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ReplicatorG is a simple, open source 3D printing program - ReplicatorG

ReplicatorG is a simple, open source 3D printing program - ReplicatorG

Professional Tool Boxes - Portable Tool Boxes, Tool Chests & Roller Cabinets for Mechanics and other Professionals Git - Fast Version Control System Build Your Own CNC Router, CNC Machine, or 3D Printer SIEMENS Community - The Number One Source for Siemens PLM Software Coverage, including NX, The Solid Edge Velocity Series, Teamcenter and Tecnomatix Wiki RepRap is humanity's first general-purpose self-replicating manufacturing machine. RepRap takes the form of a free desktop 3D printer capable of printing plastic objects. Since many parts of RepRap are made from plastic and RepRap prints those parts, RepRap self-replicates by making a kit of itself - a kit that anyone can assemble given time and materials. RepRap is about making self-replicating machines, and making them freely available for the benefit of everyone. is a community project, which means you are welcome to edit most pages on this site, or better yet, create new pages of your own. RepRap was the first of the low-cost 3D printers, and the RepRap Project started the open-source 3D printer revolution. RepRap was voted the most significant 3D-printed object in 2017. RepRap state-of-the-art when this page was last updated (June 2017) is well represented by the RepRap Snappy, RepRap Dollo and the RepRap Generation 7 Electronics.

MicroSystems World CNC - PC Based CNC Controller - WinCNC CNC Software - CNC Controller Software - WinCNC - CNC Motion Control - "Home" Inner workings of Chinese Digital Scales How do the Digital Scales work? I can't offer a complete explanation, but some insights that go quite into depth. Sizes of the physical placement of capacitors that form an electronic vernier and how the signals look like can be found here. This information is really for the nerds and not of any use for those who want to just build their next steam model. Under the Sticker: click to enlarge Note: Chances are very high, that the numbers given in the above picture are a bit off. That's how it looks if you peel off the sticker (with the ruler's numbers printed on). I have lent me a HP 54645D. Just for your curiosity, this is a picture of the measuring setup. Here is a picture showing the signal (analog channel on top is the receiver pad). click to enlarge (1.2 MB!) Here is a detail of the above screen dump (the part marked "see#2") (0.8 MB!) C3 is connected to the leftmost sender pad, C2 to the second, C1 -> 3rd, C0 -> 4th, C7-> 5th, C6 -> 6th, C5 -> 7th, C4 -> 8th. I name the parts:

Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects DIYLILCNC Spring Loaded Engraving Tool 20 mm diameter, Engrave with a cnc machine Engrave Curved, Flat and Uneven Surfaces Using a CNC Milling Machine. Spring Loaded Engraving Tools simplify engraving and marking and reduce cycle times when engraving using your CNC Machine. The patented design of the Spring Loaded Tool allows the engraving toolbit to float over inconsistencies and variations in your part for a more consistent engraving. Additional Details of the 20mm Diameter Standard Spring Loaded Engraving Tool: ENGRAVE USING YOUR EXISTING CNC MACHINE No need for dedicated engraving machines or marking systems. ENGRAVE GLASS, STONE, GRANITE.

3-D Printers Proliferate Photos: Hewlett-Packard PART SOLUTION: Make small plastic parts on your own with a 3-D printer, such as HP's [left]. For years, visionary engineers have been touting the idea of a cheap box about the size of a microwave oven that could build arbitrary solid objects out of plastic, ceramics, metal, ice, and even living cells. During most of the 20-plus-year history of 3-D printing, "cheap" has been a distant vision, with industrial rapid-prototyping machines going for anywhere from US $15 000 to over $1 000 000. That number started to drop precipitously in 2007, with 3-D–printer designs from RepRap and Fab@Home that could be built for $500 to $2000 in materials (depending on what materials you wanted to print and how good you were at scrounging parts). If the price of a new compact car is more than you or your boss would like to spend, New York City start-up Makerbot Industries offers a small RepRap-derived printer kit for about $900. But what are these machines actually good for?

Tweakie, Tweakie.CNC, CNC, router, mill, engraver, vinyl cutter, laser. ArtSoft USA - Home of Mach3 and LazyCam
