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100 Free Online Ivy League Courses You Should Take Just for Fun

100 Free Online Ivy League Courses You Should Take Just for Fun
By Alisa Miller Even those without top notch grades can now go to Ivy League schools. With the the availability of open courseware classes coming out of some of the finest schools in America, the range of subjects is astounding. Health and Nutrition From an aging population to autism to creating chemistry in the kitchen, these < ahref=" courses provide interesting perspectives on health and nutrition issues. Health Across the Lifespan: Frameworks, Contexts, and Measurements. Fine Arts From the art of color to theater to music, these courses will expand your knowledge while learning something fun. Composing Your Life: Exploration of Self Through Visual Arts and Writing. Child Development and Psychology Whether you are a parent, someone who works with children, or just interested in psychology and child development, these courses are sure to provide you with something you didn’t know. Child Development. Foreign Language Spanish 1 and Spanish 2. Foreign Culture

100 Incredible Lectures from the World’s Top Scientists | Best C Posted on Thursday June 18, 2009 by Staff Writers By Sarah Russel Unless you’re enrolled at one of the best online colleges or are an elite member of the science and engineering inner circle, you’re probably left out of most of the exciting research explored by the world’s greatest scientists. If you’re looking for even more amazing lectures, check out our updated list for 2012 with more talks from great minds. General Let the world’s top scientists explain exactly how they do their job when you listen to these lectures. Science and Engineering From materials science to the study of thermodynamics, learn more about the science of engineering here. WTC Lecture – collapse of WTC Buildings: Steven E. Biology and Medicine From drug research to evolution to writing the genetic code, watch these lectures for the latest developments in biology and medical research. Chemistry These chemistry scientists discuss the atomic theory of matter and other mind-boggling principles in the following lectures.

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