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You and Me — and Adult AD/HD

You and Me — and Adult AD/HD

18 Channels - my ADHD colored life... Shame & Avoidence | Thrive With ADD “BREAK the CHAINS of SHAME” Is SHAME controlling your life? Do you feel unworthy and believe that each time you make a mistake, it’s one more validation of how worthless you are?Do you strive to be perfect in the hopes that perfection will make you seem as good as everyone else?Do you live in fear that others will find out how secretly disorganized, late, careless or stupid you really are?Has your pattern of avoidance dealing with situations after you’ve messed up led to lost money, jobs, opportunities and relationships? If you’ve answered “yes” to at least two of these questions, then SHAME is a dominant factor in your life. In fact, shame is such a powerful negative influence on ADDers that it often leads to more difficulties than ADD itself! The Coaches’ Approach to Shame Coaches specializing in ADD Adults are well aware that low self-esteem is a common problem. But this approach is sabotaged when an ADDer is immersed in shame. RESULTS of the SHAME SURVEY: No need to take notes!

From Clutter To Coach, One Woman’s Journey A complete guide to ADD, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in adulthood and the documentary ADD & Loving It?! Partners in Life, Partners in ADHD Awareness You share a life together – maybe even a bed, a checking account, and human offspring, too. It might sound surprising (especially to some less-than-savvy physicians and therapists), but ADHD evaluation and treatment outcome also typically benefits from a shared "team" approach. Let's examine the reasons why. Elaine finally decided to seek professional help for her long-ago diagnosed ADHD. Then again, Elaine's problematic ADHD symptoms presented fertile ground for a bumper crop of unhealthy behaviors on both their parts. Finally, Brian realized it wasn’t a question of Elaine learning to be a "more responsible adult" or him being a "dominating male" if he stepped in to help. Once he clarified this in his mind, he could think about collaborating in finding a more qualified professional. Moreover, Larry's brother was recently diagnosed with ADHD and their two children have it as well, so Genevieve thought Larry was good candidate for an evaluation. 1. 2. Leading ADHD Experts Weigh In:

Adult ADHD and "Time Blindness": Dr. Russell Barkley's Tactics for Taming That Trickster, Time Time. That's one word that always makes the top of the list when I ask adults in our local CHADD discussion group to name their top ADHD-related challenges. Keeping track of time.Estimating the time it will take to complete a project.Planning for future time instead of getting totally wrapped up in present time. Managing time is a constant challenge for most humans, especially in our speeded-up age. The following excerpt, from Chapter 10, offers tips for taking charge of your time. Of special note: "Eight Everyday Rules for Success." Nearsighted to the Future To put it simply, you and other adults with ADHD are blind to time–or at least myopic.You're not lacking knowledge or skill. Dealing with Your ADHD: The Big Picture This description of ADHD tells us that the strategies and tools that can help you most will be those that help you do what you know: Fit the Solution to the Specific Problem Chapters 7-9 described four types of self-control you might struggle with to different degrees.

Videos About ADHD | Strategies for ADHD on ADDucation by Rob Hanly — ADDucation Filmed in 2009, the first five Adducation Academy videos have been seen hundreds of times around the world. From the Sydney to the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Europe and the Middle East, the videos have been watched by individuals affected by ADHD and the people they work with, and the feedback has been fantastic. These five videos, like all of Adducation Academy, work with the Behavioural and Environmental side of living with ADHD. By develop good habits and replacing bad behaviour with better strategies and actions, in good environments, we develop a better life with ADHD and start reaching our true potential. Episode 1: Don’t Lose Your Head “The key to organisation is for each item to have a place where you’ll grab it from every time in the future. Watch Episode 1: Don’t Lose Your Head » Episode 2: The Webs We Weave “Building a support network doesn’t have to be a matter of blood, sweat and tears. Watch Episode 2: The Webs We Weave » Episode 3: Did I Do That?
