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BiomedExperts: Scientific Social Networking

BiomedExperts: Scientific Social Networking

Scientific Commons | A Community for Scientific Information Home - Doccitanist - Professionnels de l’IST d’Occitanie Expert Witnesses EXPERT DIRECTORIESExpert directories list individuals available for consultation and testimony. Directories provide varying amounts of information about the experts, but often include areas of expertise, qualifications, and contact information. ALM This online directory contains background and contact information for over 15,000 experts nationwide. The directory is organized by topic, and offers keyword searching capabilities. The Los Angeles County Bar Association maintains this online directory of experts.Users may browse experts by specialty, or search using keywords. This website provides free information about experts in a variety of fields, including contact information, brief biographies, and links to the experts' websites. Expert Witness Network free service helps locate legal experts with particular expertise or experience.

Center for Open Science This position is not with the Center for Open Science, but is, instead, a courtesy posting for the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in Social Sciences. The Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in Social Sciences (BITSS) is a new effort to promote the integrity, replicability, and validity of empirical social science research. The program is fostering an active network of social science researchers and institutions committed to strengthening transparency in economics, political science, behavioral science, and related disciplines. Central to BITSS is the identification and evaluation of strategies or tools to improve research transparency, including study registries, pre-analysis plans, data archiving and sharing platforms, and replications. Headquartered at the Center for Effective Global Action at UC Berkeley, BITSS is looking for a Program Associate to support the initiative’s evaluation and outreach efforts. All applications must be submitted through the UC Berkeley jobs website. | Streaming Knowledge, Advancing Careers | vide RENATIS IME Expert Witness | Psychiatrist Expert Witness | Surgeon Expert Witness | Banking Expert Witness | Forensic Expert Witness Trusted by Trial Lawyers since 1974. Saponaro, Inc., is a nationwide group of consulting Experts offering attorneys an objective opinion on the merits of their case. We offer an efficient, dignified approach, and are noted for our integrity and candor. Dr. James N. In 1985, Guy R. Saponaro, Inc., offers a full line of services to attorneys, providing well-qualified experts and in-depth case evaluations, both in a timely and cost effective manner. Why Saponaro, Inc.? We save you time to do what you know best – practice law… with the confidence that your case requirements will be met.Our fee structure is more than competitive, and we do not invoice for our Experts.

Digital Living Network Alliance Die Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) ist eine internationale Vereinigung von Herstellern von Computern, Unterhaltungselektronik und Mobiltelefonen mit dem Ziel, die Interoperabilität informationstechnischer Geräte unterschiedlicher Hersteller aus dem Heimbereich sicherzustellen. Organisation[Bearbeiten] Logo für zertifizierte Produkte Die DLNA wurde im Juni 2003 als Digital Home Working Group (DHWG) von Sony und Intel gegründet. Zu den Hauptaufgaben der Organisation gehört die gemeinsame Entwicklung und laufende Aktualisierung technischer Leitlinien (Home Networked Device Interoperability Guidelines) für Entwickler und Hersteller von Geräten aus dem Bereich Verbraucherelektronik, EDV und Mobilgeräten. Zertifizierung[Bearbeiten] DLNA-Schema DLNA zertifiziert folgende Geräteklassen:[2] Heimnetzwerkgeräte (Home Network Devices): Digital Media Server (DMS) stellen Medieninhalte (z. Einzelne Geräte können mehreren Geräteklassen gleichzeitig angehören. Zu den tragbaren Geräten gehören u. a.

Science of Collaboratories Home Les réseaux sociaux scientifiques sur Internet : compte-rendu d’une courte étude | Le carnet de recherche de VertigO Afin de s’orienter dans ses développements, [VertigO] a effectué entre 2009 et 2010 une recherche préliminaire sur la question des réseaux sociaux scientifiques numériques (pour des détails voir Cette recherche visait aussi à voir comment le développement d’une telle plateforme serait perçu par des chercheurs et intervenants en activité dans un domaine de recherche/intervention multidisciplinaire. Dans le première étape, nous avons repéré et analysé différents réseaux sociaux scientifiques numériques existants (tout en ayant une définition large du réseau social) (Research Gates, Nature Network, Médiaterre, etc…). L’étude webographique réalisée préalablement à cette recherche a permis de constater la présence d’un grand nombre de réseaux et autres serveurs scientifiques et d’un certain nombre de sites dédiés au domaine scientifique “développement”. Grandes conclusions Références [1] Nielsen Company 2009. Imprimer ce billet

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