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Conseil de l'Europe

Conseil de l'Europe

Village de la Justice - la communauté des métiers du droit European Council The European Council is the Institution of the European Union (EU) that comprises the heads of state or government of the member states, along with the council's own president and the president of the Commission. The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy also takes part in its meetings.[1] Established as an informal summit in 1975, the council was formalised as an Institution in 2009 upon the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon. The current president of the European Council is Donald Tusk. Scope[edit] While the European Council has no formal legislative power, it is a strategic (and crisis-solving) body that provides the union with general political directions and priorities, and acts as a collective presidency. History[edit] The first summits of EU heads of state or government were held in February and July 1961 (in Paris and Bonn respectively). The summits were only formalised in the period between 1974 and 1988. Powers and functions[edit] Notes

Images A card with the name of José Manuel Barroso, next to a microphone Ref: P-021613/00-08 Date: 01/09/2012 A man trying out an eco driving simulator Ref: P-021336/00-09 Date: 25/07/2012 A zero-emission hydrogen-powered fuel-cell bus Ref: P-021266/00-03 Date: 09/07/2012 View of a sculpture and the landscape from the interior of the ... Health Consumer Powerhouse Réserce Citoyenne de l'EN Réserve citoyenne Nom féminin (n.f.) : ensemble de réservistes volontaires et bénévoles venant en appui des établissements scolaires publics et privés pour mener la grande mobilisation de l’École pour les valeurs de la République. Bénévoles d’associations, étudiants, retraités, salariés, etc. Comment puis-je faire appel à un réserviste dans le cadre scolaire ? Seul ou dans le cadre d’une démarche collective, vous avez besoin d’intervenants extérieurs pour illustrer un thème précis : citoyenneté, laïcité, égalité filles-garçons, lutte contre la discrimination, le racisme, l’antisémitisme, le harcèlement, monde professionnel, médias et information.Vous consultez via le portail Arena la liste et le profil des réservistes de votre département.Vous contactez directement le(s) réserviste(s), avec l’accord de votre chef d’établissement ou de votre directeur d’école, pour convenir ensemble des modalités de l’intervention. À quelle occasion solliciter un réserviste ? Point d’information

La Défense des droits de l'enfant Dipartimento politiche comunitarie: Club di Venezia Il Club di Venezia è un organismo informale che riunisce i responsabili della comunicazione istituzionale degli Stati dell'UE (membri e candidati) e delle istituzioni europee (Commissione, Parlamento e Consiglio). Il Club è una occasione importante di collaborazione e scambio di best practice tra addetti ai lavori. Membro per l'Italia è il Dipartimento Politiche Europee, responsabile nazionale del coordinamento della comunicazione sull'Europa. Fondatore e presidente onorario è Stefano Rolando, mentre il coordinatore è Mike Granatt (Regno Unito). Le due sessioni annuali si tengono in primavera, solitamente nel paese che detiene la Presidenza del Consiglio UE, e in autunno a Venezia, dove il Club è stato fondato. Nel 2007, in occasione del Cinquantenario della firma dei Trattati, la sessione autunnale del Club è stata organizzata a Roma, la città in cui i Trattati furono firmati, presso la Palazzina Algardi-Villa Doria Pamphilj. What is the Club of Venice? Workshop tematici

EUROPA L’UE en bref, institutions et organes, pays, symboles, histoire, faits et chiffres Informations sur l’agriculture, les entreprises, la culture, la santé, etc. Informations sur le droit de résider, de travailler, de voyager et d’étudier dans un autre pays de l’UE, ainsi que sur l’accès aux soins de santé et les droits des consommateurs Informations sur la fiscalité, les douanes, les importations et les exportations de marchandises, le soutien financier aux entreprises, etc. Consulter les traités, la législation et la jurisprudence de l’UE, et découvrir comment la législation de l’UE est élaborée et appliquée Rechercher des documents officiels, des publications, des statistiques, des données ouvertes et d'autres ressources

HIS/HES Database This website presents an inventory of national and multi-country health surveys implemented in EU Member States as well as EFTA countries, EU Candidate Countries and USA, Canada and Australia. The types of surveys in the database include Health Interview Surveys (HIS), Health Examination Surveys (HES) and combined HIS/HES Surveys. At the moment the database contains information on more than 200 health surveys. Anyone can use the database free of charge. Get started by filling in the New Users Registration form. Only a user name is required, no password. User manual (pdf) More information on the database The database has been developed in the framework of the European Health Survey Information Database (EUHSID) project. This project has been funded by the European Commission.

DEI France - Institut International des Droits de l'Enfant Participants Paolo Mancini PhD (born in 1948) is a full professor at the Department of Institutions and Society, faculty of political sciences, University of Perugia. Mancini's scientifical interests are focused on political communication and more generally on the relationship between politics and communication. He has conducted comparative research looking essentially at the US and Europe. Rolando Marini PhD (born in 1955) is a researcher at the Department of Institutions and Society, University of Perugia (Italy). Alessio Cornia (graduate) Alessio Cornia (1978), research collaborator within the AIM project, graduated in Communication Sciences at the University of Perugia in March 2004 with a thesis in political communication entitled: "Media events in electoral campaigns.

L'Esprit Européen Euro Academy - Free European Citizenship resources from the UK Office of the European Parliament - Portail de fils rss des principaux site juridiques
