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The Glasgow School of Art

The Glasgow School of Art

Dental School Download the latest issue of The Dental Mirror, our in-house Magazine. Dental Mirror - Issue 11 The Dental School delivers a modern, integrated Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) programme over five years to an undergraduate population of approximately 400 students. We provide postgraduate research student opportunities and, in addition, taught postgraduate programmes in Primary Dental Care, Restorative Dentistry, Oral Surgery and Orthodontics. The strong collaboration locally between the University and the NHS is continuing to facilitate exciting new developments and opportunities. Whether you are considering becoming a student or want more information about the research and other activities pursued by staff and students in the Dental School, we hope you enjoy browsing our site.

Andéa Post-diplômes Post-diplômes Post-diplômes 1/5Post-diplôme Design culinaire, 2011, performance au Lieu du design, Alexandra Roudière © ESAD de Reims Slade School of Fine Art At the Slade School of Fine Art we approach the practice of contemporary art and the history and theories that inform it in an experimental, research-oriented and imaginative way. An art school with a world leading reputation, the Slade makes a significant contribution to the field of contemporary art both nationally and internationally. The Slade has a lively and dynamic studio-led research culture. All studio staff are practising artists with significant exhibition profiles, actively involved in research as well as teaching. For undergraduates we offer a three-year BFA and four-year BA. We are a world leading university department for research in Fine Art. Our staff and students are lively and engaged with a wide range of initiatives nationally and internationally, and you may have heard of a number of our alumni. Follow us on Twitter. Slade students and staff initiate and engage in a wide range of events and projects. more more more more more

University of Glasgow :: Glasgow, Scotland, UK ANdÉA l Association nationale des écoles d'art et de design publiques University School of Art: Admissions Students are admitted only in September of each year. Applicants are notified of the admissions committee’s decisions on preliminary selections in early February, and final decisions in early April. No information about decisions can be given over the telephone. To apply for more than one area of concentration, separate applications, fees, and supporting documentation must be submitted. The work submitted should be representative of the applicant’s experience in that particular field. Preliminary Selection All Applicants An application to the School of Art requires forethought and planning. Application materials: The following materials are required for consideration of your application for admission: 1. Online applications can be worked on from August until the deadline. Please note that the School of Art is NOT part of the Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and it is not possible to apply through the Graduate School or any other school at Yale. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The University of Edinburgh The Cheapest University The Cheapest University est une école expérimentale et gratuite. Son dessin et son organisation sont pris en charge par des artistes. Elle s’est constituée par affinités électives, autour d’un esprit d’enthousiasme et d’ouverture. Université contributive et artistique, elle est aussi engagée qu’ immédiate : seulement dépendante de la volonté de ceux.lles qui la composent — tous.tes bénévoles —, elle s’inscrit comme nécessité dans leurs pratiques, par prolongement de leurs recherches personnelles ou par invention collective de situations tendant vers l’œuvre. The Cheapest University s’attache à créer des conditions de travail collectif permettant l’accueil de nouveaux membres, quel que soit l’avancée de leurs pratiques. The Cheapest University permet de coproduire des savoirs et de les transmettre. The Cheapest University poursuit ses recherches et élabore des programmes pédagogiques dans des espaces variés (institutions artistiques, radios, écoles d’art, lieux de résidences, …).

Foreign Exchange Students from other countries interested in attending The Cooper Union on exchange must be enrolled at one of the following participating schools with which the School of Art at The Cooper Union has formal exchange agreements. Gerrit Rietveld AcademieThe Universitat de Hochschule fur Gestaltung und Kunst (HGK) Berlin University of the ArtsGermany Staatl Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste (Staedalschule) Bezalel Academy of Arts & Kyoto Seika Slade School of Fine Central Saint Martins College of Art & Malmö Art Academy, Lund Ecole Nationale Superierure des Beaux Academy of Fine ArtsThe Czech Download the Application Form PDF

Homepage | University of Abertay Dundee ENSAD Parsi l PostMaster Design des mondes ruraux : Misant sur la capacité du design à redynamiser les territoires, L’Ecole des Arts Décoratifs de Paris lance à la rentrée 2021 un programme dédié au design des mondes ruraux à Nontron, en relation étroite avec la Communauté de Communes du Périgord Nontronnais, le Pôle expérimental des métiers d’art et les acteurs locaux. De niveau Post-Master, le programme accueillera 8 étudiants par an et tiendra à la fois de la résidence, du laboratoire, de l’incubateur et du bureau d’études, destiné à répondre à des problématiques concrètes locales. Engagés dans une transition que la crise sanitaire tend à accélérer, les territoires ruraux concentrent les grands sujets de notre époque, en leur donnant un caractère plus aigu, plus urgent qu’ailleurs : la mobilité, les services au public, le vieillissement de la population, la santé, la fracture numérique, l’alimentation, les formes de convivialité et d’organisation du travail, etc.

How to Apply (BFA) | Visual Art & Art History | Faculty of Fine Arts Honours BFA in Visual Arts Admission to the Visual Arts Studio (BFA) program in the Faculty of Fine Arts at York University is based on both academic and artistic criteria. The University reviews your academic history, while artistic admissibility is assessed locally in the each Fine Arts department. 1. Submit your application to the York University: Fine Arts - Visual Art - Studio Art (BFA) program on the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC) website. 2. The supplementary evaluation for our Visual Art (Studio) program includes an online component and an on-campus in-person evaluation. An in-person evaluation is a key component of many of our programs. Once you have completed Step 1 (above) and received your York Reference Number from our Office of Admissions, we will send you an email with instructions to complete your supplementary evaluation. Supplementary Evaluation fee: $60 (payable by Visa, Master Card or American Express) i) Online Component Portfolio Requirements:

The University of Aberdeen
