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Gource Gource is a software version control visualization tool. See more of Gource in action on the Videos page. Introduction Software projects are displayed by Gource as an animated tree with the root directory of the project at its centre. Currently Gource includes built-in log generation support for Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and SVN (as of 0.29). Synopsis view the log of the repository (Git, SVN, Mercurial and Bazaar) in the current path: gource Donations If you like Gource and would like to show your appreciation and encourage future work on this and other open source projects by the author, please consider making a donation! Bitcoin: 15WP34zkaZFJCyzCAKLt9qrWSvDuBN7XLv Related Software You may also want to check out Logstalgia, a web server access log visualization tool. News 14 April 2014 Gource 0.41 has been released. You can now specify a date range directly with --start-date and --stop-date (using 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss' ISO format). Changes since 0.40: Multi-monitor support using SDL 2.0 when available.

CLSID List (Windows Class Identifiers) Certain special folders within the operating system are identified by unique strings. Some of these strings can be used with FileSelectFile, FileSelectFolder, and Run. For example: The "Yes" entries in the last column are not authoritative: the Run command might support different CLSIDs depending on system configuration. To open a CLSID folder via Run, simply specify the CLSID as the first parameter.

TortoiseSvn Lenovo T500 Laptop Keyboard Key Repair Video Do you have a broken individual Lenovo laptop Key? You have found the right website to fix your laptop key. You can simply replace the single keyboard key that is broken. You dont have to replace the entire keyboard. Here is a quick Lenovo Thinkpad T Series T500 Keyboard Key repair tutorial with step-by-step instructions.We also have a video tutorial guide on how to fix your laptop key for you to watch above. To install your Lenovo Thinkpad T Series T500 laptop key on your keyboard, start out by observing your metal hooks on your keyboard. Observe the metal hooks on your keyboard. Take the larger laptop key retainer clips and observe them closely. Place the smaller retainer clip on the larger plastic clip and insert its sticks into the holes of larger piece. Insert the bars on either side into the metal hooks. Take your key cap and place it in the middle of your retainer clips. That's all!

Inno Setup Setup Wizard IDE (Dark) Inno Setup is a free installer for Windows programs by Jordan Russell and Martijn Laan. FeaturesLearn more about what Inno Setup can do. Don't forget to check out the Inno Setup forum, the primary source for Inno Setup support. Want to be notified by e-mail of updates? Key features: Support for every Windows release since 2006, including: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 10 on ARM, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Vista. Is it really free of charge, even for commercial use? Yes, it may be used completely free of charge, even when deploying commercial applications. (Note: "Completely free of charge" must not be confused with "completely free".

Microsoft SQL Server Product Samples: Database - Home ISTool T-SQL String Manipulation Tips and Techniques, Part 1 | T-SQL content from SQL Server Pro T-SQL is a language that was mainly designed to handle data manipulation tasks. Not much effort and attention were given to other kinds of tasks, such as string manipulation. Therefore, when you do need to manipulate strings in T-SQL, it can sometimes be quite challenging even for seemingly simple tasks. This article is the first of a two-part series in which I cover several common string manipulation needs. Related: 8 T-SQL String Functions Counting Occurrences of a Substring Within a String The first technique that I discuss is an old one, yet it’s one of my favorites—especially because it’s interesting to see the expression of surprise on people’s faces when they learn it for the first time. DECLARE @str AS VARCHAR(1000) = 'abchellodehellofhello', @substr AS VARCHAR(1000) = 'hello'; SELECT (LEN(@str) - LEN(REPLACE(@str, @substr, ''))) / LEN(@substr); This code returns the value 3, indicating that the substring 'hello' appears three times in the string 'abchellodehellofhello'.

WiX Toolset Использование битовых флагов и масок В этой статье я постараюсь рассказать, как можно использовать биты и операции над ними. Я выбрал php для демонстрации, так как тем кто знает другие языки, понять примеры не должно составить труда. Предыдущая статья: Биты и битовые операции. Для чего можно использовать биты? Так как в байте 8 бит, то 1 байт это число от 0000 0000 до 1111 1111. А использовать их можно как хранилище состояний. Принято считать 1 - истиной, 0 - ложью. Многие компиляторы, сами приводят тип boolean к 1 биту, так что это не всегда позволит экономить место в памяти, но это и не единственная цель. Битовые маски Маской называют какой то набор бит, который используют для того что бы выбрать определённые биты из набора (переменной). Например: 1 (0000 0001), 2 (0000 0010), 4 (0000 0100), 32 (0010 0000)... Можно конечно напрямую использовать числа, и составлять условия, но гораздо удобней давать каждому биту имя. Как установить бит в числе не затрагивая другие? Очень просто, вспомним операцию OR из предыдущей статьи. То есть

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