Bureau Federal de Investigación (FBI) ha guardado registros de muchísimas figuras culturales como escritores, músicos, comediantes, cineastas, científicos, actores y activistas. Si visitas la Bóveda puedes revisar muchos de ellos (los que ahora están desclasificados) en su “nuevo cuarto de lectura electrónico”, que contiene algo así como 6,700 documentos y otros datos que han sido escaneados del papel para que puedas leerlos en la comodidad de tu escritorio. Amablemente, el FBI acomoda los archivos en categorías como anti-guerra (Abbie Hoffman, Howard Zinn), la era gangster (Al capone, John Dillinger), fenómenos inexplicables (Roswell UFO, percepción extrasensorial). Allí encontrarás materiales relacionados con: El caso de Ernest Hemingway: “Trabajo de inteligencia de parte de la Empajada de E:U:A en la Habana, Cuba entre 1942 y 1944” “Potenciales lazos a actividades comunistas en Hollywood en 1940” de Orson Welles

M I S T E R H I P P My Gwen Stacy variant cover for Black Widow this June. DC Comics’ variant cover theme for July is “Teen Titans GO!” I had fun. Accidental Chinese Hipsters Tessa Chong sent me the above image with the explanation that she had seen and drawn the man from memory on a trip to Toronto. We got to talking, and the following interview and her interpretations of some other noted Accidental Chinese Hipsters ensued. You can see more of her work here. ACH: How old are you and where are you living now? Aaron Horkeys The Two Towers-Poster Mondo haut zum Jahresende Aaron Horkeys zweites Lord of the Rings-Poster raus. Look at this. LOOK AT THIS! Das erste geht auf Ebay mittlerweile für über 1800 Dollar über den Tisch, nach dem Klick nochmal das Poster zum ersten Teil sowie seine Arbeiten zu There Will Be Blood, True Grit und ein Plakat für Flight of the Conchords.

Stunning Infographics and Data Visualization Feb 02 2010 Information graphics, or infographics, are visual representations of information, data or knowledge. The graphics are used where complex information needs to be explained quickly and clearly, such as on signs and maps and in journalism, technical writing and education. Today, infographics surround us in the media, in published works both mainstream and scientific and in road signs and manuals. Appstats für Python - Google App Engine The Python SDK includes the Appstats library used for profiling the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) performance of your application. An App Engine RPC is a roundtrip network call between your application and an App Engine Service API. For example, all of these API calls are RPC calls: Datastore calls such as db.get(), db.put(), or db.query().Memcache calls such as memcache.get(), or memcache.get_multi().URL Fetch calls such as urlfetch.fetch().Mail calls such as mail.send(). Optimizing or debugging a scalable application can be a challenge because numerous issues can cause poor performance or unexpected costs. These issues are very difficult to debug with the usual sources of information, like logs or request time stats.

Religion and Psychology: 01_10 Nothing interested Blake more than the relationship of man and God. One way he saw his purpose in life was to 'open the minds of men to a perception of the Infinite'. Because he knew that religion was supposed to serve that purpose for man, he was appalled by false religions which separated God from man, and man from man. False religions he recognized as taking many forms.

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