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Articles populaires : les derniers publiés - Blogonet

Articles populaires : les derniers publiés - Blogonet

Blogonet, un nouveau classement des blogs francophones… Le classement Wikio étant fort décrié, il n’est pas étonnant de voir fleurir des solutions alternatives proposant une méthode différente pour classer les blogs. C’est justement l’objectif de Blogonet, un service réalisé par Julien et s’articulant finalement autour de deux grands points : l’actualité des blogs francophones, sous la forme d’un digg-like complètement automatisé, et le classement mensuel de ces derniers. Si je devais adresser un reproche à Wikio, ce serait sans doute de trop tenir compte des backlinks pour réaliser son classement. A mon sens, la popularité d’un blog ne dépend pas uniquement du nombre de liens qui pointent vers lui. Et c’est justement cette différence essentielle qui fait de Blogonet une réelle alternative à Wikio. Mais attention, car si Blogonet propose un classement mensuel des blogs francophones, il ne s’arrête pas là. A la base, Blogonet intègre déjà les publications de pas mal de blogs. Oui, parce qu’il le mérite amplement.

The 5 Best Free Tools For Making Slick Infographics It's not enough to simply write about data any longer; the world wants visuals. While there are many professional information designers making a name for themselves, such as Nicholas Felton of, the majority of these digital artists are up to their eyeballs in high-paying work. Where does this leave you? Well, if you want to spruce up your documents, blog posts, and presentations, there are some free tools online that can help. Many Eyes This IBM Research tool gives you two choices: an option to browse through existing sets of data, or use your own. Google Public Data Explorer Like IBM, Google has made a public version of one of its research tools. Hohli There are many occasions when a Venn Diagram is the perfect way to describe a concept or compare relationships among a few different things. Wordle Although this tool describes itself as a "toy" for generating word clouds, it can be an effective service to spruce up your work. Watch more Work Smart: [Images by Wordle]

(3) Synthesio (Synthesio) sur Twitter Internet Archive Wayback Machine How to Integrate Customer Service Into Social Media Marketing Heidi Cohen | February 22, 2011 | 13 Comments inShare714 Twelve ways social media extends customer service. Social media has changed customer service from being a support function to being an extension of marketing. In the social media ecosystem, customers want to know that you're listening and responding. As your organization's front line, customer service is where your company becomes real to prospects and buyers by engaging with the public and showing your firm is real and cares. With social media, you have to win your prospects, customers, and fans with every interaction across platforms. Source: eMarketer 12 Ways Social Media Enhances Customer Service Here are 12 ways social media supports customer service and extends your marketing efforts. Gives business a human face. 5 Ways to Measure Social Media Customer Service As with any marketing and/or social media effort, it's critical to set your objectives and create related metrics to assess your success. Number of interactions.

How To Make Animated Gifs - journal - Petra Cross Photography These are my parents. I love them. We had so much fun during the shoot that I found it hard to pick just one good shot from the series of consecutive shots. So I decided to put these into animated GIF file. Here is how you can do this by yourself using free software: Download and install GIMP. ComScore lance Social Essentials, pour mesurer l’impact des réseaux sociaux ComScore, cabinet spécialisé dans les statistiques internationales des audiences Web et mobiles, a annoncé, vendredi 26 juillet, la mise en place d’un nouvel outil: Social Essential. Cette dernière plateforme doit permettre aux marques de quantifier l’impact des réseaux sociaux et d’intégrer ces données dans leur mesure de marketing mix. Le nouveau service n’intègre pour le moment que Facebook, mais ComScore prévoit déjà de l’étendre à court terme, à d’autres réseaux sociaux, dont Twitter. Selon Linda Boland Abraham, directrice marketing de ComeScore, Social Essentials apporte une « solution innovante ». L’ensemble de ces nouvelles mesures devraient ainsi permettre aux marqueteurs de mieux appréhender les retours sur investissements engagés sur les réseaux sociaux. Cotée au Nasdaq, Comscore analyse l’audience web et mobile dans près de 35 pays et répond aux attentes de plus d’un millier d’entreprises.

Social Essentials To prove the value of social media marketing, you have to go beyond the number of likes or followers for your brand. comScore Social Essentials represents one of the first social marketing measurement capabilities we’ve seen that enables brands to understand social media impressions and the corresponding attributes and behaviors of those reached. This new service represents a significant breakthrough in social media measurement that will definitely help marketers understand the value of their social media investment. Lise Brende Director of Marketing Analytics for Bing & MSN Microsoft Social Essentials helps quantify social efforts with demographic and behavioral composition of your social media audience, reach and frequency of social brand impressions and intelligence on your competition. Social Essentials informs your social strategy to drive traffic, engagement and conversion on your site.

Le portail vidéo des professionnels de l'information Instagram 4.0 (english): How to boost my profile in Instagram?   How to boost my profile in Instagram? Once Instagram has taken over as your favorite hobby, you will probably want to develop your own community, have more friends, etc. Let’s take a look at some basic tips that will help you with these matters. I would also like to encourage you to communicate your own suggestions and opinions in our blog comments section, the more the merrier! Depending on what your personal goals are and if you’re objective is not to become the next Britney Spears, do not use what I call “extreme marketing techniques’’ in the form of “racy and sexy photos. It will make some hearts skip a beat. First things first: find your friends! Find your friends by making a search using their real name by using the ‘’Find Friends’’ function and remember to use this tool from time to time so as to keep up with the thousands of new users that are joining Instagram. Look for your Facebook and Twitter friends in Instagram! Give details of who and where you are? Addendum: 29.01.2011.
