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Twitter Statistics - In-depth Report by Sysomos on Twitter's Growth

Twitter Statistics - In-depth Report by Sysomos on Twitter's Growth
How much information do Twitters users disclose about themselves? In keeping with our efforts to offer insight to the fast-growing TwitterSphere, we decided it was time to see exactly how many details Twitter users are divulging. To put together our report, we examined over a billion tweets and compared to our 2009 study. Some highlights of our comparison of Twitter usage between 2009 and 2010 include: Users with 100+ friends have increased by three-fold to 21% since 2009. 22.5% of users accounted for about 90% of all activity. 80% users have made fewer than 500 tweets. Justin Bieber is one of top two-word phrases and top name in user's bios. To start, we looked at whether people provided personal information within their bios. As well, 82% of Twitter users now provide a name, compared with only 33% in 2009. In addition the information revealed by users, we also took the opportunity to get more insight into the activity of people on Twitter. How Long on Twitter? Friends Followers Tweets Made

Qui veut gagner du follower en masse sur Twitter ? Cet article a été publié il y a 4 ans 9 mois 6 jours, il est donc possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour. Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. Qui veut gagner du follower en masse sur Twitter ? Ce titre racoleur pour vous donner le ton… et vous annoncer un billet relayant des pratiques non moins racoleuses pour se faire du follower à peu de frais sur Twitter… J’ai eu envie de vous partager ces quelques constats qui sont autant de sujets d’affliction… et de lol. (Vous allez voir) Gagner du follower en masse sur Twitter, mode d’emploi et en 15 points, attention billet #sexy : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. [Mais ne décupler pas les lettres, ça fait kikoolol, il faut savoir s’arrêter avant de passer du côté obscur : « énoooooooooooooooorme !!!! 12. 13. 14. 15. Or, Bush et Royal vous le confirmeront : la neuneusitude, ça ne fait pas gagner que des followers ! * Pokez vos followers en commentaires quand vous les sentez concernés ! Second degré requis…

How Twitter Employees Send Their Tweets (Compared To You, Me And Everybody Else) Using Twitter’s API, Business Insider have tapped into the last few thousand tweets of the official Twitter employee list and determined the source – that is, the specific software client used to send those tweets – and crunched the numbers, and the results are pretty interesting. As you would expect, the Twitter staff member’s client of choice appears to be Or, at least, ‘web’. (Btw, that tweet has now been deleted, but believe me, he said it. OK – so isn’t really stinky, but it doesn’t exactly hold its own against the likes of HootSuite. That said, a recent Sysomos poll suggested that 35.4% of tweets from regular folk come via, too. In second place is Twitter for iPhone, and Twitter for Mac and the Tweet button occupy spots 3 and 4, which means Twitter has a 79% hold on its workforce. Here’s your pretty chart. Standouts? (But where’s my precious HootSuite? There are a couple of things you have to remember: (Source: Business Insider.)

Twitter frôle les 200 millions de membres Technology Review: Blogs: Guest Blog: Why Twitter Is the Future It’s basically impossible for a journalist who relies on Twitter to find stories, stalk editors, rack up “whuffie” and beef with rap stars to be objective about the service. Fortunately, I don’t have to be, because four researchers from the Department of Computer Science at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology have performed a multi-part analysis of Twitter. They conclude that it’s a surprisingly interconnected network and an effective way to filter quality information. In a move unprecedented in the history of academic research on Demi Moore’s chosen medium for feuding with Kim Kardashian, Kwak et al. built an array of 20 PCs to slurp down the entire contents of Twitter over the course of a month. Four Degrees of Separation On the MSN messenger network of 180 million users, for example, the median degree of separation is 6. Information as Outbreak If this reminds of you early 90’s hyperbole about the then-new world wide web, it should!

Twitter censure WikiLeaks ? Twitter n’est pas qu’un outil de babillage numérique. Bien au contraire, c’est également un chouette pour tous ceux qui souhaitent parfaire leur veille au quotidien. Si vous voulez savoir ce qui se passe dans le monde, on peut dire que les tendances ou « trendic topics » peuvent s’avérer particulièrement pertinentes. Sauf qu’il semblerait que Twitter se refuse à parler des choses qui fâchent. Même que WikiLeaks pourrait bien en faire partie. Edit du 6 décembre 2010 (21h00) : Le compte de Julian Assange a été suspendu pour activité suspecte. Edit du 7 décembre 2010 (7h42) : Josh Elman, chef de projet sur Twitter, a déclaré que « Twitter n’a pas modifié ses trends de quelque façon que ce soit pour aider ou empêcher WikiLeaks d’être dans les trendings. Là, je sens que je ne vais pas me faire que des copains. Pour savoir ce qui se passe dans le monde, il m’arrive régulièrement de jeter des coups d’oeil furtifs du côté des tendances affichées sur Twitter. Bien sûr, je peux me tromper.

Library of Congress: Library to acquire ENTIRE... Jakob Nielsen Critiques Twitter By Rebecca Reisner Few would dispute that Twitter is the hottest social medium around. The microblogging application, which enables anyone with Internet access to issue short public messages—about where to buy the best red-velvet cupcakes or what the latest tally is on swine flu—has enjoyed stunning growth that has made Facebook and MySpace look like yesterday's children. Nonetheless, it might be time to put some brakes on tweeting, according to Jakob Nielsen, a principal at Fremont (Calif.) Are you surprised to see so many CEOs tweeting? Well, there are always people who jump on the latest bandwagon, no matter what it is, but I do think it's surprising that CEOs would have the time to tweet, since they can't just toss off a sentence without repercussions the same way a normal user can. Do you think it's a good idea for CEOs to tweet to their customers? Mostly no. Is Twitter is a fad or here to stay? Do you think the growth of Twitter is a threat to individuals' ability to concentrate?

Twitter Finally Reveals Monetization Plan: Promoted Tweets | Dan Aside from a few small deals with Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft to integrate Twitter updates into search results, Twitter has held off announcing any kind of real monetization plan. The founders have said that they want to follow Google's path: create a product everyone wants to use, and then figure out a way to make money from it after. Today, the New York Times revealed exactly how Twitter plans to do that--at least, how they plan to start doing it. Twitter calls this first step Promoted Tweets. Advertisers, which at launch will include Best Buy, Virgin America, Bravo, and Starbucks, can buy keywords used by Twitterers in search. At first, these Promoted Tweets will only be seen on Twitter's site, not through any client (including mobile clients like Twidroid and Tweetie as well as desktop clients like TweetDeck), and they'll only be linked to search keywords. Extending that movie example, we already know that Twitter is an excellent bellwether of a film's success.

Quel est le meilleur moment pour tweeter ? Publié le 20 novembre 2010 | par Jean-François Ruiz Nombre d´internautes désirant optimiser la création de trafic sur leurs sites web se posent cette question. Selon l´étude que nous avons menée sur les deux derniers mois sur le réseau WidgetBooster, le meilleur moment pour tweeter est aux alentours de 14h en semaine et 18h le week-end. Quel jour faut-il tweeter ? A quelle heure faut-il tweeter en semaine ? A quelle heure faut-il tweeter le Week-End ? Comment avons-nous obtenu ce résultat ? Ces chiffres sont le résultat de l´observation du comportement des utilisateurs actifs du réseau WidgetBooster. Au sein de ces réseaux, la technologie du Buzz Communautaire comptabilise le nombre de clics générés sur les articles proposés à la communauté et partagés via les médias sociaux, très majoritairement via Twitter. Ces articles sont issus des sites/blogs des membres de chaque communautés et suggérés de manière régulière tout au long de la journée. Quelles conclusions d´usages pouvons nous en tirer ?

370 Passwords You Shouldn’t (And Can’t) Use On Twitter If you’re on Twitter, that means you registered an account with a password that isn’t terribly easy to guess. As you may know, Twitter prevents people from doing just that by indicating that certain passwords such as ‘password’ (cough cough) and ’123456′ are too obvious to be picked.
