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How to Optimize Your Blog for Google

How to Optimize Your Blog for Google
Using Google to direct traffic to your blog can quite literally translate into gold. Or at least money with which you could buy gold. This article will show you how to easily optimize your blog for search engines. Let’s be clear on few points before we begin. It’s a spammy attempt to manipulate the search-engine traffic.It’s SEO experts selling a guaranteed top-10 placement. When SEO is done the right way, it’s NOT guaranteed and it’s NOT immediate, but it is ongoing. Now let’s cover the basics. What’s your blog about? But remember, some topics are extremely competitive and therefore more difficult to crack, making it on the first, second or third page of the relevant search. On the other hand, if your topic is obscure and very specific, PLUS the space is not densely populated with competition, you can conceivably end up as a top search result for that topic. Who are you targeting? If all this sounds too complicated, you could just pay someone to do it. As I see it, you have three options:

The anatomy of a WordPress theme index.php – home The index file controls what the homepage of your WordPress theme looks like. By default it is a loop that queries and then displays the most recent blog posts, with a link in the bottom to view previous posts. Alternately, you can specify in wp-admin -> settings -> reading to have the home page be a page you created yourself in WordPress. In that case, you specify a different page/URL for the regular blog posts to appear on, and that page is generated by index.php. single.php – individual posts The display of individual posts in your WordPress theme is controlled by a little file called single.php. You can specify if you want sidebars (and which you want), if you want it to look different than the other pages on the site. page.php – individual pages Page.php controls what pages look like. WordPress also allows you to create different page templates within your WordPress theme for different types of pages. archive.php, category.php, tag.php – archives The Loop comments.php

Réussir son projet web Projet WebQualité The Five Surprising Impacts of Blog Comments This week I received the 10,000th comment on my blog. That’s a big deal! And while this lucky commenter (who will be named at the end of the post), will receive a $500 prize package (for real!) I’d like to humbly explain why I have completely changed my mind about the importance of blog comments. When I started blogging, I was disheartened by the unfulfilled expectation of blog comments. Where was the ballyhooed social media “conversation?” But then a funny thing happened on the way to my forum … a community bloomed. By most blog measures, {grow} receives a lot of comments. 1) Comments can create REAL community. Some things are happening that are making {grow} feel like a REAL community, not just a string of observations. Work groups have organized outside of the blog based on relationships formed here. Caring. 2) Comments create economic value. Why comment on a blog? 3) Comments create strong ties that result in influence. 4) Comments are an incubator of new content. Could that be true?

Comment créer un encart Contactez-nous Vous avez une Page d’entreprise Facebook et quelques centaines de personnes y ont adhéré. Avez-vous pensé à y ajouter un encart (onglet) «Contactez-nous» à votre Page? Si vous offrez des produits ou services, ce formulaire permettra d’entrer facilement en contact avec vous. En gros, il y a deux façons d’ajouter un onglet «Contactez-nous» sur une Page d’entreprise Facebook. Vous pouvez tout simplement installer une application qui offre ce type de formulaire ou ajouter manuellement un formulaire de contact que vous aurez conçu en utilisant l’application Static FBML. Utiliser une application Facebook Il existe plusieurs applications qui vous permettront d’ajouter rapidement un formulaire de contact. Créer votre propre formulaire L’autre solution, celle que j’utilise, consiste à intégrer le formulaire de votre choix en utilisant l’application FBML. Au-dessous de l’application FBML, cliquez sur le lien «Accéder à l’application».C’est ici que vous insèrerez le code de votre formulaire.

Institute: Get Smart About Your Readers Your comment reminds me of Phil Meyer's recollections in his book "The Vanishing Newspaper." He recalls a conversation with a Knight Ridder executive, Hal Jurgensmeyer, who says newspapers aren’t in the news business, or even in the information business. Newspapers, Jurgensmeyer said, are in the influence business. He goes on to quote Jurgensmeyer:“A newspaper produces two kinds of influence: societal influence, which is not for sale, and commercial influence, or influence on the consumer’s decision to buy, which is for sale. “This is true because a news medium’s societal influence enhances its commercial influence. Posted by richgor at April 20, 2007 at 10:48 PM Rich, these are excellent points, and will be new to many newspaper publishers, but I have to note that they were all made in The Cluetrain Manifesto, the first book to be "reverse published" from a Web site, in 2000. Posted by Michael at April 23, 2007 at 1:44 PM Rich – thoughtful and comprehensive post.

How To Manage A Facebook Wall In Any Situation Do you ever find yourself at a loss about how to respond to wall posts? Well, Buddy Media has the answers for you in a report called “How Do I Respond To That? the Definitive Guide To Facebook Publishing And Moderation?” At first glance it seems like a lot of common-sense advice you might have already learned from general customer service experience, but then you see important reminders like this one: Managing user-generated content on the Facebook wall is a full-time job. If your guard is down for as little as 24 hours, you might end up with an unmanageable queue of messages that need responding to. That includes weekends, evenings and holidays: People are on Facebook around the clock and year round, and it’s unrealistic to expect them to confine their complaints or other comments to conventional business hours. The sooner you can react to a complaint, the greater the chance you’ll pre-empt follow up complainers that will make the issue look much worse than it really is.

27 Things to Know Before You Work in Social Media January 24, 2011 Liz published this at 7:57 am Every day, I’m immersed in social business. I spend as much time on my computer as some people spend in their shoes. I rarely talk about “social media” except with clients, because to me that’s like talking about “pencils.” I use social media tools to work on SOBCon with @Starbucker, to build communities and brand visibility for clients, to write blog posts and to curate content for people with similar interests. So I guess you could say I work in social media. The purpose of this list is merely to share that most people who are in this new and quickly changing area of business are finding that the work often has more nuances and challenges than we expected. The problem with working in social media is … So there you have 27 things to know before you work in social media and here’s the one that makes those 27 worth it. Bet you could add to this list. –ME “Liz” Strauss Work with Liz on your business!! Related Posts

Création site Internet et référencement : Blog Web agency AXENET Votre marque a-t-elle besoin d’un Robocop ? Enjeux — La situation récente à laquelle Petit Bateau a été confrontée, m’a donné l’idée et l’envie de rédiger cet article à la tonalité somme toute particulière puisque j’ai déjà étudié la marque Petit Bateau dans un précédent article sur le blog (Étude de cas / Marketing expérientiel), notamment au niveau de son ADN et des dispositifs de marketing expérientiel. Pour autant, aujourd’hui, mon propos aura pour objectif de traiter le sujet de façon plus large afin d’en tirer des enseignements et des pratiques clés sur la gestion d’une marque sur les réseaux sociaux. Présente sur les médias sociaux, votre marque a-t-elle besoin d’un robocop ? Il y a une semaine, Petit Bateau était la cible de réactions et commentaires très virulents au sujet du lancement de deux de ses produits. En outre, il est intéressant de s’interroger sur la gestion d’une marque et des moyens d’actions dont celle-ci dispose pour faire face à la critique et gérer sa communauté. Allocation de ressources et médias sociaux

Foursquare for Business en 6 points Bonjour à toutes et à tous. Après un article sur Quora il y a 3 jours et un article sur Facebook Messages avant-hier, je pensais avoir écoulé assez d’encre pour prendre du recul quelques jours. C’était bien entendu sans compter sur la participation involontaire de l’équipe de Foursquare qui a lancé sa plateforme « Foursquare for Business » aujourd’hui. Je profite donc de l’occasion pour vous présenter cette nouveauté, mes premières impressions, et la marche à suivre pour pouvoir en tirer profit. J’ai toujours aimé les LBS (Location-based Services), depuis qu’on commence à en parler finalement, et j’ai toujours apporté une attention toute particulière à Foursquare. Je ne vous le cache pas, j’espère de tout cœur qu’après la lecture de cet article, les utilisateurs de Foursquare prendront le réflexe d’adapter leur utilisation de l’outil à cette nouveauté et les différentes sociétés (commerces géolocalisables comme marques ne l’étant pas) décideront de s’implanter sur Foursquare. 1. 2. 3.

How much is a website? | Writing - Five Ways to Gain Attention the 'Write' Way Imagine this headline in an ad for a low-cost mobile phone targeted at low-income consumers: "65000-color display will make your life as colorful as a rainbow and new sound technology will ensure clear sound." Does it work? Or, consider this: a software product requirement document for adding new features reads, in part, "The users should be able to collaborate while using the product." Unfortunately, the answer to both questions is No. Now, imagine this headline in the case of the first example: "Cool colors, clear calls!" Marketing, in simple terms, is communication about and among business, product, customer, and customer service. For software product companies, identifying client requirements or innovative features through market research (and providing them to the software development team in a neat, clean, and concise manner) is a good start to developing a usable software product. Now imagine the power of effective writing in such an important business function. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
