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Best EdTech of 2014

Best EdTech of 2014

Best Apps for Teaching & Learning 2013 Science 360 by the National Science Foundation Level: ALL (grades K-12)Platform: iOS Website Science 360 is a science and engineering news app designed to engage the user in visual explorations through photos, videos, and text. There is new content added weekly by scientists, engineers, and the National Science Foundation. Tip: Have students explore Science 360 for possible science project ideas and explore current science in the news. Stick Pick The iPad Effect: A Top-10 List » Third Graders, Dreaming Big It’s only been a few months, but I’ve already noticed some drastic changes in our classroom when the iPads roll in…. I’ve labeled these Top-10 phenomena as being The iPad Effect, as they seem to occur every Tuesday and Thursday…. 1. Days when there are no iPads in the classroom, students seem to ask to leave to hydrate at the bubbler far more often than they do when the iPads ARE in the classroom. 2. We try to time our bathroom visits with regular breaks in our routine. 3. Seems that iPads are the latest cure for stomachaches, headaches, hang-nails, sore arms and legs and boo-boos. 4. I can say with confidence, during my eight years of teaching, I seldom have had students ask to do MORE work than what is required. 5. In a room full of students recording their voices, and playing them back, you would think that focusing would be more difficult. 6. Face it. 7. Students who are off-target in their behavior risk missing out on part of their iPad time. 8. 9. 10.

Training und Wissensmanagement | Blog von Karlheinz Pape Didaktik | lern-welten Mit Moodle das Lernen unterstützen Solche Sammlungen von Tipps und Ideen gibt es ja immer wieder. Auch diesmal habe ich mich entschlossen, die Präsentation mal durchzuklicken und hier vorzustellen, denn ich lasse mich gerne von anderen Leuten inspirieren… Rubrics in Moodle Immer wieder stellt sich die Frage, wie Arbeiten von Schülerinnen und Schülern ganzheitlich beurteilt werden können. Gerne verwende ich Beurteilungsraster (Rubrics), in denen ich dann für die Arbeit oder das Projekt typische Qualitätsbereiche aufliste. Sugata Mitra: The child-driven education Über Sugata Mitra auf TED: Mehr zu «Minimally Invasive Education» Moodle Do’s and Moodle Don’ts Über das Blog «Fremsprachen und Neue Medien» von Jürgen Wagner bin ich auf diese Präsentation auf SlideShare aufmerksam geworden. Moodle Do's and Moodle Don'ts View more presentations from shirtz Die Rolle von Technologie und Lehrpersonen Wikipedia – Fluch oder Segen für Schulen Anmeldung bis 3.
