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How Graphics Cards Work"

How Graphics Cards Work"
The images you see on your monitor are made of tiny dots called pixels. At most common resolution settings, a screen displays over a million pixels, and the computer has to decide what to do with every one in order to create an image. To do this, it needs a translator -- something to take binary data from the CPU and turn it into a picture you can see. Unless a computer has graphics capability built into the motherboard, that translation takes place on the graphics card. A graphics card's job is complex, but its principles and components are easy to understand. In this article, we will look at the basic parts of a video card and what they do. Think of a computer as a company with its own art department. A graphics card works along the same principles. Creating an image out of binary data is a demanding process. The graphics card accomplishes this task using four main components: Next, we'll look at the processor and memory in more detail.

Pack a Backpack for Camping From Wired How-To Wiki A well-packed sack will save your back. Photo by The Glasshalffull via Flickr. It's happened to everyone before. Then, six miles out, you realize: Despite stuffing your pack to the brim, you've forgotten your rain shell and soaked your food in fuel. This article is part of a wiki anyone can edit. Outside In Especially with a lightweight backpack, you should put your sleeping pad in first. Sleeping bag next Pack in the reverse order of stuff you'll need. Distribute your supplies Tent: Heaviest items go in the middle and closest to your back. Cooking Gear: If you're planning on hot meals along the side of the trail, your portable stove is up next. Food: Separate your foods— easy access:trail mix, string cheese, sandwiches -- and put them in a separate and more easily accessible part of your backpack, usually the detachable fanny pack or outside pockets. Water for cooking food: Dried food is good if you're near water, and canned is good if you're not. Balance it out

42 Practical Ways To Improve Yourself - Stepcase Lifehack Are you someone who likes to grow? Do you constantly seek to improve yourself and become better? If you do, then we have something in common. I’m very passionate about personal growth. It was just 4 years ago when I discovered my passion for growing and helping others grow. At that time, I was 22 and in my final year of university. SEE ALSO: How to Better Yourself One Day at a Time After 1.5 years of actively pursuing growth and helping others to grow through my personal development blog, I realize there is never an end to the journey of self improvement. As a passionate advocate of growth, I’m continuously looking for ways to self-improve. Read a book every day. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this article or anything about personal growth. Image © kevindooley

How to Fix (or Kill) Web Data About You Marketers, employers, suitors and even thieves and stalkers are piecing together mosaics of who we are. Even when it is accurate, it may not present a pretty picture. For a glimpse of your mosaic, type your name into Snoops who take the time to troll further online may also find in blog posts or comments evidence of your political views, health challenges, office tribulations and party indiscretions, any of which could hurt your chances of admission to school, getting or keeping a job or landing a date. The online aggregation of personal data is setting the stage for “a for your life,” said Michael Fertik, the chief executive of, previously known as ReputationDefender, a company that charges to manage people’s online information and images. If you want to try to manage privacy, the obvious first place to start is with the search engines , Bing and , exactly where other people will most likely go to check you out. The harder part is masking the information.

How To Not Get Sued for File Sharing (And Other Ideas To Avoid Being Treated Like a Criminal) As of July 2006, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has sued over 20,000 music fans for file sharingin just under three years. In 2004, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) joined this misguided, anti-consumer crusade. Filing lawsuits against anonymous "Doe" defendants, the RIAA and MPAA seek to uncover the identities of P2P users and force them to pay thousands of dollars in settlements. Many innocent individuals are being caught in the crossfire. While there is no way to know exactly what the RIAA and MPAA are going to do or who they are going to sue, users of publicly-accessible P2P networks can take the following steps to reduce their chances of being sued: Either: Make sure there are no potentially infringing files in your shared folder. Or: Note: Not all clients allow you to turn off "sharing." Additional Considerations: What if I've Already Been Sued? These links may provide helpful information:

40 Beautiful and Very High-Resolution Wallpapers Do you have a boring desktop wallpaper? Are you tired of looking at the same, old desktop wallpaper? Well, here’s the remedy. This collection contains beautiful, high-quality and high-resolution (at least 1900x1200px) wallpapers. I hope you will find several wallpapers to refresh and invigorate your workspace. Tips for Linux Explorers Online Books : "The Essential Psychedelic Guide" - Ecstasy INTENSITY: 2 to 4 MATERIAL: Ecstasy is a synthetic compound developed in 1914 as a potential dietary aid. However, its psychoactive effects were not discovered until the mid-Seventies. It was used widely in therapy from this time until 1985 when it was made illegal. Its chemical name is 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), commonly known as "X", "E", or "Adam." It usually comes as a white crystalline powder or made into tablets. DOSAGE: 125 mg. (1/8th of a gram) is generally considered a single dose of ecstasy. THE HIGH: When ecstasy is coming on it feels fantastically exhilarating. Most X users report that their first couple of experiences are like being in heaven, and leave a strong impression. Ecstasy is not really "psychedelic" in the same way as other substances in this journal. Ecstasy rarely produces a bad experience, but there are some negative aspects to ecstasy's signature. I've read numerous clinical articles on ecstasy. See the 2C-B chapter. 1.

Top 10 Thinking Traps Exposed Our minds set up many traps for us. Unless we’re aware of them, these traps can seriously hinder our ability to think rationally, leading us to bad reasoning and making stupid decisions. Features of our minds that are meant to help us may, eventually, get us into trouble. Here are the first 5 of the most harmful of these traps and how to avoid each one of them. 1. The Anchoring Trap: Over-Relying on First Thoughts “Is the population of Turkey greater than 35 million? Lesson: Your starting point can heavily bias your thinking: initial impressions, ideas, estimates or data “anchor” subsequent thoughts. This trap is particularly dangerous as it’s deliberately used in many occasions, such as by experienced salesmen, who will show you a higher-priced item first, “anchoring” that price in your mind, for example. What can you do about it? Always view a problem from different perspectives. 2. Consider the status quo as just another alternative. 3. Be OK with making mistakes. 4. 5.

How the Google/Verizon proposal could kill the internet in 5 years Annalee, how much of that impacts the entire world as opposed to just the US? Surely, google's impact is global, but Verizon's isn't. Surely, countries other than the US might impose restrictions or sanctions that might preserve net neutrality in those countries. I know from personal experience that the Scandinavian countries in general, and Norway in particular, consider internet access to be a top priority. Norway is ahead of the pack in that it recently passed a law that qualifies internet access as an individual's right. @Roklimber: Right now this should only impact the US. @Annalee Newitz: Right now, yes, but how do you see its impact in the future? You mentioned consumer choices when it comes to mobile networks. Also, here in Denmark, it is against the law to force a contract longer than 6 months. I'd be surprised if European countries went along with eliminating net neutrality. What do you think, based on what you researched and know so far?

Judge in Google/Oracle Lawsuit: ‘You’re Both Asking for the Moon’ Wanted: More judges like U.S. District Judge William Alsup. Alsup is presiding over the currently ongoing lawsuit between Google and Oracle over the former’s Android OS—which the latter says infringes on their Java patents—and is demonstrating a refreshing attitude towards both companies’ attempts to argue their case. Alsup told attorneys representing the corporations, “You’re both asking for the moon and you should be more reasonable” during a hearing yesterday, according to Reuters. Lawyers acting on behalf of Google argued that Oracle estimated damages of between $1.4 billion and $6.1 billion as a result of patent infringement within the Android OS and asked Alsup to disallow those estimates, saying instead that Oracle deserves no damages. (MORE: Will App Developers Be Scared Away by Lawsuit Threats?) Alsup openly disagreed with that idea, telling the court, “Zero is ridiculous… They’re totally wrong on that.” A decision in the case is expected soon.

How to Eat and Lose Weight Edit Article Edited by Expressyourself000, Tom Viren, Josh Hannah, Wpendy and 132 others Did you know that you can eat a lot and still lose weight? It sounds too good to be true, right? Here are some ways to make it happen. Ad Steps 1Eat more fresh food! 11Make vegetables a major part of your diet plan! Tips You might also consider adding "superfoods" to your diet: superfood is a term sometimes used to describe food with high phytonutrient content that some may believe confers health benefits as a result. Warnings Limit the following: Soda: the average soda is full of calories, sugar, and other chemicals.Too much bread/butter: A slice of bread with butter has around 170 calories (100 calories per medium sliced slice of bread and 70 calories per 10g of butter).Large portions: You’ll end up eating much less and save a lot of money as a bonus! Article Info
