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These Are The 16 Attributes of The Modern Educator

These Are The 16 Attributes of The Modern Educator
December 30, 2014 As teachers and educators, we are constantly required to review, evaluate and renew our teaching strategies to align them with the cultural, technological and pedagogical ethos of the era we are living in. In today's era, the digital component is at the foreground which obviously calls for a new mindset, a novel conceptual framework that views technology not as an end itself but solely a mean to an educational end. It is a truism that digitality has opened a new horizon of unprecedented learning opportunities and experiences but we can only tap into its full educational potential when we equip ourselves with the proper mindset: a growth and open mindset that as much as it adapts it also disrupts the century-old orthodoxies underlying teaching and learning practice. Teaching is a dynamic concept which is constantly evolving and expanding and that is why teachers and educators are forever learners. Related:  El Mejor MaestroDocencia

100 Consejos prácticos para ser un buen docente Este es el artículo que me hubiera gustado leer hace quince años cuando impartí mi primera clase como docente. Cuando empiezas en una profesión tan exigente como la de enseñar, no cabe duda de que cualquier ayuda es poca y todo los consejos que puedes obtener siempre son de gran ayuda. Es por ello que el artículo de hoy tiene la intención de hacer un listado de algunos consejos que he ido aprendiendo y recopilando a lo largo de mi carrera profesional como docente. ¿Eres docente? ¡Ya somos más de 20.000 suscriptores! 100 Consejos para docentes de la mano de Justifica tu respuesta. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100.

The 10 Biggest Educational Trends (And What Teachers Think) We hear a lot about what things are popular in terms of technology, the cool new devices that are coming out, and trends that are happening with classroom technology integration. But just because something is a trend (or even a requirement) doesn’t that it is popular or liked. It doesn’t mean you won’t hear people grumbling about it. Often times, trends become trends because a lot of people like them, but in the case of education, trends can happen easily in the following scenario: administrators like the idea and think it is great, and teachers have to implement said idea regardless of if it is a great fit with their classroom and students. So what common education technology trends are really supported and loved by teachers, and which ones make them want to bang their heads on their chalkboards/desks/smartboards/laptops?

Performance reviews: five things you shouldn't say There is something about receiving a meeting request for a performance review that fills most people with the same sense of dread as a job interview or a parent-teacher meeting. And it's not just the employees who are anxious. Let's face it – most bosses don't look forward to this time of year either. Every boss knows that if an annual review isn't worded perfectly, it can crush an employee's motivation, inspiration and productivity. Want to avoid office mutiny? Ban these phrases from your vocabulary – and never, ever say "I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed". "Sorry I'm late…" If you've scheduled a review for 2 o'clock, don't leave a team member watching the clock. I've also heard of bosses saying to their staffer, "OK, lets get this thing over and done with …" Take your responsibilities as a reviewer seriously – make notes beforehand and refer to them. "Why are you always late?" "In comparison to [insert name of employee]" "I've been meaning to speak to you about …"

Los maestros del siglo XXI Tradicionalmente se reconoce al maestro y al alumno como los principales actores del proceso educativo, pero actualmente un tercero personaje está ganando terreno, arrebatando protagonismo a los dos anteriores debido al extraordinario avance en la transmisión y comunicación de la información en el mundo. Actualmente, los docentes viven una transformación en su actividad profesional debido al entorno donde las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) se convierten en un elemento capaz de lograr algo más que una simple transmisión de conocimientos para la educación. Con la finalidad de encontrar respuestas a los posibles desafíos que representa este nuevo proceso educativo, el docente debe organizar sus clases en función de los cuatro aprendizajes esenciales que, a lo largo de toda la vida, serán de alguna manera su orientación. Aprender a conocer Aprender a hacerEnfatiza la formación profesional y la preparación para el mundo del trabajo. A continuación algunas sugerencias:

Teachers’ Instructional Strategies Infographic Teacher Infographics Instructional methods are used by teachers to create learning environments and to specify the nature of the activity in which the teacher and learner will be involved during the lesson. While particular methods are often associated with certain strategies, some methods may by found within a variety of strategies. Instructional strategies determine the approach a teacher may take to achieve learning objectives. The Instructional Strategies Infographic presents a variety of strategies for monitoring progress, staying active, comparing and contrasting ideas, forming groups, fostering cooperation/collaboration, adapting content and taking notes. Via: Embed This Education Infographic on your Site or Blog!

changetheorists / Ron Heifetz Summary Heifetz identifies two types of challenges in change: adaptive and technical. The technical is defined as those that can be solved by the knowledge of experts, whereas adaptive requires new learning. ---“The mark of leadership in the competitive world is leading others in adaptive work.” Six Principles for Leading Adaptive Change 1. a. 2. a. b. c. 3. a. b. c. 4. a. b. c. d. 5. a. b. c. 6. a. b. Political Thinking (Level 5 Leadership, Jim Collins, 2001) Lastly, Heifetz stresses that educational leaders need to be able to think politically. ✭ Personal relationships are key to successful leadership ✭ Adaptive leadership is based on political thinking ✭ Develop alliances ✭ Keep the opposition close ✭ Acknowledge the loss and difficulty ✭ Accept casualties in order to make progress ✭ Take responsibility for your piece of the mess

La buena vida de los profesores. | La Ametralladora La buena vida de los profesores. Por Yolanda Barreno. Ser profesor de secundaria parece, en estos tiempos que corren, sinónimo de tener una buena vida: trabajar pocas horas, tener muchas vacaciones y cobrar un sueldazo. O al menos eso es lo que se oye en las calles, la imagen social de un colectivo cada vez más desprestigiado por la constante labor de unos medios de comunicación de masas al servicio de unos intereses políticos e ideológicos de sobra conocidos. A pesar de todo, la docencia sigue siendo una buena opción laboral para muchos titulados universitarios, condenados en caso contrario a engrosar las filas del paro y de la emigración forzosa. El punto de partida debe ser la formación necesaria para ser profesor, en la que se aúnan tiempo y esfuerzo a partes iguales. Una vez superados estos estudios, hay que presentarse a las oposiciones al Cuerpo de Profesores de Secundaria, que constan de tres fases: Porque, ¿cuántas horas trabaja un Profesor de Secundaria? Me gusta:

7 Characteristics of an Innovative Educator Written by Rachelle Wootten What are the characteristics of an innovative educator? Reflective – As an educator, it is important to reflect on what is working and what is not. Even though it can be a little uncomfortable, we have to admit when a great lesson was really a flop. We must constantly examine our processes and our concepts to make sure they are what is best for the students we teach. Learners- An innovative educator is always learning, reading, listening. Creative- When I say creative I don’t mean in the sense of artistic even though some innovative educators fall in this category. Connected- It’s hard to be classified as innovative when you are disconnected from your students and trends in the profession. Collaborative- Education is one industry where sharing is necessary and vital to true innovation in the classroom. Inquisitive- How can I improve? Principled- Innovative educators live life according to strong values. Rachelle Wootten (1 Posts)

Las 33 Competencias Digitales que todo profesor(a) del siglo XXI debiera tener El docente del siglo XXI ha de ser capaz de: 1 - Crear y editar audio digital 2 - Utilizar marcadores sociales para compartir los recursos con/entre los estudiantes 3 - Usar blogs y wikis para generar plataformas de aprendizaje en línea dirigdas a sus estudiantes 4 - Aprovechar las imágenes digitales para su uso en el aula 5 - Usar contenidos contenidos audiovisuales y vídeos para involucrar a los estudiantes 6 - Utilizar infografías para estimular visualmente a los estudiantes 7 - Utilizar las redes sociales para conectarse con colegas y crecer profesionalmente 8 - Crear y entregar presentaciones y sesiones de capacitación 9 - Compilar un e-portafolio para su autodesarrollo 10 - Tener un conocimiento sobre seguridad online 11 - Ser capaz de detectar el plagio en los trabajos de sus estudiantes 12 - Crear videos con capturas de pantalla y vídeo-tutoriales 13 - Recopilar contenido Web apto para el aprendizaje en el aula 17 - Aprovechar los juegos de ordenador y videoconsola con fines pedagógicos
