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Using TPACK to plan activities

Using TPACK to plan activities

TPACK EdofICTJSSALC - SAMR Examples The following examples are ways to examine the progress from S to R. Blog Archive ยป How I see the SAMR Model Everyone is talking about the SAMR model for eLearning. A principal emailed me this week wanting to know more about the concept so I emailed her with a reply but thought it may be useful to add my thoughts more publicly too. The SAMR model is based on the thinkings of Ruben Puentedura. In a nutshell here is how I see what the SAMR letters stand for. S- Substitution- would be you just used an iPad as a flash sort of text book for the kids to read and copy from. A- Augmentation- you might have the text book read to you via Speech Selection so that is moving things up a notch. M- Modification- You might make your own book using Book Creator that includes graphics, audio, video and hyperlinks etc R- Redefinition- You might have students all collaborating making pages for a Book Creator including graphics, audio, video and hyperlinks etc and combining them in one book which you then publish it on iTunes. I made this graphic using Explain Everything app to show the levels of SAMR.
