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Projectors, Projector Reviews, LCD Projectors, Home Theater DLP Projectors at

Los olores de la vagina Por todos, hombres y mujeres, es bien conocido el olor de los genitales femeninos; aunque no todos huelen igual. Algunos olores de vagina nos recuerdan a aromas dulces y ligeramente acres. Otros, sin embargo, los asociamos a los efluvios mefíticos de una cloaca. La cultura popular ha estigmatizado estos aromas fuertes del sexo femenino con expresiones del tipo “huele a pescado” (de ahí provienen chistes como el del ciego que cruza por delante de una pescadería y dice: buenos días, señoras). Tal vez sea cuestión de higiene, pero más bien de la higiene de nuestras ideas preconcebidas y del lavado de cerebro al que hemos sido sometidos. Una vagina de olor desagradable no siempre es sinónimo falta de higiene (de hecho, el exceso de higiene es peor que la falta de higiene, pues se destruye la imprescindible flora vaginal). Una vagina sana debe estar poblada por una colonia de lactobacilos, las mismas bacterias que se encuentran en el yogur (sean o no de bífidus activos y demás zarandajas).

InFocus X1 Projector FAQ What is the InFocus X1 Projector? The InFocus X1 is a video/computer projector designed to meet the needs of both the Home Theater market and the business market. It is being heralded by many as a breakthrough product for its affordable high-value features. With the introduction of this projector, creating your own big screen home theater has suddenly become a price-competitive option for the average home entertainment consumer. Read on for more information. This FAQ is not affiliated with InFocus Corporation or any other organization. Contents [0] About this FAQ [1] X1 Overview [2] Official Product Information [3] Other Sources of Information [4] Behind the X1 [5] Setting Up [6] Making the Connection [7] Controls and Adjustments [8] Ongoing Use [9] Problems and Solutions [10] Glossary [0] About this FAQ [0.1] What is covered by this FAQ? This FAQ will attempt to cover all aspects of the X1 Projector itself, and also touch on some closely related topics. Return to Contents [0.5] May I distribute the FAQ?

The Aggregate: Fisheye Digital Imaging For Under Twenty Dollars H. G. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Center for Visualization & Virtual Environments University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0046 Initial release: April 10, 2006 This document also is available with higher-quality images as a 66,005,972-byte 28-page PDF. The concept of a low-cost fisheye digital camera is very appealing. In the past, fisheye photography had been considered primarily a ``special effect'' to be used sparingly for its ability to provide a distorted perspective. The ability to ``see everything'' using a single camera. In this paper, we detail an innovative approach by which digital fisheye cameras capable of both still and motion capture, either independent of a computer or under wired computer control, can be assembled for a total cost of less than $20 US. The primary trick is the sub-$4 fisheye lens, described in Section 2. Before discussing fisheye lens options, it is useful to define what ``fisheye'' means.

VJForums - Powered by vBulletin ¿Gusta Usted? Comida casera mexicana: RECETA DE TÉ CHAI Va de nuevo! A ver si me duran las fotos! Leyendo problemas con los blogs, parece que al subir las fotos donde escoges derecha izquierda o en medio, debes escoger ninguna. A ver si es cierto. Platicando con mi amiga Mely, me dijo- quiero preparar un TE CHAI-, yo no lo conozco - le dije -y me envió la receta. El té chai se origina en la India cuando los ingleses deciden plantar té en el siglo XIX para evitar el monopolio de China. En Occidente se popularizó con el nombre de Té Yogui o Yogui Tea ya que era ofrecido tras las clases de yoga del Yogi Bhajan. 4 tazas de agua. 2 cucharaditas de hojas de té negro o verde ( Ó 3 sobres de te negro o verde) 4 clavos de olor 2 vainas de cardamomo (las semillitas) 1 raja de canela 2 cucharaditas de jengibre fresco (un trozo) 1 cucharadita de semillas de anís verde (le puse anís estrella) 2 tazas de leche (Uso Carnation evaporada) Azúcar o miel de abeja (endulzante al gusto) Añadiendo o quitando especias.

CEDIA 2004 Show Review Evan Powell, September 15, 2004 Contents New LCD Projectors Every year around this time we experience the CEDIA trade show. This year it happened last weekend, Sept 10-12, in Indianapolis, IN. CEDIA (which stands for Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association) is the trade show for the "high-end" home theater dealers, installers, and specialty retailers. (NOTE: We have linked all model names below to their respective database spec sheets. The New LCD Projectors Two new LCD projector products established what appear to be new benchmarks in price-performance--the Panasonic PT-AE700U and the Sony VPL-HS51. First, consider the Panasonic AE700. In addition, a variety of other features have been incorporated into the AE700--a 5000 hour lamp life, extremely low fan noise, horizontal and vertical lens shift, and an HDMI interface. The other stellar release on the CEDIA show floor was Sony's VPL-HS51. Of course the one question on everyone's mind is, "Does it really do 6000:1?"

Les Numériques - Test de TV LCD, iphone, smartphone, APN, GPS, PC portable... Receta de té chai Sobre cómo preparar un té chai, podemos decir que no existe una receta única, nuestras filias y fobias personales, con respecto a algunas de las especias con las que se puede preparar, hacen que cada taza de té sea algo único. En nuestra mano está el poder de experimentar con distintas combinaciones de aromas y sabores hasta que encontremos el té chai perfecto para nosotros. Mientras tanto y dependiendo de las especias que tengo en casa ahora mismo, doy la receta del que me acabo de preparar, que a mí personalmente me ha gustado mucho, igual que me ha gustado el olor a canela, a anís a dulce y navidad, que ha dejado por toda la casa. Ingredientes 1/5 de litro de agua, 1 cucharada de té verde, 1 pieza de anís estrellado, 3 clavos de olor, 1 rama de canela, 2 vainas de cardamomo, 3 semilla de pimienta de Jamaica. Cómo hacer té chai Retiramos del fuego y añadimos las hojas de té, tapamos y dejamos reposar durante 5 minutos. Tiempo de elaboración | 15 minutos. Degustación

BenQ PE8700 Introduction The BenQ PE8700 is a video projector aimed directly at the Home Theater (HT) market. The 8700 is based on Texas Instruments' 16x9 (1280x720) HD2 or “Mustang” Digital Light Processing (DLP) or Digital Micro-mirror Device (DMD) that also uses Dark Metal technology for improved black levels and contrast ratios. When it comes to features, perhaps the first thing that should be pointed out is that the BenQ 8700 has a short throw lens (i.e., short focal length, which means the picture size is larger at a given distance than with a long focal length lens), and is capable of producing a very big picture in a small room. The 8700 also has one other unusual feature, Picture In Picture (PIP) and and Picture On Picture (POP) that allows the user to show images from two different sources at once, either in PIP , small window in a large window, or in the side-by-side POP format. At this point, it is probably worth my admitting that I am getting the upgrade bug. Inputs and Connectivity - News After Effects + MadMapper and How to map a building… In this tutorial, we’ll use After Effects to produce a QuickTime movie that we will remap on a building. We’ll also need Photoshop to adjust our initial pictures. The effect we’re after is a Glowing-Scan of the building. The technique is rather simple, but it illustrates the process to achieve a photo-based architectural mapping. This tutorial assumes that you know the basics of Adobe Photoshop + After Effects and MadMapper. STEP#1: Select a building to map and take a few pictures of it. Here’s the first picture we’ll use, loaded into Photoshop: STEP#2 Now we’ll need to correct the perspective of this photo, in order to have a flat view of the building. Note that since the building is symetrical, we only need one half. Note the right part aligned with the middle of the center window and front door. STEP#3 Create some guides on the straight parts of the building. STEP#4 Now press Command-T to transform this layer. STEP#7 Mark the features of the building. Save the Photoshop file as a PSD.

Raves en Mexico. Un caleidoscopio de psicodelia juvenil. Con el auge de la modernidad, (el capitalismo, la masificación de medios decomunicación, la homogenización, el crecimiento económico dentro de lasfamilias, la oportunidad de estudiar y de elegir practicar una profesión, la rápidaurbanización, las tecnologías), la familia urbana de clase media comienza a vivir cambios importantes que poco a poco irán desarrollando una nueva construcciónde lo social y de los jóvenes.Este nuevo modelo de sujetos que surgen en esta época al quedenominamos como jóvenes, ya no necesariamente tienen que crecer parainmediatamente hacerse cargo de sus familias, sino que tienen la posibilidad deprepararse, acumular sabiduría y educación para posteriormente asumir obligaciones y un papel importante en la sociedad.
