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Speed up your torrents II BitTorrent is the best tool for sharing files but you need to configure your client and your network the right way to get the best out of it. I will list some tips, tricks and guidelines in addition to the "speed up your torrents" and the "speed up bitcomet and uTorrent" posts. In order to apply these tips you need to know your maximum up- and download speed. You can test your bandwidth over here (stop all download activity while testing). Note that there’s a difference between kb/s (kilobits/second) and kB/s (kilobytes/second). Settings 1-4 can be found in the options, settings or preference tab of most torrent clients. 1. Probably one of the most important setting there is. Use the following formula to determine your optimal upload speed… for relatively fast connections (upload >20 kB/s) upload speed * 85% so if your maximum upload speed is 40 kB/s, the optimal upload rate is Slower connections (upload <20 kB/s) need a little more space so I use this formula upload speed * 75% 2. 3. 4. 5.

FTP archive directory /os/Linux/distr/ Current bandwidth utilization 1066.66 Mbit/s Name Last modified Size Parent Directory - Linux App Finder | Helping find the Linux apps you need Remote scripting first steps -- Managing Windows networks using scripts, Part 6 In previous articles in this series we explored what we could do with the Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration class and getting over the "hump" that many Windows administrators face when learning how to script. Now let's go back to the script ChangeIPAddress.vbs that we developed to change the IP address of a network adapter: {*style:<i>Option Explicit Dim objWMIService Dim objNetAdapter Dim strComputer Dim strAddress Dim arrIPAddress Dim arrSubnetMask Dim colNetAdapters Dim errEnableStatic </i>*} {*style:<i>If WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then Wscript.Echo "Usage: ChangeIPAddress.vbs new_IP_address" WScript.Quit End If </i>*} {*style:<i>strComputer = "." strAddress = Wscript.Arguments.Item(0) arrIPAddress = Array(strAddress) arrSubnetMask = Array("") Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colNetAdapters = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled=TRUE") For Each objNetAdapter in colNetAdapters Next </i>*}

Tour | SkyOS Submitted by Robert Szeleney on Fri, 2006-01-13 08:29. Welcome to the SkyOS tour! Try SkyOS now! Video showing SkyOS in action This tour will give you general information about SkyOS and its available applications in every software category. You will see screenshots from beta3 - beta8 (booting SkyOS) DIY: How to Build A Great Media-Editing PC - PCWorld Ever get the itch to build your own PC powerful enough to handle HD video editing? For serious geeks, and alike, there is nothing better than the bragging rights of booting up your very own custom rig. Whether you're a gamer looking for the ultimate machine or a hobbyist looking to test your geek skills, follow these steps outline for you in this series by Nick Barber of the IDG News Service. This article is the first in this seven-part series of how-to stories coupled with instructional videos on building a powerful desktop computer from scratch. (The other sections of this series can be viewed through the links box to the right.) Building your own PC isn't for everyone. Of course you can spend less on components for a less powerful PC. Let's Get Started Of course the first step is to buy the components for your ideal PC. There are some advantages to building your own PC, like picking out the exact parts you want and building it to your own specifications. Checklist for Components

Gentoo Linux -- Gentoo Linux News Yet Another Technology Site Raging Menace - MenuMeters Introduction MenuMeters is a set of CPU, memory, disk, and network monitoring tools for Mac OS X. Although there are numerous other programs which do the same thing, none had quite the feature set I was looking for. The MenuMeters monitors are true SystemUIServer plugins (also known as Menu Extras). The CPU Meter can display system load both as a total percentage, or broken out as user and system time. MenuMeters comes without warranty or support. Screenshots License MenuMeters is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). See the "GNU General Public License.rtf" file for full license terms. Donations Although distributed as open-source freeware, a great deal of effort has gone into the creation and maintenance of MenuMeters. System Requirements Mac OS X 10.4 or later (10.8 supported) PowerPC or Intel based Macintosh (Universal Binary) Download

News Today marks the tenth anniversary of the first release of Syllable Desktop, then plainly called Syllable 0.4.0. The original website and announcement are gone, and many other circumstances of the time have changed quite dramatically. We are happy that Syllable is still here - which, judging by comparable ventures, is a feat to be proud of. We would like to celebrate by presenting the port of most of the Enlightenment E17 graphics stack to Syllable Desktop. The Enlightenment Foundation Libraries constitute a cross-platform application framework, from a graphics engine up to a widget set and a desktop environment. The Evas canvas is a scene graph rendering engine. On top of the canvas engine is the Edje layout engine. A number of subsystems that are common in other open source projects have been ported to Syllable Desktop to support Enlightenment. Enlightenment is an integrated stack. This graphics stack is running on top of the SDL subsystem in Syllable.

Polski Linux - KateOS Project Site We understand that there is not a single solution which is perfect for everybody at once, so we've decided to deliver our users several modes of installation, each differing by the installation environment and level of difficulty. We believe that now everyone will be able to choose the method that is right for him or her. Simply choose the ISO images you want to download, and the mirror you want to download them from. KateOS is available in three versions: CORE KateOS 3 CD's or one DVD for intermediate and advanced users lets the user choose the software text-mode dialog-based installer for server, workstation, desktop KateOS CORE is the traditional version, on three CDs or one DVD. KateOS LIVE one CD for newbies and intermediate users works directly from the CD graphical installer for desktop KateOS LIVE is a full system which works directly from the CD. KateOS Miniiso one small CD for advanced users only basic software the rest of the system can be installed from network

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