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The place for Photoshop tutorials, inspirational sites, logo design and graphic design

All Designs,Graphics and Web Resources-Naldz Graphics Coding a Graceful Breadcrumb Navigation Menu in CSS3 Navigation menus and links are possibly the most important interface elements to a web layout. These are the only outlets for users to travel between pages and interact with all the content you’ve created. Breadcrumb offers similar functionality with the added benefit of tracking your current position. In this tutorial we’ll be creating a brilliant breadcrumb navigation menu with some CSS3 effects. Before we dive into code we’ll talk a bit about the functionality of our breadcrumb, full tutorial at a jump! Offering the Trail A breadcrumb trail is no more complex than any other menu. In this example we will be recreating a similar style as the Google support menu. The first is built using custom background images and proper CSS alignments. If you’re nervous about supporting both styles you can choose between them for your own site. Enough words, let’s jump into the project! Bare-Bones HTML I’m starting my document with the standard HTML5 page template. <! <! <! Menu Without Images <! Conclusion

InstantShift | Web Designers and Developers Daily Resource. PelFusion Design Magazine Creating “Loading” Animations Using Only CSS3 If you have spent any significant time on the web, you will almost certainly have seen small animations that indicate a page, image or other web element is loading or being processed. You can easily come across these in many situations such as PayPal transactions, Facebook navigations, logins, form submissions and many more web contexts. These animations not only look good but also give a feeling of complex processing at the backend. Most of the time, the images used are GIF files that run continuously until another event occurs. Examples of Loading GIFs The best alternative to such heavy graphics images is using CSS3 methodologies to replace them. One of the main advantages of using CSS techniques over GIF images is that they don’t take so much time to load. NOTE: If you are unfamiliar with the transform properties of CSS3 then I strongly recommend you to read “Advanced CSS3 2D and 3D Transform Techniques” in which I cover the subject. Structure Using HTML The Basic CSS Question 1 of 5

Inspirationfeed - be inspired! Inspired Ideas to Art & Design  |  Origin Ideas CSS3 : 9 morceaux de code prêts à l'emploi Comme bien souvent dans notre métier, ce que nous souhaitons faire a déjà été fait, Je vous propose ici, une petite sélection de "snippets" CSS3, ce sont des portions de codes réutilisables à utiliser dans vos projets. Il peut arriver qu'on recherche à réaliser quelque chose en CSS3 bien que ce langage soit encore assez "jeune", j'entends par là, très peu utilisé / utilisable dans des projets de grande envergure (compatible IE). Comme bien souvent dans notre métier, ce que nous souhaitons faire a déjà été fait, alors pourquoi réinventer la roue ? Je vous propose ici, une petite sélection de "snippets". N'oubliez pas que certaines propriétés CSS3 utilisés dans ces snippets, ne sont pas comprises par tous les navigateurs et que certaines nécessitent l'utilisation de préfixes. Effet feuilles superposées n°1 Démo | Source Effet feuilles superposées n°2 Démo Effet feuilles superposées et désordonnées Démo | Source Texte 3D en CSS3 Démo | Source Texte flou en CSS3 Démo | Source Démo Tooltip animé en CSS3

Cromoart Desktop Calendar – January 2014 2014 begins and we are starting the fourth round of our desktop calendar series. We are looking forward to a successful New Year and wish you all the best. If you want this wallpaper at your desktop feel free to download in different resolutions or tell us if you need something else. [...] Dezember 31, 2013Toni PolkowskiDesign, Photography, Wallpaper Desktop Calendar – December 2013 It's the time of winter and christmas is coming. November 30, 2013Toni PolkowskiDesign, Photography, Wallpaper Desktop Calendar – November 2013 This days it's going to be cold outside and sometimes there is ice, fog and dark clouds. Oktober 31, 2013Toni PolkowskiDesign, Photography, Wallpaper Film Inspiration No. 115 Film Inspiration“ is a serial of short films, trailers, motion graphics and music clips by different artists from across the world introduced here at Cromoart. Oktober 14, 2013Toni PolkowskiFilm Desktop Calendar – October 2013 Desktop Calendar – June 2013

Psdtuts+ | Adobe Photoshop Tutorials from Beginner to Advanced JavaScript Kit- Your comprehensive JavaScript, DHTML, CSS, and Ajax stop Design Spartan : Graphisme, Webdesign, Digital painting, Illustration… Alsacréations : Actualités et tutoriels HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, standards du web
