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Useful mininet setups

Useful mininet setups
Mininet is a network emulation platform that is very useful to test SDN applications that you build. It can support different types of topologies. Here we showcase three popular configurations that will be helpful for testing. 1. Single switch Following command spawns a single switch with 3 hosts attached to it. $ sudo mn --arp --topo single,3 --mac --switch ovsk --controller remote In the above command, there are some important keywords worth paying attention to: –mac: Auto set MAC addresses–arp: Populate static ARP entries of each host in each other–switch: ovsk refers to kernel mode OVS–controller: remote controller can take IP address and port number as options You can now perform ping between hosts h1 and h2 using command h1 ping h2. 2. Following command spawns two switches connected to each other with a link and has one host on each switch. $ sudo mn --topo linear --switch ovsk --controller remote 3. Following command spawns a switch that has 3 servers and 1 client connected to it.

OpenDaylight Application Developers' Tutorial | SDN Hub This tutorial is intended for developers new to SDN application development with OpenDaylight. We have come a long way from the earlier version of this tutorial to focus on MD-SAL, and Karaf in this tutorial. While OpenDaylight is not simply an OpenFlow controller, OpenFlow continues to be a popular south-bound and we use this in this tutorial to introduce the platform. An introductory presentation is available at slideshare. 1. Setup To get started, download and set up the SDN Hub Tutorial VM in Virtualbox or VMware. The tutorial application that we will work with is located in /home/ubuntu/SDNHub_OpenDaylight_tutorial directory. Before we start, we recommend you run the following commands to update the tutorial code, which is available at ubuntu@sdnhubvm:~$ cd SDNHub_Opendaylight_Tutorial ubuntu@sdnhubvm:~$ git pull --rebase 2. OpenDayLight uses the following software tools/paradigms. 2.1 Maven and project building 2.4 Mininet 3. 4.

Lab 3 - OpenvSwitch and OpenFlow Controller - ELET 4421 Open vSwitch is a production quality open source software switch designed to be used as a vswitch in virtualized server environments. A vswitch forwards traffic between different VMs on the same physical host and also forwards traffic between VMs and the physical network. Open vSwitch supports standard management interfaces (e.g. sFlow, NetFlow, RSPAN, CLI), and is open to programmatic extension and control using OpenFlow and the OVSDB management protocol. Open vSwitch as designed to be compatible with modern switching chipsets. How to Install OpenvSwitch in Ubuntu 12.04 1. $/etc/init.d network-manager stop 2. $ apt-getupdate $ apt-get install python-simplejson python-qt4 python-twisted-conch automake autoconf gcc uml-utilities libtool build-essential$ apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake pkg-config 2. $wget $ cd openvswitch-1.7.0.tar.gz $ . $ . $ make $ make install $rmmod bridge 3. 4. 1. 2. $ant

University of Luxembourg - Daylight Project One of the great things about open source projects is that they provide a solid, easily available, and generally well documented basis for university research. This generally gives researchers the ability to concentrate just on the algorithms and instrumentation which they are interested in, without having to completely develop a software suite for the subject area they are studying. In the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) at the University of Luxembourg, researchers are using OpenDaylight as basis for addressing specific aspects in the context of the ongoing Cognitive Software Defined Networks (CoSDN) project. Attack Detection (through learning): Having Defense4All as starting point, Dr. Their experiences with the OpenDaylight project have for the most part been good - they describe it as a very helpful community - but they admit that the move from AD-SAL to MD-SAL was a difficult transition for the group, as they had to rewrite their applications.

Introduction to Open vSwitch If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed, or follow me on Twitter! That way you can stay up to date with all Keeping It Classless posts! In the early days of my quest to cut through the jungle of hype regarding SDN, it was difficult to go a single day without hearing about Open vSwitch, or OVS. I’ve been tinkering with Open vSwitch in my lab for a few months now, and realized that I haven’t yet written an introductory post about it for those that haven’t tried it out. If you’re involved with data center like I am, you’re probably familiar with the concept of a vSwitch. The main reason one would use OVS is to greatly improve the capabilities of each hypervisor switch beyond simple bridging capability. The configuration of OVS is controlled by a database schema organized into several tables, all held in userspace (the kernel module is used strictly for forwarding). There are two tools used to configure an OVS instance: OpenFlow and OVSDB. OpenFlow Configuration Conclusion

Spanning Tree and OpenFlow Questions I often get asked include: Can you run Spanning Tree and OpenFlow together?What happens when Spanning Tree blocks a port? Firstly, it is possible to run an OpenFlow network connected to the HP VAN SDN Controller with Spanning Tree turned off. In this blog entry I will show you a simple network with a look and demonstrate what happens with Spanning Tree turned off as well as on using HP Comware switches. VLAN 1 = Management VLAN (Used for communication with the Controller. In this topology I am using two 5900AF-48G-4XG-2QSFP+ switches with the following details: [5900-1]dis version HP Comware Software, Version 7.1.045, Release 2307 Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. [5900-2]dis version HP Comware Software, Version 7.1.045, Release 2307 Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. In the output below, you can see that Spanning Tree is disabled on VLAN 10: VLAN 192 is the link to the HP VAN SDN Controller: And the result:

Software defined networking, Openvswitch, and Ubuntu 12.04 Recently I’ve been testing over committing on KVM. Once I started running hundreds of virtual machines (vms) on a single node, I realized that in order to get them to do anything I have to access them over the network to run something like Ansible playbooks designed to test load. In order to provide networking resources to the vms, I decided to take a look at Openvswitch and what it takes to get it up and running with KVM and Ubuntu 12.04/Precise. Software defined networking Like cloud and big-data, software defined networking (SDN) is a loaded term. “A good working definition of SDN is the separation of the data and control functions of today’s routers and other layer two networking infrastructure with a well-defined programming interface between the two.” — Via Arstechnica SDN is a big part of OpenStack as well. Openflow is also an important technology in SDN that requires some research time. Building on other’s work I’m not really doing anything new here—though I hope to at some point… :)

OpenFlow, OpenvSwitch and KVM SDN Lab Installation App This OpenFlow, Open vSwitch and KVM SDN Lab Installation App is a python app that will install a few different options at an SDN lab. There are some really nice SDN applications that are coming along that have been open sourced from vendors or the community. Lots of people are really getting interested in understanding what SDN and getting to know new technologies but can quickly hit a wall wether its time to figure out the often tricky installs, lack of experience in Unix and for all of us just time to dedicate to getting a lab framework built.I tried to keep the Python program very linear to make it as readable and reusable as I could. I think I wrote about five pages worth of comments in it. It can be difficult either remembering how to install some of this stuff after a while so I have gotten to the point just to automate everything if possible. There is a screencast below in case anyone gets stuck and needs a reference. There are four installation builds to choose from. Figure 1.

OpenDaylight OpenStack Integration with DevStack on Fedora 20 The following is a walk through of the OVSDB project within OpenDaylight for OpenStack integration. There are a couple of bugs so it is not for the faint of heart. It is intended for those looking to get their development environment up and running. We will have videos and what not walking through the installation and code reviews of the implementation. It was developed by folks from various vendors and users in the community. The following are some late night / early morning recordings from Madhu and me. OpenStack/OpenDaylight/OVSDB Installation Part 1 – Configuring VirtualBox and VM FusionOpenStack/OpenDaylight/OVSDB Installation Part 2 – Stacking and Spinning up Multi-Node OpenStack w/the OpenDaylight ControllerFor more OpenDaylight / OVSDB videos and weekly Hangouts please see our YouTube channel: OpenDaylight OVSDB Channel → No standards were hurt in the making of this recording. There are two options for images. Fedora 19 based all-in-one VM: VirtualBox NIC Network Caveats Oops .
