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Articles A / An / The

Articles A / An / The

Vocabulary, Vocabulary Games - www.localhost/vocabulary English Grammar Welcome to our English grammar page! Here you can find links to our most popular grammar pages, and links to essential grammar (and grammar exercises) by level. Basic English Grammar Start here if you're a beginner, or if you need to refresh your knowledge of English. Learn how to use the verb “to be” and make sure you can use it in positive, negative and question forms. Now move on to nouns. Now you're ready to improve your speaking and communiction! Elementary English Grammar This section completes the essential English grammar you need to speak in most, everyday situations. Start with Giving instructions to learn how to use the imperative form in English. At this stage, you'll also increase your knowledge of modal auxiliaries and new tenses. Go to Present Continuous to learn when to use the Present Continuous tense, and how to form the positive, negative and question forms. Pre-intermediate English Grammar Now check that you have a good understanding of the major tenses in English.

How to Use Articles (a/an/the) It's Here: A new look for the Purdue OWL! The new version of the Purdue OWL is available at Worry not! Our navigation menu and content will remain largely the same. In 6 days, we will be discontinuing and you will be automatically redirected to the new site. Summary: This handout discusses the differences between indefinite articles (a/an) and definite articles (the). Contributors:Paul Lynch, Allen Brizee, Elizabeth AngeliLast Edited: 2018-02-14 03:18:17 What is an article? English has two articles: the and a/an. the = definite article a/an = indefinite article For example, if I say, "Let's read the book," I mean a specific book. Here's another way to explain it: The is used to refer to a specific or particular member of a group. "A/an" is used to refer to a non-specific or non-particular member of the group. Let's look at each kind of article a little more closely. Indefinite Articles: a and an "My daughter really wants a dog for Christmas."

Předpřítomný čas (present perfect) Předpřítomný čas patří mezi nejméně oblíbené oblasti gramatiky v angličtině, a to především proto, že v češtině obdobu tohoto času nemáme. Předpřítomný čas můžeme překládat někdy pomocí přítomného času, někdy pomocí minulého. Vysvětlení tohoto času jste již určitě slyšeli spoustu, někteří jste se museli nazpaměť učit dosti vágní poučky a pravidla. Pokud nevíte, jak se tento čas tvoří, přečtěte si článek zde. Hlavní rozdíl mezi minulým a předpřítomným časem Hlavním rozdílem je to, že minulý čas mluví o minulosti, tedy o tom co se už kdysi stalo, zatímco předpřítomný čas vždy mluví spíše o přítomnosti. Použití předpřítomného času: Předpřítomný čas nejčastěji používáme ve třech případech. 1) Zkušenosti, “již dosažené skóre” První z nich je, když mluvíme o svých zkušenostech, dosažených výsledcích, o tom, co jsme JIŽ udělali nebo JEŠTĚ neudělali. 2) Změny, “dnes je něco jinak” Více o tomto použití předpřítomného času se dočtete zde. 3) Nedávné děje, v poslední době se stalo St. Can, Could and Be Able To Exercise We ______________ go to the party. We're going to a wedding. will can't won't be able to couldn't want be able toHe __________ pass the exam if he studied harder. would be able to will be able to canI __________ remember his name. fish 'm not able to can'tThey ____________ go. The weather was too bad. couldn't weren't able to can'tSorry, Teacher. I ____________ do it yet. wasn't able to haven't been able to couldn'tShe _____________ come on holiday next month if her parents give her permission. 'll be able to can't couldThe fishing boat sank but luckily all the crew ____________ save themselves. were able to was able to couldA.

English Grammar | LearnEnglish | British Council | definite article: the The definite article the is the most frequent word in English. We use the definite article in front of a noun when we believe the hearer/reader knows exactly what we are referring to. • because there is only one: The Pope is visiting Russia.The moon is very bright tonight.The Shah of Iran was deposed in 1979. This is why we use the definite article with a superlative adjective: He is the tallest boy in the class. • because there is only one in that place or in those surroundings: • because we have already mentioned it: A woman who fell 10 metres from High Peak was lifted to safety by a helicopter. We also use the definite article: • to say something about all the things referred to by a noun: The wolf is not really a dangerous animal (= Wolves are not really dangerous animals) The kangaroo is found only in Australia (= Kangaroos are found only in Australia) The heart pumps blood around the body. (= Hearts pump blood around bodies) • to refer to a system or service: • newspapers: • organisations:

Emma Hi, my name is Emma. Learning a different language can be hard, but it can also be a fun and rewarding experience. Although I am a native English speaker, I can relate to students because I had to learn French when I was younger. When I first started learning French, it was a real challenge, especially pronunciation. I have been teaching for 3 years now. I am TESOL-certified and have taught students from various backgrounds, ages, and levels. Teaching is one of those great professions that allow you to be forever learning. English Worksheets Make, do, have, take FCE (First Certificate) Collocations make, do, have and take There are some general rules for this, but mainly you need to remember lots of fixed expressions. Look at the information in the table for a couple of minutes and try to remember the words. Then click below to hide the information and try to answer the questions at the bottom. Make is also used with most nouns for ways of speaking/planning. But, have is used with most nouns which involve a two-way discussion. We also often use have + a + verb (where the verb and the noun are the same). Click here to show/hide this information Sorry - this exercise uses Javascript. When you are ready, hide the information above and test yourself here. You might get the same question twice (or even 3 times!) Practice make, do, have, take Go back to FCE List

Grammar Reference | LearnEnglish | British Council | Articles 1 There are lots of rules about the use of articles. Here we’ll concentrate on 3 golden rules. Most mistakes with articles are made through breaking one of these rules. 1. When we say what people’s jobs are, we use a/an She’s an architect. 2. Remember that we use the indefinite article - a/an - when we talk about something that is not definite. I saw a good film yesterday. … and we use the definite article - the – when we talk about something more certain. I’m going to take the dog for a walk. 3. Birds eat worms. BUT We went to the zoo and saw the kangaroos. There are many other rules about articles but remembering these 3 golden rules will reduce the number of mistakes you make.

Listen to English - learn English! - The podcast website for people learning English This is one of the school meals which Martha Payne photographed for her blog. She had carrot soup, pasta with meat and vegetables and more carrot, and yoghurt. Today we visit Scotland, to find out what a Scottish schoolgirl thinks of her school meals. Martha Payne is 9 years old. Martha is interested in the food at her school. Children in other schools, and in other countries, started to read Martha’s blog. And at this point, the bureaucrats who run the education system in the part of Scotland where Martha lives became aware of her blog. Martha’s headteacher told Martha the bad news, and Martha was sad and wrote a final blog post to say goodbye to her many readers. At this point, we will make a little diversion to talk about football. Well, the bureaucrats who decided that Martha had to stop her blog did not want people talking about the school dinners in their schools. I like stories with a happy ending. Categories podcasts Tags 49 Comments This file has been downloaded 1445743 times
