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Documentary Dish

Documentary Dish

5 Internet Life Lessons Parents Need to Start Teaching Kids It wasn't until recently that I fully understood that my kids were as much a part of the online world as me. They play online games, they watch Youtube videos, they visit message boards. Half of their human interaction is going to happen online, maybe more. Definitely more, for the weird-looking ones. It's easy for parents to forget this because they're using their own childhood as a guide for what lessons need to be learned and, you know, the internet didn't exist when we were that age. So kids, here is what you need to know. I fucking said PAY ATTENTION. Don't Look Like an Idiot When Communicating Via Text Kids, never forget that anything you type on the internet can wind up etched in granite for the rest of eternity, for all to see. If later in life an employer decides to Google your name to find some free background on you, he or she has access to every little retarded thing you ever posted on Facebook or Twitter. Also, never be drunk in front of a camera. It matters. For.

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