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SQL Buddy - Web based MySQL administration

SQL Buddy - Web based MySQL administration

Free Website Monitoring - Get Downtime Alerts via SMS and Email How to use Google Sheets as a free website monitoring tool and receive instant email and SMS text alerts when your website goes down. The app runs on Google Servers and can monitor unlimited websites. Would you like to receive instant alerts as soon as your website goes down or is inaccessible to users? Would you like to receive these downtime alerts as an email message or text on your mobile phone or both? Most website monitoring services follow the “freemium” model – they have free plans for basic downtime & uptime monitoring of a website but need to pay for unlimited email or SMS alerts. You can create your own website monitor that runs on Google servers and sends email alerts or SMS when your website goes down or is up again. How to Setup Website Monitor Here’s how you quickly configure Google Docs to monitor the uptime /downtime of your website. Click here to copy the website monitoring Google sheet into your Google Drive. How Website Monitor works with Google Docs

p.mapper - a MapServer PHP/MapScript Framework Common Queries Tree Common MySQL Queries Basic aggregation Last updated 05 Jan 2013 Aggregate across columns Last updated 09 Sep 2009 Aggregates across multiple joins Given a parent table and two child tables, a query which sums values in both child tables, grouping on a parent table column, returns sums that are exactly twice as large as they should be. CREATE TABLE packageCredit ( packageCreditID INT, packageCreditItemID INT, Last updated 22 Feb 2013 Aggregates excluding leaders You have a table of grouped ranks ... Last updated 21 May 2009 Aggregates of specified size Find the values of a table column c1 for which there are a specified number of listed values in another column c2. All X for which all Y are Z You have an election database with tables for candidates, parties and districts. CREATE TABLE districts ( district char(10) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO districts VALUES ('Essex'),('Malton'),('Riverdale'),('Guelph'),('Halton'); Avoiding repeat aggregation Cascading aggregates

delizzy - Bookmarks Search Engine MySQL Workbench MySQL Workbench is a unified visual tool for database architects, developers, and DBAs. MySQL Workbench provides data modeling, SQL development, and comprehensive administration tools for server configuration, user administration, backup, and much more. MySQL Workbench is available on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Design MySQL Workbench enables a DBA, developer, or data architect to visually design, model, generate, and manage databases. Develop MySQL Workbench delivers visual tools for creating, executing, and optimizing SQL queries. Administer MySQL Workbench provides a visual console to easily administer MySQL environments and gain better visibility into databases. Visual Performance Dashboard MySQL Workbench provides a suite of tools to improve the performance of MySQL applications. Database Migration MySQL Workbench now provides a complete, easy to use solution for migrating Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Sybase ASE, PostreSQL, and other RDBMS tables, objects and data to MySQL.

Designers Studio Over the past couple of years we've seen a huge evolution in the way designers and developers are approaching UI/UX design. Responsive, Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery, Less, Sass, and HTML5 all come to mind. And now for the first time in a long time, a new graphic design trend has emerged out of accessibility. I'm talking about Flat Design. MySQL Cookbook, Second Edition Welcome to the Web site for MySQL Cookbook, Second Edition. The book covers techniques for solving many different SQL problems, and how to write your own MySQL programs using Perl, Ruby, PHP, Python, and Java. It is written in problem-and-solution format to make it easy for you to find the answers to your questions. It contains SQL-only recipes, command line scripts, and web scripts (using Apache for Perl, Ruby, PHP, and Python; and Tomcat for Java and JSP/JSTL). The second edition brings the recipes up to date for MySQL 5.0/5.1. Read this page in Romanian translation (by Web Geek Science). Inquiries may be sent to

The Trouble with Twitter Don't be surprised to see advertising on Twitter soon. It's about the only way the service can generate revenue. But will it be enough? Twitter's business model is starting to show. An early sign came in April, when the popular microblogging service launched in Japan and the home page for every Japanese user included a big banner ad in the top right corner. Then, on Aug. 7, Twitter made another change, this time in the U.S., by limiting the number of people a single user could connect with, or "follow," to about 2,000. Taken together, these moves point to the trouble with Twitter. Metcalfe vs. To understand the limits of Twitter's value, first look inside. Metcalfe's logic drove a lot of the inflated company valuations of the Internet bubble in the 1990s. But Metcalfe's concept doesn't apply to Twitter. The Dunbar Corollary These are just theories, but they point out that Twitter is not a vast communications network of 2.3 million users squared. Twitter could ask users to pay. A. B. C.

HTML5 Boilerplate, un template puissant et complet HTML5 Boilerplate est un template (HTML+CSS+JS+...) lancé par Paul Irish (Modernizr) et Divya Manian. Il contient toutes les bonnes pratiques du moment en terme de performances, de compatibilité inter-navigateurs, de JavaScript, avec un soupçon d'accessibilité (si utilisé à bon escient), voire de Flash. Une version sur-mesure peut être générée via Initializr. Vous retrouverez donc dans un zip tous les fichiers et sous-répertoires organisés pour débuter votre intégration avec d'excellentes bases. Bien entendu, vous l'aurez deviné, le but est de favoriser l'adoption de HTML, d'où l'inclusion par défaut de la librairie Modernizr, ainsi que jQuery via GoogleAPI (avec fallback local). Bien entendu d'autres sont à découvrir dans le code source, comme par exemples les indications pour les icônes Apple touch + favicon par exemple.

SQL Syntax The SQL query strings for Windows Installer are restricted to the following formats. SQL Grammar The optional parameters are shown enclosed in brackets [ ]. When several choices are listed, the optional parameters are separated by a vertical bar. A {constant} is either a string or an integer. The LOCALIZABLE option sets a column attribute that indicates the column needs to be localized. A {column} is a columnar reference to a value in a field of a table. A WHERE {operation-list} clause is optional and is a grouping of operations to be used to filter the selection. {column} = {column}{column} = | <> | > | < | >= | <= {constant}{column} = | <> | > | < | >= | <= {marker}{column} is null{column} is not null For string values, only the = or <> operations are possible. Individual operations can be grouped by AND or OR operators. The ORDER BY clause is optional and causes an initial delay during sorting. The maximum number of expressions in a WHERE clause of a SQL query is limited to 32.

uvLayer Creative CSS3 Animation Menus Being in the mood for experimenting with CSS3, I'd like to show you some creative menu hover effects in today's tutorial. The idea is to have a simple composition of elements, an icon, a main title and a secondary title, that will be animated on hover using only CSS transitions and animations. We'll be exploring some different effects for the elements. View demo Download source Being in the mood for experimenting with CSS3, I’d like to show you some creative menu hover effects in today’s tutorial. The icons used in the demos are actually a Web Symbols typeface that we’ll include with @font-face. The Markup The HTML structure for the menu will be an unordered list where each item is a link element that consists of an icon span and a content div that will contain the main title and the secondary title: As we are using a symbol font for the icons, we write letters for the icons. The CSS The common style for all the examples will be the inclusion of the symbol typeface: Example 1 Example 2

Nine Ways to Promote Your Blog Posts | You’re writing and podcasting and videoblogging your face off and it’s starting to feel like no one’s paying attention. You want to get the right comments, and meaningful conversations started, or you want your peers to come and start a lively discourse. How do you get your best posts out there in such a way that people will come by and add to the body of work? (Note first that I’ve said “best posts” and not “every post.” If you abuse any of this, it goes poorly for you pretty quickly.) Nine Ways to Promote Your Blog Posts Bookmark your best posts on Delicious. **Update: Here’s what people on Twitter said you should do: Perhaps you have some other ways to promote? Photo credit, KungPaoCajun runs on the Genesis Framework The Genesis Framework empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. With automatic theme updates and world-class support included, Genesis is the smart choice for your WordPress website or blog. Become a StudioPress Affiliate

Alsacréations : Actualités et tutoriels HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, standards du web
