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Web Development Project Estimator

Web Development Project Estimator

DocFetcher - Fast Document Search Top 12 aplicaciones web para emprendedores [Original en: Llevar un negocio no es una cosa fácil, hay un motón de tareas de administración, contabilidad, gestión de proyectos, gestión de clientes, etc. que son un verdadero dolor de cabeza para un emprendedor como yo. Afortunadamente existen montones de aplicaciones en Internet que me permiten simplificar todas estas tareas y además me ayudan a hacer crecer mi negocio. Hoy en día éstas son las aplicaciones indispensables para todo emprendedor y las que yo uso cada día en mi empresa Estrategias de Marketing Online: Gmail Sin duda la mejor aplicación para gestionar tus emails. Google Calendar La mejor manera de organizar mi agenda es con Google Calendar. BaseCamp El mejor software para gestionar proyectos, sobre todo si trabajas con equipos remotos. Factura gem Una forma muy sencilla de crear y gestionar tus facturas Mailchimp Para mi es totalmente imprescindible el email marketing para casi cualquier empresa. Hootsuite

John M. Perez.Com: The 25 Best Alternatives To Your Enterprise A 2009 Budgets are in and for many who oversee the Operations and IT Budget, you are probably challenged to reduce your capital budget by at least 40% lower than what you originally put in. As the pressure to cut continues, you may want to rethink about the software vendors you have selected to introduce into the Enterprise, or even think about replacing your legacy Enterprise applications with more cost effective open source or lower cost alternatives. Still not convinced about Open Source or Lower Cost Alternatives? Productivity Software Open Office - An excellent and free alternative to the expensive Microsoft Office Suite. Customer Relationship Management Sugar CRM - A highly recommended CRM package that comes in a Free, Hosted, or Enterprise version.Open CRM - A U.K Based CRM Company that claims to provide free licenses to those who use it. Knowledge Management Vendors OmniStar Kbase - A PHP based External or Internal Knowledge Management Software. I.T Service Management/Help Desk Systems

pptPlex 1. What is pptPlex? 2. How do I install it? 3. Is this the same software Bill Gates demoed at the Microsoft CEO Summit 2008? 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Overview and Installation pptPlex is a research prototype developed by Microsoft Office Labs as an exploration of an alternative method of presenting Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 slides. Top 1) Check that your computer meets the requirements (Windows XP or Vista and Office 2007) 2) Download and install pptPlex 3) Open a presentation in PowerPoint 4) Click the pptPlex tab at the top to see all the buttons needed to use pptPlex. 5) Click the “insert new section” button to add a few sections. 6) Click the “Canvas background” button to select a background for the canvas. 7) Click the “From Overview” button to view your presentation. You may also want to watch the four videos on the pptPlex home page to learn more about how to use pptPlex. pptPlex works with Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007. Authoring pptPlex decks 14. Other topics

Streamy, más que un lector de RSS Streamy es una nueva aplicación web que, a primera vista, parece un lector de RSS. Pero Streamy es algo más, es un lector RSS pero orientado a relaciones sociales. Te permite añadir tus feeds favoritos como cualquier otro lector de RSS pero además, te permite compartir los posts con tus amigos, añadir notas y tener conversaciones de mensajería instantánea entre otras características. Y además todo aderezado con una interfaz muy web 2.0, de colores claros y tonos pastel. Y es la interfaz de usuario uno de sus puntos más interesantes, ya que de forma simple y limpia pone a disposición del usuario todos las opciones disponibles. Cuando pulsamos sobre un post, nos lo muestra en una interfaz similiar a lightbox (post en primer plano y resto de la página en oscuro al fondo). Por ahora, Streamy se encuentra en beta privada, pero puedes solicitar una cuenta desde su página oficial. Sitio Oficial | Streamy Vía | StartupSquad También te puede interesar

Structured process you must know to develop a web application Developing a web application is a hard work which requires much time you have to spend doing a myriad of things. If you don't use a methodic approach, especially in case of a complex project, you run the risk of losing sight of the project, not respecting times of delivery and wast your time for nothing. This post illustrates a structured process which helps you to simplify the approach to develop your web applications saving time and more efficiently. Download The Woork Papers N1 | Structured process you must know to develop a web application Process main phases In a generic web application developing process you can identify five main phases: 1. Planning and Monitoring is a "cross phase" which follows developing process defining a project plan composed from a list of activities which you have to monitor during project execution. - owner - duration - costs - ... How to organize a project planExcel Gantt chart templateImplement a project plan and manage activities with Google Spreadsheets 1.

ICSI Netalyzr PHP Tutorials Examples Introduction to PHP Regex By Kevin Waterson Contents What is a regex? At its most basic level, a regex can be considered a method of pattern matching or matching patterns within a string. Where do I begin? At the beginning. If we simply wanted to see if the pattern 'abc' was within our larger string we could easily do something like this: <? echo preg_match ( "/abc/" , $string ); ? The code above will echo '1'. Match beginning of a string Now we wish to see if the string begins with abc. From the code above we see that it echo's the line The string begins with abc The forward slashes are a delimeter that hold our regex pattern. What if I want case insensitive? If you used the above code to find the pattern ABC like this: if(preg_match("/^ABC/", $string)) the script would have returned the message: No match found This is because the search is case sensitive. Now the script will find the pattern abc. How do I find a pattern at the end of a string? Meta characters . What do the other Meta characters do? <? Still with us? <? <?

Filemaker Integrated Relational Database Software for Business | Test your Website: A 57-Point Checklist for Maximum Usability | So you’ve got a website, but do you know whether it’s usable or not? The answer to this question can make the difference between a successful site and one that’s just ignored. Go through this checklist to make sure your site is up to snuff. Do you answer your user’s questions?: Users visit a site because they want answers, so it’s vitally important that your site gives them what they are looking for.Is your navigation clear and simple?: Make sure that your navigation lets the user know where they have been and where they can go in a clear, consistent manner.Do you provide anchor text? New here?

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