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One-stop manager of your iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch

I used Google Glass: the future, with monthly updates The frosted-glass doors on the 11th floor of Google’s NYC headquarters part and a woman steps forward to greet me. This is an otherwise normal specimen of humanity. Normal height, slender build; her eyes are bright, inquisitive. What was a total oddity a year ago, and little more than an experiment just 18 months ago is now starting to look like a real product. But as I release from that handshake and study the bizarre device resting on my greeter’s brow, my mind begins to fixate on a single question: who would want to wear this thing in public? Sticky TOC engaged! Finding Glass Finding Glass The Glass project was started "about three years ago" by an engineer named Babak Parviz as part of Google’s X Lab initiative, the lab also responsible for — amongst other things — self-driving cars and neural networks. I was about to beta test Glass myself. "Why are we even working on Glass? Steve goes on. I get it. Maybe, but obviously the Glass team doesn’t want to wait to find out. But seriously.

Ipa Wonderland Well, my friends at decided to give me some room on their site, so i've moved there. Don't have to mention that the site is completely iDevices compatible!!!! Well, not to say anymore, i will continue daily to add apps there, in on LIMITED FREE section.. So, tell us what do you think! And here's your RSS Addres: 05.04.2010. at 22:40 • 4 Comments • Print • # Apps FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME on AppStore 04+05/04 Easter holidays are over, so time to go back to normal! 05.04.2010. at 14:00 • 0 Comments • Print • # Apps FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME on AppStore 02+03/04 There's some iPad apps included at the bottom of the list, so if you have iPad be sure not to miss them while they're free ;) 03.04.2010. at 13:49 • 0 Comments • Print • # Apps FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME on AppStore 01/04 Fool's Day! 01.04.2010. at 20:14 • 0 Comments • Print • # Apps FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME on AppStore 31/03 Really many many many apps today , and a lot lot of books!

DATORN i UTBILDNINGEN Text: Monica Esborn Samarbete ger bättre kvalitet i lärandet - om Learning Study på Fenestra Centrum, Göteborg Varje år är det en internationell konferens kring Learning Study. – Det började 2009 med att några matematiklärare från skolan gjorde ett studiebesök på Öjesjö skola i Partille och blev väldigt inspirerade, berättar Srdjan Muratovic, rektor sedan fem år på Fenestra Centrum, en friskola inom Academediakoncernen. Arbetet med Learning Study har inspirerats av de japanska lärarnas systematiska arbete med Lesson Study men inkluderar en grundtanke om lärande utifrån variationsteorin. – Det är första gången konferensen förlades utanför Asien och det är ingen tillfällighet att det blev Göteborg, menar lärarna och utvecklingsledarna på Fenestra Centrum, Lotta Funnemark och Sanna Schoultz. Båda har arbetat länge som handledare för att sprida arbetet på skolan och på senare tid också inom koncernen. – Vi ville börja småskaligt och valde matematiklärarna. Upptäckten!

Un Periodista en el Bolsillo » Bululú: “Nuestro sueño es dar a cada libro su propia voz” El último tramo de este 2012 nos deja el nacimiento de una nueva editorial dedicada a los álbumes ilustrados. Hablamos de Bululú, que nace en A Coruña, y con cuyo responsable hemos hablado para conocer un poco más sobre este proyecto. “Al igual que este actor que en el siglo XVI mudaba su voz conforme al personaje que representaba, nuestro sueño es dar a cada libro su propia voz”, dice esta editorial a la hora de presentarse en las redes sociales. “Porque, así como en Galicia el bululú incorporó a su espectáculo elementos escenográficos, títeres y retablos, Editorial Bululú aprende de esta unión entre lo narrativo y lo visual, apostando por la edición detallista, la renovación de formatos y la singularización y enriquecimiento que la ilustración aporta a la literatura. “El primer libro de Bululú ha sido ‘De profesión inventor’. “Los proyectos para el próximo año son varios pero casi terminados o preparados para terminarlos están dos de los que no puedo dar muchas más pistas.

Track Your Workout Behavior And Calorie Intake With Fitness Tk Staying fit and healthy is one of the key factors for success. It makes you feel confident about the daily challenges of life. Who doesn’t want to stay beefed up? Admit it or not, we all aspire to look like the infamous Tyler Durden did in Fight Club. However, effective exercise techniques also require an effective fitness plan to keep your workout habits in check. Upon launch, the application asks you to login to the Fitness Tk’s server. When logged in, Fitness Tk takes you to a neatly designed GUI. The application also enables you to create and track different routes for your run, an excellent feature to monitor cardio exercises. The Workouts section lets you monitor your workout time patterns. As mentioned earlier, the application also lets you manage your exercise Gear. Overall, Fitness Tk is a great, free solution to keep your physique in good shape. Download Fitness Tk Advertisement

Fresh Apps for the iPhone 25 Critical Thinking Strategies For The Modern Learner Critical thinking is the engine of learning. Within this complex process or so many other relevant themes that contribute to learning: creativity, analysis, evaluation, innovation, application, and scores of other verbs from various learning taxonomies. So the following infographic from Mentoring Minds is immediately relevant to all educators, and students as well. It’s a bit of a mash of Habits of Mind, various 21st century learning frameworks, and the aforementioned learning taxonomies, promoting collaboration, problem-solving, and real-world connections (standard “critical thinking fare” with Habits of Mind-sounding phrases such as “Open-Mindedness”). At the bottom, it pushes a bit further, however, offering 25 critical thinking strategies to help support progressive learning.

Pilot FriXion Color-Pencil-Like Erasable Gel Ink Pen - 0.7 mm - 12 Color Set Pilot Japan has broken the barrier between pencils and erasable gel pens! To highlight this fact, their newest FriXion pens have plastic bodies reminiscent of wooden pencils. These erasable gel pens write in vibrant gel colors that are unattainable with colored pencil lead. The pens are so erasable, you'll be amazed. An incredible selection of 24 colors is available. Interestingly enough, the ink in these pens will actually reappear when the temperature reaches below -10 C (under 14 Fahrenheit). Because the ink in this pen is thermo sensitive, we do not advise for it to be left in hot cars, used for mailing, or subjected to a condition that exposes it to a lot of friction.

HULU CANADA - The Easy 3 Step Guide To Watching Hulu in Canada Hulu Canada are two words that do not typically go together. You see, just like Pandora, Spotify and other great services that are available to people living in the USA; Hulu is not available in Canada without some special ninja tricks. Don’t worry, you don’t need to learn how to use nunchucks or throwing stars. The three easy steps that you will need to implement are so easy that we had to make step 3 “watch Hulu” in order to be able to say “easy as 1-2-3.” Some people have asked me, “what’s so special about Hulu anyway.” Typically when a Canadian, or anyone outside of the US, tries to watch Hulu in Canada you get slapped in the face with this ugly sight: In case you’re comparing notes to what you see on your computer in Canada we added the sad face and big red arrow to the image above. But never fear! So, what can you do to create your own special portal to the highly desired Hulu Canada? Step #1: Access Your Special Ninja Portal WAIT! Here is the visual: Step #3: Watch Hulu Canada

Norrman utmanar Dropbox I Norge har den nya fildelningstjänsten, Filecloud, funnits sedan början av september och lockat till sig "något hundratal" kunder enligt Alexander Hagerup. Filecloud ska bli helt inriktad mot företag - det ska inte finnas någon konsumentversion av tjänsten. - Vi har sett ett behov av att lansera en fildelningstjänst riktad till företag. Det finns tre huvudsakliga punkter som krävs för att tjänsten ska kunna sägas vara företagsinriktad, anser han: alla data ska vara krypterade vid lagring och överföring, det ska finnas full redundans och it-chefen ska ha kontroll. - Vi har lagt ner ungefär ett år på att utveckla tjänsten. Filecloud skapar en virtuell disk på användarens dator, som bara är nåbar efter inloggning via Fileclouds webbtjänst. - Vi har medvetet prissatt tjänsten aggressivt för att nå en volymförsäljning, säger Göte Dahlbäck, som arbetar med att sälja in företagets tjänster mot svenska partner.
