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NLP Articles Articles The Importance of Doing what’s Important in Life by Jevon Dängeli What do you really want in life? What’s your purpose and your destiny in this life? Remember this: the universe supports people who are pursuing their passion and those who are pursuing their destiny. Written by Jevon Dängeli – NLP / HNLP Trainer & Wellness Coach IQ Scores NLP Center is meant to be a collection of NLP resources worldwide, be it trainers, institutions, events or simply related links with useful information on the subject.

Sleight of Mouth NLP Articles Articles The Importance of Doing what’s Important in Life by Jevon Dängeli What do you really want in life? What’s your purpose and your destiny in this life? Remember this: the universe supports people who are pursuing their passion and those who are pursuing their destiny. Written by Jevon Dängeli – NLP / HNLP Trainer & Wellness Coach IQ Scores NLP Center is meant to be a collection of NLP resources worldwide, be it trainers, institutions, events or simply related links with useful information on the subject. Destroy Limiting Decisions Did you make a limiting decision as you were growing up? Maybe one that said you couldn’t do something that basically everyone else could do, but you decided you were too short, too tall, too rich, too poor, too fat, too skinny, too cute, too ugly, etc. Well, you’ve grown up and you’ve definitely changed since then, but you still seem to *think* that way. Maybe you are still too tall or whatever, and aren’t able to change that fact, but you *can* change the way you think about it. Here’s what you do. Now, visualize yourself backing out of the event, just slowly backing out, and then turning around and looking forward toward the future. Now, come back to the present and go about your life. Author's Bio: ~~~~~~~~~ Copyright 2002, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide --------------------------------------------------------------- Having problems?

NLP Learning Strategy In the previous section we looked at the presuppositions of NLP and introduced the learning strategy around which this entire website is built, a simple metaphor which we labelled the building blocks of NLP. As you're now familiar with the concept of building block upon block, base skill upon base skill we are ready to move on and begin looking at other tools that will assist in learning these skills quickly and easily. A good way to ensure success when rising to meet a challenge such as learning a new skill is to follow these five principles for success:- Know your outcome Take positive action Have enough sensory awareness to know if you're being effective Have behavioural flexibility Operate from a physiology and a psychology of excellence These five principles for success will be explained in more detail on the next page. ^Top | •Home | Next >>

NLP Toolbox – by Colin Smith, a licensed Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Better Relationships – Ten Top TipsHow to Raise Self Esteem: Part OneHow to Raise Self Esteem: Part TwoHow to stop the inner criticHow To Create Supreme States Of Mind That Empower You To Make Magnificent Changes…Surefire Way To Manage Your Fears While Leading A Happier, Healthier Life7 Surprising Keys to HappinessSack Your Shrink BY Using Your Frickin Brain For a ChANge!The Ultimate Truth in PersuasionHow to Change Your Perception-Direction to Rapidly Increase Your SuccessDestination FreedomThe Half-Second RuleFast Phobia Cure: Get Results Within 10 MinutesThe Swish Pattern: Change Habits Quickly With NLPUnlock Your Creative Inspiration Better Relationships – Ten Top Tips We all want to get along better with others. The following Top Ten Tips offer you some simple advice that you can begin to apply right now. How to Raise Self Esteem: Part One Have you ever felt bad about yourself? Allow me to explain.

Representational systems (NLP) Representational systems (also known as sensory modalities and abbreviated to VAKOG or known as the 4-tuple) is a postulated model from neuro-linguistic programming regarding how the human mind supposedly processes and stores information. The central idea of this model is that experience is represented in the mind in sensorial terms, i.e. in terms of the putative five senses.[1] According to Bandler and Grinder our chosen words, phrases and sentences are indicative of our referencing of each of the representational systems.[2] So for example the words "black", "clear", "spiral" and "image" reference the visual representation system; similarly the words "tinkling", "silent", "squeal" and "blast" reference the auditory representation system.[2] Bandler and Grinder also propose that ostensibly metaphorical or figurative language indicates a reference to a representational system such that it is actually literal. The most common arrangement for eye accessing cues in a right-handed person.

Virginia Satir Virginia Satir (26 June 1916 – 10 September 1988) was an American author and psychotherapist, known especially for her approach to family therapy and her work with family reconstruction. She is widely regarded as the "Mother of Family Therapy"[1][2] Her most well-known books are Conjoint Family Therapy, 1964, Peoplemaking, 1972, and The New Peoplemaking, 1988. She is also known for creating the Virginia Satir Change Process Model, a psychological model developed through clinical studies. Early years[edit] Virginia Satir Virginia Satir was born 26 June 1916 in Neillsville, Wisconsin, the eldest of five children born to Oscar Alfred Reinnard Pagenkopf and Minnie Happe Pagenkopf. A curious child, Satir taught herself to read by age three, and by nine had read all of the books in the library of her small one-room school. In 1929, her mother insisted that the family move from their farm to Milwaukee so that Satir could attend high school. Career as a therapist[edit] Innovation Recognition

NLP Techniques « Of course we have a huge variety of NLP techniques in the family of NLP, yet, as I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, the techniques are the least important part of how NLP really works: I’ve listed most of the NLP techniques below for reference, yet a good NLP Practitioner will have much more at their disposal than finding a manual or remembering a script parrot fashion. The way we now train our delegates is to have enough awareness and subtlety to notice minute changes in the experience of the client, then be able to capture those experiences the moment they happen, gracefully and with precision. This deliberate precision enable the practitioner to traverse the depths of a person’s unconscious mind and be able to be a tour guide to the deeper processes that are holding old patterns, habits and memories together. The purpose of the NLP techniques that we teach are to give a practitioner a back-drop to how to play with the inner world. The Swish Pattern Well Defined Outcomes Pacing & Matching

Trauma Process Handouts - Transformations NLP by Dr Richard Bolstad and Margot Hamblett. NLP Process Like all models of how people learn and change, Neuro Linguistic Programming is based on certain beliefs or assumptions. The Map Is Not The TerritoryThis means that the map or model of the world inside a person's mind is not the same as the real world. The Keys To Success People who are highly successful, in any area of life, follow four basic principles of success: Set A Clear Outcome (Goal)Ask yourself: How will I know I've achieved this goal? 3. It's important to check the results of your action carefully, to discover what results you get. 4. Based on the results you found in step 3., it's important to be able to change what you are doing, so that you can reach your goal. Using Positive Language 1. The unconscious mind can only understand positives. 2. Presuppositions are ideas you assume to be true, in order to understand a sentence. Preparing For The Trauma Process 1. 2. 3. What symptoms of trauma does the person experience? 4. 5.

NLP – PARTS INTEGRATION The super mega happy lucky jackpot version « TroyBakes NLP Therapy (NLPt) Specialist This is a complete script for how to the NLP parts integration /Visual Squash. This can be one of the most powerful Neuro Linguistic Programming patterns available. This script i wrote a number of years ago now, but it’s still pretty complete for the beginner to intermediate NLP’er. PARTS INTEGRATIONThe super mega happy lucky jackpot version Elicit part It is important to get the precise part, in the clients’ own words. Always try for personification. ”and if that image was someone you know, WHO would that look like now?” “..and if that person had a weight..what would that feel like?” Elicit OPPOSITE part “..and now I’d like the exact opposite part, the flipside of the coin, the completely opposite number, the part which that part is MOST in conflict with to come sit out on the other hand” (VAK part – as above) 3a) Elicit other parts (this has a powerful effect but I hardly ever use it, just doing the opposite part is usually enough to re-create wholness) 11. 12.

NLP Trauma Process | Treatment of Trauma | Trauma Treatment | Trauma Resolution NLP Techniques - Embedded Commands What are the most effective NLP techniques and patterns? In Michael’s years of delivering top quality NLP training, he has discovered many techniques and exercises from a wide range of NLP and non NLP sources. Here he shares them with you. The following books by NLP co-creator, Richard Bandler, are excellent for the latest approaches to NLP (all links open in a new window). Beating Stress Exercises We all need a certain amount of stress to keep us healthy. Belief Change This is Richard’s classic approach to Belief Change, in this case to become an excellent learner. Changing Feelings by Dissociation Changing Feelings by Dissociation is a technique to reduce or eliminate unpleasant feelings by dissociation and submodality change. Characteristics of Play Play is an aspect of NLP Training and many NLP Techniques. Collapsing Anchors Collapsing Anchors is an effective technique to lessen or remove the impact of an unwanted anchor. Embedded Commands Empowering Questions Fast Phobia Cure Feed forward Swish
