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Gratis opslag en e-mail van Google

Energy Information Service Package for Business Home - CEEM - Central Environmental and Energy Management makeSense Energy: Buildings On 28 June 2013, the Commission published a report on progress by member States towards Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB), which are to become the norm for all new buildings in the EU by the end of 2020, and two years earlier for public buildings. This report is largely based on the information contained in the national plans for NZEBs submitted by eight Member States (BE, DK, CY, FI, LT, NL, SE and UK) as of the end of November 2012. In addition, information was drawn from the second National Energy Efficiency Action Plans. The conclusion of the report is that too little progress has been made by the Member States in their preparations towards NZEBs by 2020. Member States have to significantly step up their efforts to implement the requirements regarding NZEBs in the EPBD to ensure that the EU's longer-term climate objectives are not jeopardised and the building sector can take full advantage of the opportunities NZEBs present. Conference material [3 MB] Expert Meetings (2011) [2 MB]

Concerted Action | Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
