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Physician's Network & Healthcare Directory for Doctors, NPs, PAs & RNs

Physician's Network & Healthcare Directory for Doctors, NPs, PAs & RNs
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How Online Doctor Visits Work Never wait again to get an appointment with your doctor! Your Medlanes doctor is avaiable to provide you with medical advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Healthcare is extremely expensive. Whether you have insurance or not, healthcare costs are exorbitant! Not only is paying for the doctor expensive, but you are having to take valuable time out of your busy day just to wait in the waiting room at the doctor's office. Getting medical advice with Medlanes is extremely convenient! Don't worry about you or your family's health. Never wait again to get an appointment with your doctor! Healthcare is extremely expensive. Getting medical advice with Medlanes is extremely convenient! Don't worry about you or your family's health.

Social Media and the Millennial Brain Social Media has become a double edged sword. It gives businesses easy access to their customers and aids in communicating with them, but at the same time it gives employees a forum to waste time and possibly to do harm to the brand. A well thought out social media policy is a must for businesses large and small. For any company, it is very tempting to opt for a social media free zone at work. Keep employees off the time sucking sites and keep them focused on the task at hand, right? If your company depends on a workforce consisting of employees under the age of 35, maybe not. The amazing millennial brain is not wired the way boomer brains are. Sam Fiorella, CEO Sensei Marketing, recently shared an interesting anecdote. What most decision makers still view as a distraction, is a vital tool in the millennial worker’s arsenal. Michelle is the co-host of the popular Social Media discussion group #SocialChat, blogger, and Social Media Advocate/Consultant +Michelle Stinson Ross

How to Treat Tachycardia – Home Remedies Tachycardia is an accelerated heart rate – specifically it is classified as any heart rate that exceeds 100 beats per minute at its base level which puts it above the normal range. There are many causes of tachycardia such as poor circulation, high blood pressure/cholesterol, low potassium or arrhythmia. Symptoms include a 'fluttering feeling in the chest', difficulty catching your breath, irregular heartbeat, pain in the chest and light headedness. In serious cases doctors may put you on a course of medication (adenosine), or may recommend heart surgery (cardioversion). It is important to see a doctor if you experience the associated symptoms as severe tachycardia can be very dangerous and the symptoms may also suggest other heart conditions. However there are also many things you can do yourself to combat tachycardia and many natural remedies. Exercise: Exercising with light CV work can help to solve many heart related problems by strengthening it through training.

Medical Office Software for Small Practices Doklog | Le réseau des acteurs de santé Professor Malcolm Levitt Our group develops new experimental techniques in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and applies those techniques to systems of interest in biology and materials science. For example, we have developed new NMR techniques for determining the atomic-scale structure in non-crystalline solids, and have applied those methods to the membrane protein rhodopsin and to the class of inorganic network solids called zeolites. We are currently working on extending solid-state NMR to the study of samples at very low temperatures, which will allow us to achieve higher signal strength and allow the study of cryogenic physical phenomena such as quantum rotation by NMR. We have also demonstrated the existence of nuclear spin states with unusually long lifetimes in room-temperature liquids, and are currently exploring the possibilities of exploiting such long-lived nuclear spin states for NMR imaging. Research keywords Nuclear magnetic resonance. Research funding

Social Media Marketing Software by Argyle Social E. coli genotypes From OpenWetWare Nomenclature & Abbreviations A listed gene name means that gene carries a loss of function mutation, a Δ preceding a gene name means the gene is deleted. If a gene is not listed, it is not known to be mutated. Prophages present in wt K-12 strains (F, λ, e14, rac) are listed only if absent. E. coli B strains are naturally lon- and dcm-. F- = Does not carry the F plasmid F+ = Carries the F plasmid. Methylation Issues in E. coli Type I methylation systems: E. coli K12 restricts DNA which is not protected by adenine methylation at sites AA*C[N6]GTGC or GCA*C[N6]GTT, encoded by the hsdRMS genes(EcoKI). Commonly used strains endA1 recA1 gyrA96 thi-1 relA1 glnV44 hsdR17(rK- mK+) thr-1, araC14, leuB6(Am), Δ(gpt-proA)62, lacY1, tsx-33, qsr'-0, glnV44(AS), galK2(Oc), LAM-, Rac-0, hisG4(Oc), rfbC1, mgl-51, rpoS396(Am), rpsL31(strR), kdgK51, xylA5, mtl-1, argE3(Oc), thi-1 Bachmann BJ: Derivation and genotypes of some mutant derivatives of Escherichia coli K-12.

MeeDoc Help for common health problems Prescription medicine to the closest pharmacy Doctor's notes Doctor's consultation and assessment for care Only 29 € /call * The indicative length of a call is 15 minutes. Only successful calls are billed. Start now Repenser la communication entre médecins Repenser la communication entre médecins MeltingDoc est une application mobile destinée au partage de cas clinique entre médecins Quel médecin n’a jamais été confronté à la difficulté de poser un diagnostic chez un patient compliqué ? Comment se tenir au courant des dernières nouveautés une fois installé ? La communication entre médecins est essentielle, mais encore aujourd’hui limitée par de nombreux obstacles. Echanger au sein de groupes Que vous soyez interne ou médecin, que vous soyez libéral ou hospitalier, l’application vous propose une liste de groupes de discussion grâce à un algorithme qui prend en compte votre spécialité et votre réseau. Découvrir des cas cliniques et apprendre de la communauté Vous pouvez adresser vos cas cliniques à toute la communauté, ou au sein des groupes de discussion que vous aurez rejoint. Valoriser ses compétences médicales Echanger entre médecins Un projet ambitieux qui a déjà séduit les investisseurs et la BPI

MR Protocols - CNI Wiki This page contains an overview of several types of MRI modalities (structural, functional, and diffusion). The basic measurement protocols are described and there are links to development plans and more detailed processing strategies. There are several typical protocols users run. These protocols involve a combination of scans. We document the most widely used protocols in this list. Saving your protocol parameters Save screen-shots At the GE console, you can save screen shots of the GE interface to show the main parameters that you have set in a protocol. Get a PDF of all protocol parameters You can get a complete PDF of all your protocol info with a few clicks of the mouse. Click the "Protocol Exchange" button under the Image Management tab. Simultaneous Multi-Slice EPI The CNI, in collaboration with GE, is implementing simultaneous multi-slice EPI (also known as multiband EPI, multiplexed EPI, or, as we like to call it, "mux EPI"). General Options Bandwidth 3D Geometry Correction Ask Aviv!

How Pinterest Will Transform the Web in 2012: Social Content Curation As The Next Big Thing The most interesting wave hitting the social web in 2012 is social curation. This was kicked off in 2011 as Pinterest's growth was noticed by Silicon Valley and a number of companies quickly followed suit - Snip.It launched as a social information curation platform, Quora adopted boards for a similar purpose, and launched a structured social commerce feed. In this blog post I will discuss the evolution of social media from long-form to push-button, the emergence of social curation on sites such as Twitter and Tumblr, and the move to structured sets of curated content on Pinterest and its brethren. But first, the meta-trend.... ...Social Media: Evolving From Long Form To Push Button In the evolution of social media over the last decade, the trend has been a move from long form content, which has high friction of participation (both on the production and consumption side) to ever lower requirements placed on a user to participate in a conversation.

Guest Post: A Doctor on Transvaginal Ultrasounds A friend of mine is a physician who wants to speak about transvaginal ultrasounds but whose position makes it precarious to speak publicly about it. So I’m letting this doctor borrow my site for an entry to speak anonymously on the matter. Obviously, I will vouch for the doctor being a doctor and being qualified to speak on the subject. Update, 9:14pm: This post is being linked to far and wide, so we’re getting lots of new readers and commenters. Update: 12:13am, 3/21: I’m going to bed, so I turned off the comments for the night. Update: 1pm, 3/21: As a head’s up to people, at 8pm eastern time tonight, I will turning off the comments for this thread permanently. Update: 8pm, 3/21: Comment thread is now closed. Right. I’m speaking, of course, about the required-transvaginal-ultrasound thing that seems to be the flavor-of-the-month in politics. I do not care what your personal politics are. Fellow physicians, once again we are being used as tools to screw people over. 1) Just don’t comply.
